Session Start: Fri Sep 07 17:40:02 2007
Session Ident: #turnchat
* Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Sep 07 17:40:03 2007
Session Start: Sun Sep 09 13:09:35 2007
Session Ident: #turnchat
* Now talking in #turnchat
* Topic is 'Turnchat Sunday 29th of Juli 18.00 GMT 2.00 EDT'
* Set by dutchfire on Sun Jul 29 19:09:37
* Chieftess sets mode: +v dutchfire
<dutchfire> game loaded
<dutchfire> Queue Chemistry-Steam Power-Steel-Railroad
* Provo has joined #turnchat
* Chieftess sets mode: +v Provo
<Provo> hey there
<Provo> another try
<Provo> those forum games are so addictive
<dutchfire> hey
<dutchfire> lol, they are
<dutchfire> I'm doing governors instructions now, not going to quote all of them
<dutchfire> Rheims->rifleman
<dutchfire> (only where I have to decide something)
<Provo> ok
<Provo> I need to see the outcome of this Roman War
<dutchfire> Lyons->rifleman
<Provo> it seems the game went quite calm and nice now
<Provo> with Tanktunker gone and all
<dutchfire> Orleans queued up buddhist missionary
<dutchfire> sell wine for 10gpt to Huayna
<Provo> yes, Husch are quite good on these tactical choices
<dutchfire> which units need to be promoted?
<Provo> I made a guideline
<Provo> first off, see which units got 4-5-6 promotions
<Provo> you mean upgraded of course
<Provo> we got some real strong keshiks
<Provo> and we got some real strong axes and macemen
<Provo> if they are 1-2 xp away from next promotion, please wait with them, since upgrades cost all Xps
<Provo> otherwise, just upgrade them
<dutchfire> okay, well I've got a CR III maceman here, 1 xp away, should I upgrade it?
<Provo> 1 xp away?
<Provo> no
<Provo> I think it should do one more kill
<dutchfire> okay, that's fine with me
<Provo> get the promotion, then upgrade
<Provo> I am just being cheap with xp here
<Provo> since we are good civplayers, it is our obligation to be nitpicky
<Provo> but please upgrade all 4 promotion units that are not 1-2 xp short of next promotion
<Provo> these may be very useful in the war
<Provo> then we see what is left of gold
<dutchfire> okay (just had lunch)
<Provo> I played M2TW
<dutchfire> units moved, ready to press enter
<Provo> ok, you found out about upgrades?
<dutchfire> yeah, I only upgraded a couple of units so far, most of them need to wait for 1/2 xp
<dutchfire> riversight->rifleman
<dutchfire> coppertown->rifleman
<dutchfire> pisae-worker
<Provo> I planned this war to max out promotions
<Provo> few people saw that
<dutchfire> cumae->budd missionary
<dutchfire> I think we're ready to go to war
<dutchfire> 1745 AD: It's time to die, Julius
<Provo> if we have some maceman city raiders
<Provo> upgrade them anyhow before you attack
<Provo> same with axemen
<Provo> except for 1-2 xp left of course
<dutchfire> first blood: galleon kills galley
<dutchfire> kill another galley with a caravel
<dutchfire> moving units to arpinium
<dutchfire> upgraded a couple of cr2 maces
<Provo> what do they have in Arpinium ?
<Provo> how much gold left ?
<dutchfire> 638 gold left, I upgrade about 10 cr2 maces
<Provo> nice
<Provo> we got that many
<dutchfire> 2 long, 1 mace, 4 knights in Arpinium, we'll probably get counterattacked
<Provo> add 1 more pike there
<dutchfire> all unpromoted maces fresh from the barracks IIRC
<Provo> from the Antium team
<Provo> 638 gold left
<dutchfire> we're moving in on Antium too
<Provo> see what we can do with the keshiks (we got a couple of real good ones)
<Provo> I just think an extra pike for Arpi would be wise
<Provo> given their 4 knights
<dutchfire> I'll see if I can get one there
<Provo> also for the axemen , the ones with cover and formation, we can promote them too
<dutchfire> kill a knight near dortmund, take a worker
<Provo> I think we can safely promote some keshiks?
<Provo> did you do that ?
