Gran Colombia shall raise! A Concern of Europe Vicky 2 Aar


Aug 19, 2015
Hello! I'm new in this forum. I've recently discovered a mod for Victoria 2, called Concern of Europe. It extends the timeline back to 1821, so now the game starts differently. The most glaring change in South America is that Gran Colombia exists and she's in a war against Spain, not just for her independence but for Ecuador's too. Spain is in a war against Peru and Bolivia too. I'm Ecuadorian, and I've always wondered what would have happened had Gran Colombia survived. So I downloaded another mod focused in Gran Colombia. It adds tons of new deccisions and events for her, and an skilled player can make Bolivar's dream come true. I'll go with a little alternate history here, in order to explain some things that greatly differ from what was the world in the real 1821.


Spanish Empire New Vision.


Felipe III​

By 1615 the king Felipe III of Spain was in a serious problem. He had several daughters, but not even one male heir. Though his daughters married many of the most powerful man of the age (aside from himself, of course), he needed a male heir. And by that moment he couldn't have any more children. His wife was death, and there was nothing he could do. He loved her with all his hearth, and if it was for just one more moment with her he would have gladly give his Empire to anybody, even those French... Hmm... No, that will not happen! But, there's no more option...

With all the hate acumulating in his hearth, he sended a message to the king James of England, asking for one of his many male sons. Felipe would give one of his daughters' hand, all in order to have a male heir.

James would receive the card. He was very happy about. Perhaps the time to grow closer to the Spanish was there. Anyway, he wanted to do something about these French, and that was a very good oportunity. However, he couldn't see a United Kingdom of Great Britain and Spain, nor even in his worst nightmares. Neither Felipe could. So they agree something, Jame's son would become king of Spain, but he wouldn't have any relationship with Britain aside from family.

Felipe would die in 1621, and Jame's son would become king of Spain with the title Jacobo II of Spain. Influencied by his family, his father and how the British management of the Thirteen Colonies seemed to be working (some of then even believed themselves to be English gentlemen) he started a series of reforms in The Spanish colonies in America, named the "Reforma Educativa", "El Plan de Crecimiento Colonial" y la "Reforma de la Nobleza y Pureza de los Caballeros Españoles". Even though Jacobo thought that would make the natives happier, it actually made them angrier. However, it was working. The new plan was just a misguided try to assimilate and convert the colonies' population into "Caballeros Españoles", and a very racist one, not that anybody cared.

However, it worked... On some level. Tough no Colonie inhabitant was given rights or recognized as Spanish, Jacobo gave them health and education, and the population started to become more literate and to grow faster. Also, the Spanish colonies' better condition made them a good destinity to inmigrate, and thousans or even hundreds of thousans of people from all over the world started to migrate to them, especially the Virreynato de Nueva Granada, although they chose that place not because it was better, but because her Virrey was the only one open to migration for certain place. But, as I said, it made them angry, because while before they were able to keep some of their traditions, now the crown's plan was going to erase them all! Obviusly, it didn't. It could be considered that Jacobo's plan was one of the most disastrous plans of all time, because it didn't do anything in order to prevent or alent the independence, except that when the colonies did fight for their independence, their efforts were even easier, since the population was more and better educated. ((Politically, and for the sake of history aside from Gran Colombia's history, you should think that he did exactly the same deccisions Felipe IV did))


Hundreds of Teachers from Spain and England were moved to the colonies, in order to educate and teach how to read and write to the populations of South America.​

The Scramble for India.


Map of India during the war. The French tricked the still free Indian minors into becoming their allies, with the promise of independence. It was obviusly a lie.​

During the Seventeen century various European Empires tried to colonize India. This produced the Scramble for India, and event in which Netherlands, France and Great Britian went against each other, without declaring a formal war in Europe. Even though Europe was in peace, however, there was a real and terrible war at India. Millions of Indians migrated to the colonies, especially the Spanish ones that were considered to be the ones with the better condition in that age, aside from the British, However, many Indians believed that going to their colonies was foolish, after all they were going to win anyway, and they were the ones who did the most horrible acts in those wars. Also, it was the only Great Power at "peace", even though it coperated with Britain thanks to her king, Jacobo. The war would be won by Great Britain, who would take control of India.

