Great Southern Land... The First Fleet Arrives...


Mar 6, 2005
Great Southern Land,AU
DISCLAIMER:- This is my first attempt at a story thread. The Map is Pacific (Thanks to Viper275.). Playing the Australian Plus Civ (Thanks to John0452.). Standard, Temperate, Ancient Noble. Thanks to Wikipedia for references. It is not my intention to disrespect or offend any person with this story. All names used are based on fact and only used as a reference for this story. Remember the world needs laughter and the history of Australia may yet be rewritten...


On the 18th August 1786 the decision was made by the British Government to send convicts to establish the first European Colony in New South Wales.
Preparations were made to obtain ships, convicts, guards, provisions, settlers and explorers.
After a long series of postponements the fleet of 11 ships finally set sail from the English Channel on the 13th May 1787. The fleet was embarking on the longest voyage ever attempted by such a large group.

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The First Fleet 13th May 1787


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Captain Arthur Phillip
Our Leader and Captain of the First Fleet

The departure of the First Fleet was greeted with great fear, anticipation and trepidation by convict, settler and marine alike. They were embarking on a journey to a destination barely explored by Europeans.
The knowledge that they may have said goodbye to their families and homeland forever, and the explorer legends of aggressive natives and wild native animals, tormented the minds of each and every member of the First Fleet.

The Members Of The First Fleet.

Captain Arthur Phillip (Leader) (Settler)
Lieutenant Governor Phillip Gidley King (Settler)

Major Robert Ross (Military Leader) (Warrior :strength:+2 )
2nd Lieutenant Ralph Clark (Warrior)
Lieutenant George Johnston (Warrior)
Private William Tunks (Warrior)

Gregory Blaxland (Scout)
William Lawson (Scout)

Convict William “Billy” Davis. Term:- LIFE (Worker)
Convict Thomas Eccles. Term:- LIFE (Worker)
Convict Charles Wilson. Term:- LIFE (Worker)

The Ships Of The First Fleet.


HMS Sirius (Frigate)
HMS Supply (Galleon)


Scarborough (Galleon)
Lady Penrhyn (Galleon)
Friendship (Caravel)
Charlotte (Galley)
Prince Of Wales (Galley)
Alexander (Galley)

Golden Grove (Work Boat)
Fishburn (Work Boat)
Borrowdale (Work Boat)

All* ships belong to the crown and will be dispatched to the motherland once the voyage has been completed.

* Keeping Galleys and Work Boats. Should I keep Caraval? Should I dispand Galleons and Frigate?Note:gold: or send to a condition ie. North Pole(Motherland) Enter WB more units and return to Colony ie. The Second Fleet.

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On the 19th January 1788 the coast of the mainland was spotted.

Captain Arthur Phillip aboard the HMS Supply, the fastest ship of the fleet, had gone ahead of the fleet to attempt preparations for the fleets arrival.

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On the deck of HMS Supply.
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Major Robert Ross +2:strength: :- “Captain, I have spotted natives upon the shore, I have also noticed a large native dog lurking in the distance. Captain, you should wait till our remaining marines to arrive before disembarking.”

Captain Arthur Phillip:- “Ross, what date did you write in you log this morning?”

Major Robert Ross +2:strength: :- “I believe it was the 19th January 1788, Captain.”

Lieutenant Governor Phillip Gidley King comes to the deck from the galley, he had been scrounging for the last of the salted meat that had unfortunately spoiled and had become maggoty.

Captain Arthur Phillip:- “Gidley, what date did you write in you log this morning?”

Lieutenant Governor Phillip Gidley King:- “I don't bloody know, 19th or something, are we going ashore, I am in desperate need of fresh food Captain.”