<dutchfire> 1 IIRC, a combat 3 shock keshik
<dutchfire> we have a Great Engineer BTW, what did we decide on doing with him again? I believe saving him for now, right?
<Provo> yeah
<Provo> we did not poll any there
<Provo> it was different views on the engineer
<Provo> promote the super-keshik
<Provo> I think that is wise
<Provo> and see what we can do with the axemen
<dutchfire> I've promoted that one already
<Provo> any good axemen ?
<dutchfire> we don't have that many high promoted axes, and they mostly have shock/cover
<dutchfire> ready to press enter
<Provo> wait
<Provo> I think "shock/cover" with 3 promotions may be useful in Arpi
<Provo> given the longbowmen
<Provo> but we can wait and see how the first attacks go
<dutchfire> longbowmen won't attack
<Provo> I know
<dutchfire> pressing now, let's see what theyll throw at us
<Provo> ok cool
<dutchfire> 2 suicide cats (1 near antium, 1 near dortmund) both withdrew
<dutchfire> kill 1 knight near arpinium :happy:
<dutchfire> CT rifle->cat
<dutchfire> munich-settler-rifle
<Provo> I plan for Ravenna to be the Civics change city
<Provo> but that is to be discussed and polled for next session
<dutchfire> okay
<Provo> the other cities on the list, we can take today
<dutchfire> kill a catapult near antium
<dutchfire> kill another galley
<Provo> good work
<Provo> no lost so far
<dutchfire> I don't think we can take dortmund with the current troops, mind if I move them (knights & keshiks) to hamburg to help there? They also need to escort a worker
<Provo> what is in Dortmund now ?
<Provo> last time it was mostly horse archers and catapults
<dutchfire> more units than we have there
<Provo> how much ?¨
<dutchfire> 2 longbows, 2 horse archers a knight and a cat
<Provo> did they reinforce a lot ?
<Provo> and we should send 12 knights there or so
<Provo> or was it 10 ?
<dutchfire> I dunno, but the Hamburg task force will go there next, so it should be easy then
<dutchfire> pressing enter again
<Provo> ok
<Provo> I was planning on Ravenna though
<dutchfire> chemistry is in
<dutchfire> start steam power
<Provo> change to frigates
<Provo> not galleons
<dutchfire> crap, a knight killed a worker, our first loss
<dutchfire> coppertown rifle-rifle
<dutchfire> paris starts frigate
<dutchfire> neapolis starts monastry (budd)
<dutchfire> cumae market
<Provo> if we sent 10-12 knights to Dortmund
<Provo> we would get that city
<Provo> but the Longbowmen were new
<Provo> so I can see that now
<dutchfire> buddhism spreaded in Munich
<Provo> try to send some cavalry to scout out Ravenna
<Provo> see those defenses
<dutchfire> catapult attacks Hamburg, withdraws
<dutchfire> (city already bombarded to smithereens)
<dutchfire> maceman kills crossbowman
<dutchfire> knight kills knight
<dutchfire> mace kills mace
<dutchfire> mace gets killed by longbowman
<Provo> quality mace ?
<dutchfire> (the mace kills mace was mace kills longbow
<Provo> ok
<Provo> did the loss incur a quality unit?
<Provo> or just a regular one
<dutchfire> combat 2 IIRC, so regular
<dutchfire> cat kills longbow, Hamburg is ours!
<Provo> good
<dutchfire> mace kills longbowman outside of city
<Provo> what is left of the Hamburg task force, that does not need to heal ?
<dutchfire> a lot of cats
<Provo> enough for both Dortmund and Ravenna ?
<dutchfire> move an axe into hamburg and promote
<Provo> and this is turn 3 ?
<dutchfire> yes, turn 3
<Provo> good
<Provo> we may as well take Ravenna this session
<dutchfire> dortmund first
<dutchfire> kill a caravel near arpinium
<Provo> how many cats?
