Very difficult,there have been many important battles,but 5 of the probably most important ones are
1)Battle of Actium
If Augustus had lost (and died),Antonius could have risen to power together with Cleopatra,but they were relatively weak,I think,so the Republic could have been restored.
2)Battle of Tours and Poitiers
If Charles Martell had lost,nobody could have stopped the Muslims.Rhine is as crossable as Nile is.
3)Battle of Agincourt
Ended the era of knights and in a way the middle ages
4)Battle of Trafalgar
No English Navy-Bienvenue a London.
5)Battle of Britain
I still think,if Hitler had won the Battle and invaded Britain,he would have won the war.
Originally posted by Lucky
[*] The Crusades,
not a single battle but most important nonetheless. the Crusades and the fight Christianity-Islam would have never even started, we could see a much more peaceful world today.
The Crusades brought the warfare and slaughtering to the muslim people in Arabia. They were peaceful traders at that time but had to become fierce warriors to counter the Europeans.
Maybe islamic fundamentalists wouldn´t even exist todIf ay without the crusades.
The Muslims were anything but peaceful traders.Mohammed is not only admired because of his wisdom,but because he was a great warlord.Even before him the Arabian tribes were fierce warriors.One reason for the crusades was,tha the Muslims had conquered Jerusalem,the near east,North Africa and Spain.They had even tried to push into western Europe (see above).