Captain Arthur Phillip:- “That is rather strange I keep getting the oddest feeling that somehow we have found our way back to the year 4000BC. Must be that tobacco I got on our stopover in Rio. Major Ross has advised me that it is wise to wait for our full military before going ashore."
Unfortunately after 252 days and 24000km of sailing, Captain Arthur Phillip was unable to land at Port Jackson. His noble attempt to get ahead of the fleet had gone to waste.

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Major Robert Ross :strength: +2:- “The HMS Sirius is within eyesight Captain, she brings up the rear of the fleet. They should arrive in the morning Captain.”

Captain Arthur Phillip:- “Very well colleagues, the colony shall be founded in the morning. Major, keep watch we do not know if the natives have ships. For now I am retiring to my quarters for a nice pipe of that tobacco.”:smoke:

The night passed without any incidents apart from Captain Arthur Phillip waking from a nightmare swearing that he was in the year 3960BC.
The fleet assembled outside Port Jackson and the embarkment began.
Cpt. Phillip, Major Ross and Ltnt. Gov. King where the first upon the shore, followed by Explorers Blaxland and Lawson.
The marines Johnston, Clark and Tunks rushed the Convicts Davis, Eccles and Wilson ashore, cracking the whips as they refused to leave the ships in fear of the natives.

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The party was watched by the natives upon arrival on the shore. They did seem hostile however did not attack the party and remained at a safe distance.

Lieutenant Governor Phillip Gidley King:-"Captain, would you take a look at those mountains, Cook never said anything about them. We should name them quickly, a name that is fitting, to the land, and shall stand the test of time."

Captain Arthur Phillip:- "Major, you and your boys observe these convicts, I know of at least one that is planning an escape and now would be a perfect opportunity. Oh, keep an eye on those natives as well I'm not quite sure about them yet. Ltnt. Gov. King and I, have pressing business to attend to "

Major Robert Ross :strength: +2:- "Aye, Captain. Johnston!You watch the natives. Clark, you and Tunks watch the convicts especially that "Billy" Davis. I am sure he is up to something."

Convict William "Billy" Davis:-"Eh, ya bastards whys yas always got it in for me?"

Private William Tunks:-"Shut up you horsehockye or I'll feed ya to that dog looking thing over there. He sure looks like he's hungry, wanna bloody join the list. Hey, what did the native call it?"

Lieutenant Governor Phillip Gidley King:- "I think he called it a dingy. Dingo maybe it was dingo. What do you believe Captain"

Captain Arthur Phillip:- "I reakon he said dingy, but what do I know. However, I do know what I am going to call these mountains. They will be known forever as The Blue Mountains."

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Note the Dingo.

The sun set over the fleet anchored in Port Jackson. Major Ross kept watch over the Captains and the partys tents as they spent there first night on the mainland.

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The party was awoken by screams.
Major Robert Ross :strength: +2:- "At arms men, the natives are attacking. There's another dingo out here too."

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The initial native attacking party was defeated and the dingo was destroyed.

Captain Arthur Phillip:- "Good defense Ross."
January 26th 1788.

The Captain had surveyed the land, and knew that the natural land lock The Blue Mountains left him no choice but to settle at Port Jackson.

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With a click of a button the Captain conjured the partys tents into a new city he decided to call Sydney Cove

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The Captain set the orders for the day.

Captain Arthur Phillip:-"Lieutenant Johnston your duties are to accompany explorers Blaxland and Lawson. You will attempt to cross The Blue Mountains. If, and when you succeed I need you to return to the city we cannot afford let the natives attack it. Blaxland and Lawson will be OK they know they duties and the risks. Good Luck, Gentleman may you return with good news."

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As the people of Sydney Cove watched the Explorer party disappear into the thick scrub, Convict “Billy” Davis took off south trying to cross the river and escape.

Major Robert Ross :strength: +2:- “After him Tunks, I have to rest, I am wounded after the native attack this morning”

Tunks chased down Davis and tackled him into the lush grassland by the riverbank.