<dutchfire> a lot, I'll check at the end of the turn
<dutchfire> rifle kills arpinium longbow
<dutchfire> took back the worker they stole and kill the knight that did it
* Ice2k4 has joined #turnchat
* Chieftess sets mode: +v Ice2k4
<Provo> good
<dutchfire> galleon kills galley
<Provo> hi ice
<dutchfire> Hi Ice
<Ice2k4> hey
<Provo> well, seems we get Arpi this turn
<Ice2k4> im in the middle of a thesis paper so ill be switching between the turnchat and the paper
<Ice2k4> i am using one of the quotes from civ though
<dutchfire> arpi next turn
<dutchfire> @prove 10 cats (not all healthy) in hamburg
<dutchfire> @Ice: quotes from civ in a paper is great
<dutchfire> ready to press enter again
<Provo> wait
<Provo> the Hamburg units that are healthy can go on straight ahead for Dortmund
<Provo> when the wounded Hamburg cats are healthy again, these go for Ravenna
<dutchfire> no, they'll need protection from maces/knights or they'll be dead meat
<Provo> ok
<Provo> I did not know we were that thin spread
<dutchfire> kill knight and cat on the interturn
<dutchfire> Huayna cancels a deal for spices and health for something, and now cumae's unhappy
<dutchfire> riversight rifle-rifle
<dutchfire> pisae worker-missionary
<dutchfire> cologne grenadier-rifle
<dutchfire> kill knight near hamburg
<dutchfire> kill cat, capture settler (that becomes a worker)
<Provo> try to make the safe kills with units 1-2 xp from promotion please
<Provo> if possible
<Provo> all we want now is promotions
<dutchfire> hamburg is now a safe hospital
<dutchfire> 4 cr2 rifles kill 2 knights, a longbow and a maceman in arpinium, the city is now ours
<dutchfire> (all rifles had 99%+ odds, I love them)
<Provo> good call
<dutchfire> knight dies to knight
<dutchfire> knight kills mace
<Provo> (who argued for infantry army all along- Me <<<<<)
<dutchfire> kill another knight and x-bow
<dutchfire> musket kill cat&xbow
<Provo> where are these battles?
<dutchfire> these were near cumae, a small counterattack pitifully died
<dutchfire> knight kills longbow near antium
<dutchfire> let antium stack heal (hit by cats)
<Provo> good
<Provo> see if you can create a new stack out of the Arpi occupiers and head straight for Ravenna ?
<dutchfire> I think I'll take Dortmund and antium over the next couple of turns, and call it a day
<dutchfire> pressing enter again, turn 4 (?)
<Provo> ok
<dutchfire> coppertown starts jail
<Provo> Just make sure we got a decent stack near Ravenna, so we can vote on the Civics, ending the war and so on
<dutchfire> on the interturn a knight was killed by a pike
<Provo> whose knight ?
<dutchfire> our knight
<dutchfire> kill 2 longbows and a mace in antium with rifles
<dutchfire> kill a longbowman with a knight
<dutchfire> mace kills catapult, antium is ours
<Provo> so we lost a worker and a knight, not bad
<Provo> you are also free to do some pillaging in Roman lands as we go for Dortmund
<Provo> that was also part of the package
<dutchfire> mace kills pikeman outside antium
<Provo> that is the part of Rome they will keep after Ravenna
<dutchfire> ready to press enter again
<Provo> good
<Provo> but please feel free to pillage some in the Roman lands
<Provo> beyond Ravenna
<dutchfire> rheims: conf miss
<dutchfire> lyons baracks
<dutchfire> neapolis: theater
<dutchfire> munich budd missionary
<dutchfire> frankfurt observatory
<dutchfire> rifle kills longbowman in dortmund
<dutchfire> suicide cat dies
<dutchfire> knight kills longbow
<dutchfire> knight kills knight
* Chieftess has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<dutchfire> knight kills horse archer
<dutchfire> twice
* Chieftess has joined #turnchat
* Mafioso sets mode: +oa Chieftess Chieftess
<dutchfire> mace kills cat, we capture dortmund
* Chieftess sets mode: +v Chieftess
<dutchfire> mental note: promote Khans gatebreakers with combat 2 and upgrade them
<Provo> please place the assault stack near Ravenna, so we can act on it right after next discussion and vote
<Provo> the 2 turn anarchy and Civics change as we conquer Ravenna next session
<Provo> hi CT
<dutchfire> end turnchat now
<dutchfire> going to upload save now
<Provo> ok
<Provo> please write our military losses
<Provo> so we know the kill ratio