GRAPHICS: Colored Population Heads


Oct 30, 2001
This mod adds a color outline to the population heads displayed in the city screen. Thought this might be useful, because it is hard to tell the different pictures apart with a glance, unlike CivII

green = happy
blue = content
yellow = unhappy
red = rebelling



I just found that the happy colorization doesn't work for captured citizens... the way that CivIII denotes a foreign pop is by doing a palette shift on the base green that every character is colored... so, if you capture units from blue civ, those units show up with a blue outline, even if they are happy, because all the green was shifted to blue. :(
so i need to find a different color besides green for happy citizens... any suggestions?

[mod removed due to problem]

Update 2:
Fixed the issue by changing the happy color to white. but... it seems i can't post the updated file to this message, so i'll put it further down in this thread... scroll down for the file.
here's an updated picture...


  • colorpop11.jpg
    30.7 KB · Views: 4,741
That's a really useful mod! :goodjob: I am going to post a news about it now.
Is it me, or is everybody happy (green) on the picture attached?
I see from left to right
green = happy
blue = content
yellow = unhappy
red = rebelling (none of this horrible color) ;)
Dumb me, now i got it. However blue and green are looking alike.
hmmm, i'm not color blind but with your popHeads.pcx file in place my content guy was blue but my happy guy was red. i had a population of 2 blue/content. i linked dye by road and one guy turned red, not green. was it the dye!! :D
did you have the older version of the popheads mod? if so, a red country's citizen will show up with a red border if he/she is happy.. Sid & Co. do a palette shift of all the green (which each citizen's clothes are by default) to whatever country color you may have captured the city from... so, i changed the happy color from green to white, so that the palette shift effect wouldn't happen...

if you have the newer version, i'm a little confused :)

could you send me a screenshot?
hi Tenaku, i had whatever version was downloadable yesterday (11/3). i didn't play the previous civs and i'm trying to figure this one out so i decided to stay away from mods until i know what i'm doing. i went back to the installed .pcx file.
Another excellant little tweak of a mod that really makes the game better.

Don't you just love finishing a game and not getting paid for it? :D :D :D
This is a fantastic mod, especially on the domestic advisor screen!

One quick thing, I think you missed the content english/french woman. She seems to have no outline. But thanks for the outstanding and practicial work!
thanks for the tip... i'll take a look.


you were right... sorry about that. the issue has been fixed and uploaded where the old one was... download 1.11 to fix the problem.
Tenaku you rock!

Sorry to mention one more small error in a piecemeal fashion, but there is also one resistor, I think it's the English, French female, who has a red line over her head.

Let me say again that this mod, along with the improved wonders picks, really makes the game easier to play!
actually, i am glad that you are pointing these things out to me. whatever helps me improve my mod. :)

my unhealthy fascination with the persian empire usually prevents me from seeing other population types :)

tenaku's popheads are back! the most artful of the pophead mods (imvho) are now redone for Civ3 Conquests. check the readme for installation advice.


: attachment replaced by link to tae's thread
Wow, I didn't think anybody but me used these anymore :)

thanks for the kudos and the update, bluebox!
hi Tenaku! actually, i thought you dissappeared from the forums! i'm glad that you appreciate my patch. :)
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