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GreatPersonMod BTS


Nov 30, 2005
South Park
GreatPersonMod BTS

Was call Great Person Mod for Warlords v.1.01a For Warlords I change the name to

GreatPersonMod BTS

Patch Compatibility: Beyond the Sword v3.19

I take no credit for creating this mod. This is the work of Gaurav TheLopez
Dr. Elmer Jiggle Amra.

Snoopy, for starting this mod.
Patricius, for getting out a real working version.
RobO for helping smooth out code of CustomEventManger.
TheLopez for renamer mod.
Scottcstoness for his work on fixing pinkscreen problem.
Much thanks to Tableist and Alerum68 for helping find quotes.
Rabbit, White for various Great General images.
Amra, for updating to Warlords, adding additional GP names, new artwork.
Dr. Elmer Jiggle for CvPath and CvCustomEventManager.
Jeckel for RandomNameUtils.py update for Warlords.
jray for fixing art files

All I did was port it over to Beyond the Sword.

GreatPersonMod BTS for BTS updated by Roamty

Their is a template image in the Art\GreatPeople directory in case anyone wants to add their own Great People.

Great Person Mod for Warlords v.1.01a updated by Gaurav
Includes NoNameRenamerMod by TheLopez
Includes CvPath and CvCustomEventManager by Dr. Elmer Jiggle
Artwork updated for Warlords by Amra
Real Update for Warlords 2.08 by Gaurav:
- Great Person Popup shows up with the other popups, at the correct time, even in multiplayer.
It does not obscure the action during the other player's turns.
- Better test (ok cheat...) code.
Use ALT-SHIFT-G to create Great Engineer, CTRL-SHIFT-G to create Great General.
- CIV4UnitInfos.xml and all other Firaxis code updated to 2.08.
No patch game balance features reversed.
- "Great Great General" bug fixed.
- Updated RandomNameUtils.py to Jeckel's version for Warlords.
No python errors from civs not included in RenamerMod.
- Included DEJ's CvPath.py. Mod will work whether installed in MODS or CustomAssets.
- No need to run any batch file.
Snoopy, for starting this mod.
Patricius, for getting out a real working version.
RobO for helping smooth out code of CustomEventManger.
TheLopez for renamer mod.
Scottcstoness for his work on fixing pinkscreen problem.
Much thanks to Tableist and Alerum68 for helping find quotes.
Rabbit, White for various Great General images.
Amra, for updating to Warlords, adding additional GP names, new artwork.
Dr. Elmer Jiggle for CvPath and CvCustomEventManager.
Jeckel for RandomNameUtils.py update for Warlords.
jray for fixing art files.

What this Mod does:
Whenever a great person, such as a great artist or prophet is born in any of YOUR cities, a window will popup, showing you a picture and a quote from the great person. Also, when all unique names are used up, a civ-specific random name will be used with a generic picture. The Warlords version of this mod adds 135 new Great People with images & quotes as well as Great General images.
Install Instructions:
Unzip the contents into <Game Directory>\Warlords\MODS or <My Documents>\My Games\Warlords\MODS.
Alternatively, unzip to any directory and copy only the contents of the Assets subdirectory to your CustomAssets directory.
No need to run any batch file!
Running the Mod
1. Start Civilization IV Warlords
2. From the menu, go to advanced, then click on Load a Mod
3. Load Great Person Mod for Warlords
4. Civilization IV will restart
5. Start a game as usual
Note that everytime you want to play your game, Civilization IV will have to restart and load the mod. If you want this mod to load automatically every time you play Warlords then edit the "CivilizationIV.ini" file in your "\My Documents\My Games\Warlords" directory. Search for "Mod = 0" and change it to "Mod = Mods\Great Person Mod for Warlords".
The uncompressed file size of this Mod is roughly 100mb.

Note regarding Warlords version from Amra
The additional 135 Great People that I have included are names and images that I use in my (Amra's) Modpack. As such, a select few of the new names may not be as well known and were included because they are a favorite writer, artist, etc of mine. If you don't want someone included in your personal game, then edit the CIV4UnitInfos.xml file with notepad to remove any of the new Great People you do not want.
I have included a template image in the Art\GreatPeople directory in case anyone wants to add their own Great People.

GreatPersonMod BTS get it here: http://www.atomicgamer.com/files/83386/great-person-mod-bts-artpack
Thanks Roamty for updating this. :goodjob:

I guess I'm going to have to get up off my lazy butt one of these days and do an update to my modpack. Gotta find some time. :crazyeye:
Thanks Roamty for updating this. :goodjob:

I guess I'm going to have to get up off my lazy butt one of these days and do an update to my modpack. Gotta find some time. :crazyeye:

Thanks Amra

What I did so far for the mod made some great spy art work here are some examples
I think this is a great addition to the game, and thanks Roamty for adapting it to BtS.

I was wondering if anyone else thinks it would be a good idea to add a small bit of information about the historical figures when they are born (as well as he quote, ofcourse). It's always fun to learn a little something about someone, right?

Here's a quick fake screenie I made to illustrate:

I changed the layout, because I couldn't replicate the scroll image.

What do you guys think. Is it possible? I would be more than happy to provide the short snippets of info if someone was able to implement the feature.
I actually think that it looks better without the scroll, more fitted to the rest of the game's appearance.
Wow, that's certainly news to me! :eek: Did you combine every name with a picture and quote? If so, major kudos to you, because that couldn't have been an easy job with 3,000 names!
Hey Roamty,

Glad to see you are back and sorry to hear you were sick.

I just wanted to post a quick note to say that I am including this in my Amra Advanced modpack and will be updating all the artwork with cleaner and (I think) better templates. Hopefully no one else has started doing this as I don't want them or myself duplicating the work.

Below is a sample. The templates (one for each GP type) have alpha channels so don't pay attention to the red coloring, that is just the color of my modpack's theme and the new GP art should display appropriate colors with any other theme.

Hope everyone likes the new style and I will post all graphics when I am done. :D

Looks cool Amra! I had done a few using the old template, and a new modern template I made (sorta looks like an official government document) but I like your one better.

Have you thought of the idea that the template could be themed for each civ? Like Asian-looking for the Asian great people, and tribal looking for the Zulus. That could be a lot of work with all of your civs though. But it would certainly make it look more flavoursome. :)
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