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GP Trickle Plus Mod


Jan 16, 2006
GP Trickle Plus Mod
By: TheLopez

Last Updated: 05/02/06

Version: v0.2.3
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.2.3

Version: v0.1
Patch Compatibility: v1.52
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.1


The GP Trickle Plus Mod combines the original GP Trickle Mod plus the
following mods:
[TAB]- Specialist Stacker Mod
[TAB]- Great General Amped Mod
[TAB]- Great Doctor Mod
[TAB]- Great Statesman Mod
[TAB]- Dr Elmer Jiggle's Python Utility Library
[TAB]- Stone-D's SD-Toolkit

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\GP Trickle Plus Mod
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.

-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :

- Randomly pickes one of the two leader traits randomly and uses it to
influence the type of great person that will be generated in their capital

- Several configurable options:
- Mappings for Leader traits to great persons
- Number of extra great person points
- Extra great person points in the leader capitals or throughout their empire
- Ability to require that great person points in their corresponding catagory
before giving the extra great person points.

- Great Generals that join cities give +2 to production, +2 to gold

- Citizens specialized as soldiers give +1 to production, +1 to gold and
+3 to great person points

- Great generals now inspire troops, they will get Morale I when a Great
General is two spaces away, Morale II when a Great General is one space
away and Morale III to units in the same plot as the Great General.

- If configured, Great Generals that have joined a city (settled) will continue
to inspire troops.

- Great Doctors are automatically given the following promotions:
[TAB]- Medic I
[TAB]- Medic II
[TAB]- Medic III
[TAB]- Heal I
[TAB]- Heal II
[TAB]- Heal III
[TAB]- March

- Great Doctors that join cities give +2 to production, +3 to research
and +2 to culture

- Citizens specialized as doctors give +1 to production, +1 to research
and +1 to culture

- Units in the same plot as a great doctors have a very small
chance that they may be taught one of their skills. Players are
notified when a unit is taught a new skill by a great doctor.

- Great Doctors that join cities provide cities with at least double
extra production, research and culture points than regular doctors

- Great Doctors can build the military hospital building in cities to increase
city health, happiness and healing rate.

- Citizens specialized as doctors provide cities with extra production,
research and culture points

- Great Doctors can build the field hospital plot improvement, this new
plot improvements provide medical support to damaged units.

- Great Statesmen that join cities provide an extra 4 production

- Citizens specialized as statesmen exchange money for production at a
2 for 1 rate and give +3 to great person points

- Great Statesmen can:
- Immediately end a war between that great statesmans civilization and
civilization that they are at war with

- Improve the relations between their civilization and another civilization

- Cause insurrections in player's cities with the chance that the targetted
city will revolt and join

- If the bureaucracy legal civic option is selected by a player they will get
a number of free statesmen in their capital city.

Spoiler :

- Combat Medic:
[TAB]- Can only be built in cities with a military hospital
[TAB]- Cost: 40 hammers
[TAB]- Combat: 5
[TAB]- Can only defend
[TAB]- Starts with Medic I, Medic II and March
[TAB]- Can withdraw from combat (20% Chance)

Spoiler :

- Palaces, walls, bunkers, bomb shelters and United Nations no longer allow
citizens to be specialized as soldiers (In Snaitf's Great General Mod you are
able to)

- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Heroic Epic (1)
[TAB]- National Epic (1)
[TAB]- West Point (1)
[TAB]- Mt. Rushmore (1)
[TAB]- Scotland Yard (1)
[TAB]- Pentagon (2)

- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- West Point(3)
[TAB]- Castle (1)
[TAB]- Dry Dock (1)
[TAB]- Jail (1)
[TAB]- Pentagon (1)

- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Red Cross (1)
[TAB]- Military Hospital (1)

- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Red Cross (3)
[TAB]- Hospital (2)
[TAB]- University (2)

- The following buildings now provide free doctor:
[TAB]- Red Cross (2)

- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Kremlin (2)
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
[TAB]- Taj Mahal(2)
- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Courthouse (1)
[TAB]- Castle (2)
- The following buildings now provide free statesmen:
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
- Military Hospital:
[TAB]- Heals units 15% extra each turn
[TAB]- Required to train combat medics
[TAB]- Can only be built by great doctors

