Great People Info Mod

Something screwed up my game, so I had to redownload everything. Your mod comes up as GREAT PEOPLE! on the top bar, and the tooltip display is the most recent other one you've had open. I presume it didn't download/install properly, but I'll still let you know if it isn't
good god friend, you are right!
i can't even get to display only turns remaining...
little help?

edit: holy hell Blake the Great is accurate. i don't even have any idea how you even STARTED to figure this mod out, Tabernac! :bowdown:

find the method: Controls.GreatPeopleString:SetText(String);

then find the string that is passed and modify it to your liking.
Hope I helped ;)

Something screwed up my game, so I had to redownload everything. Your mod comes up as GREAT PEOPLE! on the top bar, and the tooltip display is the most recent other one you've had open. I presume it didn't download/install properly, but I'll still let you know if it isn't

Hmm that's odd, it shouldn't display anything until you've started your first GP.
I made it
strGreatPeopleStr = strGreatPeopleStr .. "[ICON_GREAT_PEOPLE][COLOR:225:225:225:255] (" .. numTurns .. ")[/COLOR]";
returns default string (GREAT PEOPLE! LUXURIES! RESOURCES!) so I put
numTurns = math.floor((((threshold - v)/rateOfChange)+1));
in the variable declaration section and it returns default string. So I changed it to..
strGreatPeopleStr = ("(%i)", numTurns);
strGreatPeopleStr = "[ICON_GREAT_PEOPLE][COLOR:225:225:225:255] " .. strGreatPeopleStr .. "[/COLOR]";
with and without numTurns = math.floor....
still returns default string
I am very perplexed because as far as I can see variations of these combinations work for the other tooltips (that's how I'm learning, by dissecting and reassembling other peoples codes :lol:) but it doesn't for this one...
I couldn't help but notice this line:
END ADD (finally) :lol: no doubt man, no doubt...
i'm not getting an error, it just displays the default text string (GREAT PEOPLE!) on the top panel instead of the GP Info
Try deleting the mod and redownloading it, worked like a charm for me.

It works fine for me as long as I use blake's code, its when I try and tweak it that it goes south for me ;)
so I put
numTurns = math.floor((((threshold - v)/rateOfChange)+1));
in the variable declaration section

Do you mean variable assignment section?
Either way, try putting this:
local numTurns;
if(rateOfChange == 0) then
    numTurns = "infinity";
    numTurns = math.floor((((threshold - GPList[maxKey])/rateOfChange)+1));

strGreatPeopleStr = strGreatPeopleStr .. "[ICON_GREAT_PEOPLE][COLOR:225:225:225:255] " .. numTurns .. "[/COLOR]";
--(or w/e you wanna make it display)
in the variable assignment section and you should be golden. ;)
Hope I helped.
i think you need to divide the unhappiness by 100 to correctly display the happiness toolbar. you're display is off by that factor. i changed it in the lua with info from another top panel ui mod which it's compatible with and it's ok now. i think it was the more top panel mod
i think you need to divide the unhappiness by 100 to correctly display the happiness toolbar. you're display is off by that factor. i changed it in the lua with info from another top panel ui mod which it's compatible with and it's ok now. i think it was the more top panel mod

wrong thread?
no, the code for the happiness toolbar in the the great people info mod is off by a factor of 100. in the top panel lua. i know your mod doesn't change the happiness toolbar, but i noticed that threw off the happiness calculations when i enabled your mod. i compared yours to other top panel mods and saw that yours was off by 100
I really like this mod, but in G&K, the Great People counter replaces the Faith points counter for some reason. Otherwise though, this is great.
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