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Graphics needed - Stone resource


der Besucher
Dec 7, 2001
Atlanta, GA
I've added the "stone" resource to the British Isles mod. Currently it uses a graphic from resource.pcx that looks like three big rocks. It's very cheesy. I'd like a graphic that looks like a stone quarry. I'm imagining an oblique look at an inverted grey cube with rectangular blocks of stone lying around (so it will look like it is cut into the mountain). Another idea was a partially built wall of grey blocks. Anybody interested? I will need the graphics for the civilopedia as well.
Here is a cubic quarry with some chunks carved out, on a mountain and a hill.

Please tell me how you want it changed. I could take out the dark back wall on the upper left.

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I like them both! I think the nondescript stone blocks fit better with the game graphics. They seem a bit easier to identify as stone.

Currently stone is found only in mountains. Playtesting might move it to hills as well. This stone resource represents granite, marble, etc. High tectonic formed, dressable stone.

Thanks for the help. Can't wait for the finished product!

There's another one I need help on as well. I've also got the hardwoods resource and the in-game graphic is fine. It's the stack of rough-cut trunks from resource.pcx. I need a compatible graphic for the civilopedia. Can you help with that also?
"More like your “unfinished wall” idea, here is an icon of nondescript stone blocks, inspired by Kal-el’s resources.pcx jade icon. "

Actually, Kal-el's graphic imposes a jade buddha graphic over my original "marble" graphic from the "mass culture" modpack. Just a minor point, alot of my stuff is being recycled now and others are getting credited for it, but its nice to see the ideas still flowing.
here is what i use for the civilopedia entry for timber

Point taken, ahenobarb. I am going to check out your mod pack, I had read about it but never looked closely at its graphics. Your original “marble” graphic itself may be the best icon for Shaitan’s stone resource, without any modification.
Originally posted by Shockwave
Hows about this?

The JPEG compression has blurred it a bit, but you can get the rough idea.. IMO it's too dark if you want I can try and lighten it and see the effect...
And this is the Quarry I made in Bryce
Fantastic! How does it look on a mountain? The darker color might be necessary for the grey mountain. Oops. Check that. Regular mountain is brown, isn't it? A bit lighter would probably work with both mountain colors, for those that are using off colored mountains. Can you check it against a grey and a brown mountain?

That is beautiful work!
shockwave, put up a pcx with those two that you've already shown would ya please? (hell, throw them in with the stuff you make over the weekend when you get back on sunday).
Originally posted by Shockwave
Ok Shaitan, I'll have a play about after the weekend since I'm out of town until Sunday night, I'll post up some quarrys and a resources.pcx with them all on for you to look at
Sweet. Could you go one step farther? I'd like to use your resources in the mod instead of the ones from the game. Could you use yours as a base and include the stack of wood logs from resource.pcx in position 23 (+1 shield, strategic resource) and the quarry in position 24 (+1 commerce, strategic resource)? That's assuming you don't mind if I include yours in the mod, of course.
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