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Greece: The dawn of Europeans


Jul 8, 2011
It is the year 1600BC...

Spoiler :

Since time immemorial Greece was always divided into kingdoms. Minoans seem to have angered the gods, the island Thyra exploded, it was the biggest volcano eruption ever made in human history . The vast tsunami crashed their merchant and military ships. Achaean kings, that of Mycenes being the most powerful, saw the opportunity to invade them and take over. However, even their timeline is about to end.

Ionians, Dorians, Aeolians came from far and wide, from Ural mountains in modern borders of European and Asian Russia. Now, we all these people live here in this place. We saw the mean of war and natural disaster, we had enough adventure during this millenium. All of us, although still uncivilised, wanted to see a long lasting peace, for an a reason unexplained to most historians. The benefits of this peace become clear. We made contact with the developed countries in Africa and Asia, and saw unparalleled trade opportunities, new techs, new ideas. We aren't united, but we still want to become part of history, we should make it not just for the greeks, but the other genarations to come, that a civilization not centered around a king can be great! Let's allow different political entities to express their selves and lead the whole greek world into the next stage in history. May the best of us prevail!

Attention! Rules are inside the following spoiler.

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Disclaimer: Inspired by the arab and the american story I would like to make a similar story about Greece. Meanwhile, this is the first time I make a story. However, I don't know if it is the right time to do so, three stories running at the same time :mischief:.

I'll play the game in Monarch level, on Marathon speed. I'll interupt the game to give you choices every time one of the following happen:
*Discovery of a new tech (and one turn exactly before the construction of the oracle).
*Finishing the construction of one World Wonder.
*Finishing the conquest of one civ.
*Be declared war by someone.
*Recieve a great person.

I'll announce the beggining of every vote round. After half day I will announce the end of the round. Only bold votes between the two posts count (and mine of course :lol:). I'll announce the result and play straightforward.

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I may abort the project if fewer than three people vote in a round (excluding my self).

If a round is tie I can vote a second time to decide the winner.

I don't guarantee I will win the game. I will try to stick to the decesion as much as possible.

I will post the first round of voting tomorrow morning, Greece's time. This post was made at about 00:35 (Greece time) 28 of March 2014, so you can calculate the time difference.

Time schedule:
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The marathon game takes about 300 turns to be completed in Marathon. However, about the last 120 turns is about discovering philosophy, so don't bother them. I calculate that the game will be interupted every about 10 turns. So this makes a total of 12 interuptions. I intend to play every twelve hours, so the game will finish in about a week (and another one week to discover philosophy :D). Note that I may not be able to play at the Thursday and Friday of next week.

I hope you will enjoy! Please, feel free to say your opinion! :)


  • Civ4ScreenShot0155.JPG
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It seems like this subforum forgets that Civ 4 S and T exists...
That isn't a good idea.
Moderator Action: Moved to Stories and Tales. In future, please simply report the post instead of discussing where it should be. One of the staff will be along to move it.
Ok, let's begin and see what happens.
Spoiler :

Many different political entities exist in our homeland. Its one seeking for glory and power. However, as already known, human nature is weak in front of gods. So people decide their sides, and every region decide his protector deity. May the best prevail. Who will lead us this time?


Spoiler :

Goddess of wisedom. Athena was born from the head of Deus, helped Perseus to kill Medusa. He got the respect of Atticans winning a contest, in which both her and Poseidon participated. After that, people of Attica named their city after her "Athens".

*Found Athens as capital.
*Research western Mediterranean for a rich colony location.
*Discover priesthood.
*Build scouts.

Ares (Mars):

Spoiler :

God of war. Mars is the most aggressive god of the Olympians, a dangerous force, insatiable in battle. He was honoured by Sparta, a community that even by ancient standards was too war-like. The army of Sparta was considered to be invincible.

*Found Sparta as capital.
*Found a colony in the Epirus to access copper.
*Discover Iron-working.
*Build barracks.
*Attack Egypt if possible.

Not an Olympian himself, son of Aeolus and not Deus, Makednos is the mythical founder of the Macedonian kingdom. Macedonia seemed to play no role in greek affairs preserving the older political system, kingdom instead of the city-state system. It was slowly strengthening letting the southerns to suffer their neverending wars. Macedonia became gradually the strongest power in Greece and finally unified the whole region under their reign with only one purpose: Push back the Persians and Egyptians once and forever.

*Found Pella as capital and Korinthos.
*Build workboats
*Discover Masonry.
*Not interested in foreign affairs.


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Voting is now open.

I repost the rule hidden in the spoilers :D:
Only bolden votes count!
Makednos. It will be interesting to see a radically different start for this civ.

How do I get that dark, grainy texture? I have Blue Marble, but it doesn't do that. Is it something you did to the image?
Makednos. Things could get interesting... This also reminds me that I need to update my Greece story.
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