The place most beneficied from the migration was New Granada Virreynato, since her virrey was the only one open to migration from India, in order to have a better workforce and more soldiers. Though he hated them, he considered them to be equal to the "Indians" from the Americas, that's the ones who were already living there. So, according to this, and to avoid some investigations, he wrote the enmigrants were North Andeans in the census.


Map of Nueva Granada. Her inhabitants suffered a suden and great bost. Not just the health and safety reforms make the birth rate implosive, but the migrations of Indians was especially huge in that area,​

Ironically, this wouldn't be so far from reality, and when the 1800's rolled in almost all of their descendants would be integrated into their society, both the people believing them to be North Andeans and they believing themselves to be North Andeans. The cultural mixture worked wonders on them, and the millions of Indians had millions of children with the millions of North Andeans that were gave birth, thanks to the king's health reforms. Other Virreynatos suffered similar proccess, with the Nueva España Virreynato being the only exception because the Virrey didn't wanted to have Indian in his territory.


Comparision between the Indian people and the Indios from Nueva Granada. They wasn't that different in apparence, or at least that was what the Spanish though. They would be quikly obligated into forgeting their traditions and even their language. Even with those efforts, the North Andean culture, and the South Andean, Platinean and even Brazilians cultures as well would become a mixture of Spanish, Indegenas and Indians.​

Sorry if I made any mistake, English is not my native language and I'm still learning it. In the next chapter, how the independence fight began, and the new states formation :D I'm going to add images to this later, too...
CHAPTER 1, Tha Habana Treaty

March 15, 1821.


Francisco de Paula Santander, Bolivar's best friend and right hand.​

Santander was in his bedroom, in Bogota's presidential palace. The campaing against Spain was going well. Guayaquil and Esmeraldas were ocupied by the Gran Colombian army, and everyone was optimistic... except the Generals. Bolivar... Santander's best friend was becoming a tyranne. Even though he know how terrible a monarchy was, that was the form how he was going to lead Gran Colombia. He proclaimed himself to be Gran Colombia's eternal president, wanted a conservative constitution and to free more countries, even though that wouldn't help any of them. Santander believed the exact opposite. He believed in a Federal and Liberal State, wanted to end the war and only reclaim the New Granada territories and to inmediatly call to elections. He also believed that freeing another countries, like Peru, was a terrible idea. Peru reclaimed Colombian territories, and he was sure they would go to war in order to obtain it. Their relation went downhill after he expressed those worries to Bolivar.

Deep in his thoughs was Santander, seeing the stars from the Great Palace. He also knew that the people from Venezuela wouldn't be quiet and would want to secede if the capital remained in Bogota, or if the war didn't give them heavy beneficies.

-Francisco, are you there?

Bolivar's voice called over. But Santander pretended to be sleep. Bolivar stepped into the room, anyway, and saw him, "sleepping".

-Oh, never mind. Have a good night, my friend.

After that, he went outside and asked for a tea.

Santander was still thinking. Bolivar freed them, but they didn't need him anymore. His prescense doomed Gran Colombia to fail, and that was a shame, because Santander wanted to build a great and unified country. Nobody identified themselves as Gran Colombians yet, but that was going to change. If was time to get free of the Libertador... Santander took paper and a plume, and he wrote two cards, one for a pirate in the Caribe, and fake another, which was suppoused to come from Cuba, where an army asked for help and wanted to see Bolivar in La Habana. Santander knew Bolivar, he was going to go there, even though he was "needed" in Gran Colombia.


Bolivar was woken up by Manuelita's voice. God, she was so pretty- she was the only one in Bolivar's hearth.


Manuelita Saenz, La libertadora del Libertador.​

-Santander has brought some news, dear.
-What are those? Did the Spanish surrender?
-I wish. He says an independence army from Cuba has contacted us and they want to meet us at the Habana. I don't think this is a good idea... What do you say?
-No, don't say you're going there.
-Then, it you don't like it...
-Yes, it seems you have finally obtained some...
-...I won't say I'm going to go there.

With these words, Bolivar got up and ordered a comboy to the nearbier port avaliable. He was going to Cuba. Manuelita feel dissapointed.