- Field Hospital:
[TAB]- By default increases unit healing by 15%
[TAB]- Can only be built by Great Doctors[TAB]

Spoiler :

- Heal I:
[TAB]- +7% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +5% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +10% defense
[TAB]- Requires the March and Medic II promotions instead of the Combat III promotion

- Heal II:
[TAB]- +7% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +5% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +5% defense
[TAB]- Requires Medic III and Heal I promotions

- Heal III:
[TAB]- +8% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +7% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +5% defense
[TAB]- Requires Heal II promotion
- Morale I:
[TAB]- +1 First strike chance
[TAB]- +5% to strength

- Morale II:
[TAB]- +1 first strike
[TAB]- +1 First strike chance
[TAB]- +5% to strength

- Morale III:
[TAB]- Immune to first strikes
[TAB]- +1 first strike
[TAB]- +10% to strength


-----Notes to Modmakers-----

If you want to use the Great Specialists Mod in your mod I have tried to
make things as easy as possible for you. In the XML files modified sections
are enclosed by:
<!-- -->
<!-- Great <Specialists> Start -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Great <Specialists> End -->
<!-- -->
Where the <Specialists> is the great specialist: Great General Amped, Great
Doctor or Great Statesman.

In the Python files I have added #<GS START> and #<GS END> in all of the
places that I have made changes to the original files. I have also included
the Specialist Stacker Mod version of CvMainInterface.py file.

All I ask is that you give me credit.

-----Version Information-----


- Updated CvMainInterface.py to actually read in the INI variables for the
great statesman. This part of the code was forgotten somehow when the update
happened in the v0.9 version.

- Fixed the missing TXT_KEY_SPECIALIST_GREAT_GENERAL tag reported by Jeckle.

- Updated all python code and XML to be compatible with the v1.61 patch.

Spoiler :


- Setup GP Trickle Plus Mod infrastructure by branching off the Great
Specialist Mod v0.3

- Integrated the GP Trickle Mod v0.3

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

- Exavier
[TAB]Composite Mod - readme.txt format

- C.Roland
[TAB]For providing the wonderful field hospital terrain improvement models
[TAB]and skins

- Snaitf
[TAB]Snaitf's Great General Mod - For redeveloping the CvMainInterface.py
[TAB]class and making it really easy to add new great persons.

- Zuul
[TAB]Promotions & Perks Mod - v0.72 - All of the medic related promotions
[TAB]and traits that the good doctors can use now and his Fort I promotion
[TAB]button graphic.

- seZereth
Provided the great new skin for the modern doctor and statesman. :)

- Vadus
[TAB]For his excellent popup tutorial.

- Dr Elmer Jiggle
[TAB]For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to
[TAB]customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!

- Chalid
[TAB]Good suggestions for balancing the mod.

- OzzyKP
[TAB]For providing suggestions to balance out the Great Specialist mod.
Updated to be compatible with the v1.61 patch.
Hmm, now I have to decide if I want to use this or just the Great Specialist Mod.. decisions, decisions.. ;)
That's why I made this version of the GP Trickle Mod. I didn't want to force people to use this feature if all they want is the specialists.
I've got both downloaded now and am going to try out the GP trickle first as I like the sound of the concept, but have the trickless version in storage just incase :>
I got this mod all sliced into my mod and love it, totally. But I did notice one thing I thought I would mention. It seems that the TXT_KEY_SPECIALIST_GREAT_GENERAL is missing. Not a big deal and I already fixed it in mine, just thought I would let ya know.

And one question, any reason you put your TXT_KEYs into the different files instead of one new file?

Thanx for the mod, it was just want I was looking for. :)
Thanks for letting me know, I'll fix that up and upload the new version.

If the combat medic can only defend, isn't the chance to withdraw from combat useless? I thought it was only effective when attacking?

I loaded your mod here, great mod, really want to use it. But then I added to the mix another mod and now my new specialists don't work and my city screen looks like this:


How can I fix that? As you can see, they are not stacked correctly.

That is kinda vague, you may want to tell what other mod you tryed to work in. But the most common problem when merging mods is you didn't merge them 100% right. I would go over both mods file for file and make sure all code blocks are copied and to the right places. :)
Thanks. I do not recall the mod that hosed it, and I have been over the files, and redone it 2 or 3 times. I will keep trying. Thanks for the feedback.
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