Captain Arthur Phillip:- " Davis! Do you really think you will survive out there? Look at Major Ross he is the strongest man here and look what they did to him. I know you where a farmer back in Britain so as punishment my friend you have the reward of being the first to till the soil of this new land. Build a farm at once. Tunks you keep an eye on him.”

Private William Tunks:- “What about them flamin' dingoes out across the river?”

Major Robert Ross :strength: +2:- “Tunks! No back chatting the Governor! 2nd Lieutenant Clark is being sent to push the dingoes into the scrub.”

Captain Arthur Phillip:- “I have decided to disband the HMS Sirius (Frigate), Scarborough, Lady Penrhyn, HMS Supply(Galleons) and Friendship(Caravel). They will set sail for the motherland this evening. As always planned the Charlotte, Alexander and the Prince Of Wales (Galleys) will be kept at the Sydney Cove, they may be needed in transport settlers in the future The Golden Grove, Fishburn and Borrowdale (Work Boats) will also be kept at Sydney Cove. We have spotted the fish in the harbour and we are observing and learning the skills of the friendly natives nearby as they take advantage of the abundance of seafood offered here.”

Lieutenant Governor Phillip Gidley King:- “Captain, can I suggest that we keep the Friendship, and send the Alexander instead. The king wont know the difference and the Friendship is a fast ship, she will be handy in exploring the shores of this vast island.”

Captain Arthur Phillip:- “That is a sterling idea “Gidley” I like the way you think. I will send the Alexander instead of the Friendship. In fact I want the crew of Friendship to immediately embark on a voyage to discover the coast beyond Van Deimen's Land.”

The remaining fleet anchored at Sydney Cove as the Friendship sails into new lands.

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The Awakabal Native warriors attacked the Explorer party, Lieutenant Johnstone, defended the party and was wounded. 2nd Lieutenant Clark destroyed the dingo that had been worrying Private Tunks.

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Lieutenant Johnstone rested his wounds at the foot of The Blue Mountains. The explorer Lawson decided to go East across the river and flood plains and was confronted by yet more native warriors and dingoes. Blaxland decided to go North through the desert with little fresh water. The dingo did not get close to 2nd Lieutenant Clark and he pressed further south west.

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Unfortunately morning brought the demise of Explorer William Lawson (R.I.P). He bravely defended the attacking Native warriors but was over run and killed. A surprise attack by a dingo was defended by Explorer Blaxland and he pressed further North into the dry desert, only to find jungle.

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Lieutenant Johnstone, after helplessly watching the killing of Explorer Lawson, had returned to Sydney Cove to heal his wounds.
The settlement had finally learnt the art of fishing and the “Fishburn” was ordered to harvest the fish from Port Jackson.
Convict William “Billy” Davis, after finishing the farm, had been ordered back into Sydney Cove to ensure he did not escape, while Private Tunks remained on watch in the field.
2nd Lieutenant Clark was fortified in the South West. He was defending the native attacks, with the advantage of a hill and dense forest.

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Captain Arthur Phillip:- “I think it is time we expanded the colony “Gidley”. I believe you should take Major Ross and Convict Thomas Eccles, head south west and establish a new city.”

Lieutenant Governor Phillip Gidley King:- “Captain, I am a little concerned about the natives. It is very well for you to suggest these things when you are safe and secure here within the settlement of Sydney Cove.”

Captain Arthur Phillip:- “Nonsense “Gidley”, if it wasn't for the fact that I am stuck here in Sydney Cove, I would be out there founding new settlements as we speak, unprotected if necessary. Now get your yellow hide moving.”

Major Robert Ross :strength:+2:-“C'mon, “Gidley” we shall pick up Private Tunks along the way.”

Lieutenant Governor Phillip Gidley King:-
“Very well then, Farewell Captain.”

The party about to journey beyond the borders of Sydney Cove.

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After difficult passage through the dense native forest Lieutenant Governor Phillip “Gidley” King and his party met up with 2nd Lieutenant Clark and founded the new settlement of Melbourne. Private Tunks was ordered by Major Ross to take watch in the field.