-My... It seems he will never change. And that's the reason I love him.


May 20, 1821

It was a foggy day in Bogota... Anna, a pretty maid entered in the presidential suit in Bogota's palace. The president was focused on some papers in his desk. She didn't know what they were about, but she had her suspects because one of her friends told her that there was going to be an American embassy in Bogota, and that the new embassador would arrive the following month in order to talk with the president about a possible American intervention for Gran Colombia's sake.

-Ehm... Mr. President? May I interrupt you? It's time for your speech.

Santander's eyes left the papers he was reading and landed in her black dress.

-All right, thanks Anna. I'll go inmediatly. Let's just hope that it doesn't rain. The weather is awful.

Anna nodded and then stepped out with a reverence to him. After adjusting his tie and his black jacket he went out. There were various generals, thousans of soldiers and even more inhabitants of different towns and cities. The national anthem started to sound, and the people hear it, some of them even They needed hope after the tragedy... and Santander would give it to them.

-Fellow Gran Colombians, a tragedy has stricken the nation. The Libertador, Simon Bolivar, our beloved leader and the person who obtained independence for us all has died, victim of pirates who we believe were corsairs of Spain. They faked a card asking for Bolivar's help in Cuba's independence, and then assaulted his ship and killed him. The notice has only recently arrived to Bogota, and now the city is sunk in sadness and despair. But I tell you, do not daspair. Bolivar wouldn't have wanted that. We need to remain strong, to continue fighting not only for us, but for the father of our great nation! We are going to revenge, aren't we?

Everyone, from soldiers to townsfolk to women and children yelled strongly, with all they lungs could offer them:


After that, the people took their own Gran Colombian flag and the wind started to wave them. Santander saw proudly how the "colores del sol, el cielo y la sangre" (sun, sky and blood colours) were in the air, and how every citizen feel the same feeling, how they were willing to fight the enemy, how they were willing to become a true nation.

-Then, we shall fight. We will fight until Bolivar's dream has been acomplished, and for that, we need to become one and fight together. This may be seen as impossible for some people, but there's a light of hope. An American embassador is going to arrive Bogota, and if his impressions are good enough then the USA will start a negociation with Spain, in order to free us and end this war! We shall continue, we shall become united and we shall be victorious! For Gran Colombia! For Bolivar!

The sun, the sky and the blood waved in the air again.

After his speech a new feeling of unity and power in the nation was born. Santander went to the table where the Generals were sitting.

-I must say, Francisco, that I never though you would be such a competent leader and an even better speaker. If everything goes acording the plan, Gran Colombia shall become one of the better countries of the word!

-Thanks, sir.

-You're welcome. Also, inmigrants are coming and filling our industry and manpower, and it seems your new policies have calmed down those Venezuelians. When will that embassador arrive?

-He'll be arriving the next week, sir.

-Excellent, once he arrives we shall...

The general stopped talking when a dark dressed Manuelita came, crying for the death of her loved one.

-Thank you very much, Francisco... sorry, I mean, Mr President... your words have inspired our soldiers and they will avenge our nation's father. And they... they inspired me too.

For a second, just a second, Santander felt some regret... but he knew it all was for the greater good.

-Thanks, Manuela. Don't worry, I'll do everything I can to assure Bolivar's dream coming to true. Our citizens will do the same.
-I'm sure of that. For Gran Colombia!
-For Gran Colombia.


It's the Concert of Europe modmod for PDM. I have also installed another modmod, who is based in the South American Unions (Gran Colombia, Peru-Bolivia and La Plata) and the two "titans" (Brazil and Mexico), basically allowing them to become superpowers. It's based in those nations dreams... Resume:
-Though various decission Gran Colombia should be able to conquer the caribe and all South America but Brazil, also having cores there!
-Peru-Bolivia can reform the Virreynato del Peru, that's all South America but Brazil.
-La Plata has the same decisions as Gran Colombia.

Once all their decission have been taken they have two more: Mexico Conquista and Brasil Conquista. You will enter a war to pupet them (to enact the decission they can't be your pupets) and once you win you can enact another decission and annex them. Should everything go fine, my empire will be from Mexico to the Patagonia...
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