Great News for Russia: the Artic now Russian

Potential Oil reserves?
Snow reserves. Global warming is coming!
There were severe food shortages in the cities, as Stalin was selling the nation's grain supply to buy industrial equipment and weapons that were often wasted and rusting within five years.

I have read many places that cities were well fed, it was mostly the farmers that suffered, and yes Stalin did sold alot of grains for industrial equipment and weapons, but it was all part of the 5 year plan

Yes, it was mostly the farmers who were starving. In fact, the policy of "We'll happily sell the grains to Western Europe while our own people are starving" was not Stalin's invention - Tzarist Russia used such measures too, only Stalin used that policy to a larger extent.

Still, I fail to see how all that was more acceptable because "it was all part of the 5 year plan". The payment for success of Stalin's measures was, paradoxically, the failure of said measures which proved themselves ineffective in the long run.

On-topic, well, if Russia owns Arctic now, well, that's good for Russia, I think.
Great, Russia sure needs Arctic, after all Russia is getting quite crowded. Don't they have enough land already? And why should Russia get the Arctic? Just because it is in the "russian continental shelf"?
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