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The Tales Of "Friendship" and "Blaxland".

Times have passed in the settlements.
Our scientists have discovered Animal Husbandry so we are now able to pasture our sheep we have also discovered the wheel.
The convicts are building roads and the pastures for the sheep.
The city of Sydney Cove has produced “Corporal Thomas Smith“ (Warrior) and also built a barracks for our military. Sydney Cove is currently building a Lighthouse? While Melbourne is constructing its inaugural building, a barracks for the military.
The current day (2960BC) has produced great excitement throughout Sydney Cove and word will soon spread to Melbourne.
Friendship has circumnavigated the island and the Captain of the Friendship arrived onshore this morning with an astonishing surprise.
Explorer Blaxland was alive and walked from the shore of Port Jackson, with the Captain of the Friendship, Master Francis Walter to meet with the awe struck Captain Arthur Phillip.

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Captain Arthur Phillip:- “Welcome back friends! Blaxland, I am truly astonished to see you. We held grave fears that you had met the same fate as poor Lawson. And Captain, I did not expect to see the sails of the Friendship for many months to come. The settlements will celebrate your return, I am sure you have extraordinary tales of the abundance of food and wealth that the rest of the island has to offer.”

Master Francis Walter:- “I am afraid the news is as not as...”

Captain Arthur Phillip:-
“Quiet now, there is plenty of time to tell me of your voyage, lets grab a few beers to celebrate your return.”


Captain Arthur Phillip(Beer in Hand):- “Cheers Gentleman, Now tell me Blaxland, how did you survive and how in the world did you manage to meet up with the Friendship.”

Explorer Gregory Blaxland:- “Very well sir. I survived just, to use a cliché Captain “the odds rolled in my favor.” I met up with the Friendship after reaching the north coast of the island.”

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Master Francis Walter:- “Captain, I know that the return of Explorer Blaxland amazes you but I have very important news to report to you.”

Captain Arthur Phillip:- “Very well, then what it is you have to tell me that is so important. Let me guess You have discovered more native warriors?”

Master Francis Walter:- “Um.. well... Yes Captain in a way.”

Captain Arthur Phillip:- “Hurry up Master Walter! What do you mean in a way?”

Master Francis Walter:- “Well Captain we found the natives have a city built on the Far West Coast of the Island.”

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Captain Arthur Phillip:- “Um... well...”
Master Francis Walter:- “We were also attacked by the Natives in a Bark canoe Captain, however we fought them off and sunk their vessel.”
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Captain Arthur Phillip:- “Great! Do you have anymore “making my day” reports to tell.”

Master Francis Walter:- “Sorry Captain, but the natives have also built a second city on the North West Coast.”

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Captain Arthur Phillip:-“That is even better! Master Walter, you are really starting to make this beer enjoyable, not.”

Master Francis Walter:- “ I am truly sorry Captain, but the natives seem to be nomads, we did discover three tribes wandering the North Coast.”

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Captain Arthur Phillip:- “Walter! That is enough! Blaxland I hope you have better news to report.”

Explorer Gregory Blaxland:- “Well sir slightly, I did stumble upon a friendly Native village that taught me a “new” technology Sailing.”

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Captain Arthur Phillip:- “Oh that explains why we are able to build this lighthouse then. It is encouraging to hear that some of the natives are friendly.”

Explorer Gregory Blaxland:- “They are not as common as you would hope Captain. I faced and survived some ferocious battles with wild dingoes. I truly thought I had met my maker when I was attacked in the morning by a dingo and then a Native Warrior attacked me immediately after.”

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Explorer Gregory Blaxland:- “I retreated into the jungle to heal my wounds and spotted the sails of the Friendship from the beach. I am tired sir, I really need to rest.”
Woah didn't notice the bump. *hits self for accidently encouraging a bump*
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