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GPIT - 1695 AD - Tuesday, August 28, 2007 at 1500 GMT (10 am eastern US time)


Low level intermediary
Mar 6, 2001
Rochester, NY
I (donsig) will play on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 at 1500 GMT (Which I hope is 10 am eastern US time.)

We have no provision for back-up players at this time so there are no authorized back-up DPs for this session.

We are currently on 1695 AD.

It will be an offline session, expected number of turns is no more than 10.

Starting save.

Link to last session.

Please post game play instructions here. My preferences:

  • NESW directional notation instead of 123 number pad directional notation.
  • Build queues first in Aimag instructions.
  • Screenies for city tile allocations.
  • Instructions organized by turn number if possible.
  • Worker actions placed together in one section rather than mixed with each city.

These are my preferences and of course are not requirements.
I want to request that this TC be delayed on the grounds that the research poll will only end on the 29th, after this TC starts.

This, of course, in the interests of avoiding the previous "problems" that sprouted from giving instructions from polls that haven't ended yet.

I'm also sure that because the poll did not fit the "classical" standards that Mike would want to repoll, seeing as he started a coup that was apparently based upon the way I polled.

I think the Chieftan should step in here and make a decision on the Research path. The issue has been beaten to death, the poll is clearly one-sided and I feel we should move on instead of delaying over something trivial.
I think the attempted delay could be related to a phenomenon that is called "grief-players". These "grief-players" do seek to cause agony in various shooters and RPG's that rather want the game to fail rather than to help out.

The previous poll, a majority was overruled by ignoring the clear majority that wanted engineering, which caused a repoll that generated a result of some 70 % supporting engineering, a clear support to Engineering.

The poll this time, showed 95 % supporting the Rifle Path. I think the vast majority here should prevail on the matter, not the principle.
Citizen Dutchfire:

By constituency(did I get that Constitution term correctly?):
If we get a Great Engineer, then move him to the city where we'll build the Statue of Liberty (Riversight?), and use him to hurry production there.

If we get a Great Prophet, then move him to Equus Aurum and settle him there.

If we get a Great Scientist, move him to Xanadu and build an academy there.
I think the attempted delay could be related to a phenomenon that is called "grief-players". These "grief-players" do seek to cause agony in various shooters and RPG's that rather want the game to fail rather than to help out.
Yeah, thanks for the compliment, you, of course, would never do anything that hurts the game.

Last time I took the results of a poll that had not closed all hell rained down, and in order to avoid that, I think the TC should not start until everything regarding it has been decided.
Provolution & Tanktunker: No need to get personal, on either side. :)

Let's give Donsig a chance to decide if he's going to delay the session voluntarily on the principle of the open poll. If not, you can request the judiciary to look into the matter.

There was a difference between the other poll and this one, and that was the closeness of the other poll. This one would need something like 10 citizens to show up and all vote for the same tech path, different than the one in the lead, in order to overturn the incomplete result.
1) Build queues:
Xanadu- confucian temple - grocer - university;
Munich- pike - pike - pike - mace - mace - mace;
Cologne- barracks - longbow - longbow - longbow;
Berlin- observatory - worker - worker - worker - university;
Frankfurt- granary - library - lighthouse - market;
Tartar- forge.

2) Workforce:
Xanadu- as it is; next pop (turn 3) EE; next pop (turn 12) SSE;
Munich- change ENE to NE; next pop (turn 5) EE;
Cologne- as it is; next pop (turn 6) NNE;
Berlin- scientist to SSW; next pop (turn 4) E;
Frankfurt- as it is; next pop (turn 4) SSW;
Tartar- as it is.

3) I ask you to guide the workers, just in Cologne stop the NNW cottage
and begin farm there and bulldoze the cottage ENE and farm it.

Good luck!
Citizen Dutchfire:

By constituency(did I get that Constitution term correctly?):
If we get a Great Engineer, then move him to the city where we'll build the Statue of Liberty (Riversight?), and use him to hurry production there.

If we get a Great Prophet, then move him to Equus Aurum and settle him there.

If we get a Great Scientist, move him to Xanadu and build an academy there.
We have a poll for Liberty in NotA
I want to request that this TC be delayed on the grounds that the research poll will only end on the 29th, after this TC starts.

This, of course, in the interests of avoiding the previous "problems" that sprouted from giving instructions from polls that haven't ended yet.

I assume you are talking about this poll. The vote is currently 14-1 for the first two options and no votes for the other options. Since I happen to be the sole dissenting vote I am quite comfortable with moving on even those this poll is not yet closed. I do not plan to protest the poll. Since it isn't closed it can not be used as the basis of a group decision but it sure looks like a clear case of constituency for the path that has 14 options. I think it's in the best interest of the game to move on and bear the poll results in mind.

I would like to remind everyone of the difficulty I had with instrucitons last time I was DP. It would be best if we reserved this thread for instructions and put all other discussion into the DP pool thread.

So, to be clear, as DP I see no reason to delay the game play session and will not do so unless the judiciary calls for an adjournment. Citizens who think an adjournment is in order can petition the judiciary.

Build Queue: Units requested by Warlord


Build Queue: Observatory -> University


Build Queue: Observatory -> University -> Confucian Monastery


Build Queue: Buddhist Temple -> Confucian Monastery -> Buddhist Monastery


Build Queue: Colosseum -> Barracks
I post this as a citizen, but is also the incoming Warlord next term.

Please begin to form the following battlegroups, as we prepare a war in 11-12 turns. These battlegroups should be placed in such a manner, as when the war starts, the distance is the shortest.

1. Target Dortmund (8 Knights)
2. Target Antium (12 Macemen, 5 catapults, 2 pikemen, 2 chariots)
3. Target Hamburg (12 Macemen, 5 catapults, 2 pikemen, 2 chariots)
4. Target Arpinium (7 Axes, 4 catapults, 2 pikemen 5 keshiks)

New Longbowmen are to replace city garrisons that are not Warriors, Archers, Spearmen or Longbowmen, and liberate these for frontline duties. We will also thin out garrisons behind the Roman frontlines, so we only got 1 unit per city, with the Longbowmen in coastal cities and the warriors and archers away from the border inland. The spearmen should still be on the Roman Border.
Playing now. I've got instructions for dutchfire and Provolution who have posted as citizens. Since they do not back their instructions up with a poll (the only instance in which citizens can post instructions) I must consider these instructions to be non-binding. HUSch's post refers to a poll and so I must consider that a valid instruction to build the Statue of Liberty according to the poll.

Aside from HUSch's instruction there are only instructions for the SW and NE Aimags.
There is an upcoming war poll against Rome, and a discussion thread with some intellectual consensus in the citizens thread, so you are right. I just beg for the understanding we got no war office, and we need to get this job done, please :)
Gameplay session, Tuesday, August 28, 2007, 1530 GMT.

Turn 0, 1695:

I open the save and get this message:

The save file you have selected is protected to ensure that the assets in your mod folder have not been changed.

Well, I'm on vacation and don't have access to all my discs so I cannot reinstall vanilla at this time. :mad: Maybe it's for the best given the lack of instructions. Sorry folks, but I have to cancel this session.
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