Greecemod: Not a Byzwank, Promise (EU4 althist mod creation/discussion thread)

Here is what was ultimately finalized re: tech groups.
-(Western) Hellenistic: The Greek countries.
-(Eastern) Persian: Covers the Christian world, that being Arabia, Levant, Mesopotamia, and Persia, as well as a number of neighboring countries like Rome and Scythia.
-(Ottoman) Islamic: Covers the Muslim (and Celtic!) worlds, that being North Africa and Western Europe.
-(Muslim) Indian: India, SE Asia, Indonesia - basically everywhere Indian cultural influence was strongest.
-(Indian) Seric: East Asia from Nam Yuet northwards, including Korea and Japan
-(Chinese) European: The pagans of Europe east of Gaul.
-Nomads, Sub-Saharan, the New World groups etc. stay the same.

Eventually IMO we're going to have to figure out a way to switch tech groups independent of vanilla westernization, because there are about 1/4 as many western-equivalent countries as there are in vanilla, and none of them really do a ton of colonizing.

Well IIRC modding Techgroups is very doable. It just takes effort and planning.
yeah, for now though I think this is good
Posting here the idea for American Religious overhaul
I find the fact that all of South America is pretty much Animist and all of North America is totemist extremely boring and not dynamic enough. As such, I've started work on new "religions", which civo is free to rip the heart out of.
For South America, the area's a bit large. As such:
  • Vanilla's new INTI religion will be called "Andean", and be found in all the Chavin, Chimu, Moche, Cupisnique and Nazca states.
  • The Northern Coast, as well as Coba, Boriken and that Haitian country I can't remember will have Old Carib as their Religion
  • The Amazon area ( around the Amazonas wastelands) gets the Amazonian religion. Tupinamba will be this rather than Tupian because idk
  • Tupian will be most of Brazil's coastline.
  • Para will be part of Paraguay and southern Brazil.
  • Patagonian will be the Mapuche and Charruas religion and stretch down into Tierra del Fuego.
North America is a bit less clear.
What I do know is that not-Nahuatl is losing it's doom mechanic, which is being given to a new religion - Skraeling. A combination of native ideals and norse mythology, Mikmaq, Abenaki, and Mahican will have Gaqa'latl meters (from the Mikmaq word for "to terminate/to end"), and have to deal with that until admin tech 10, when they can reform the religion.
Here you will find a link to greecemod 0.10 (for EU4 1.11.x).
Unzip the contents into your my documents/paradox interactive/europa universalis iv/mods

(This mod, for the record, uses with permission assets - mainly flags - from the Aurora Universalis mod)

Of course, there is still a lot of work to be done, so keep the following in mind.
-It is highly, highly recommended to not be incredibly distracted that you go into the console (alt+2+1 on most PCs) and disable terra incognita (type "ti" into the console and hit enter)
This is because the switching of tech groups around meant that the terra incognita is almost entirely screwed up. For instance, Indonesian countries can, right now, see Britain in its entirety, yet they cannot see half the provinces next to them. This is not hard to fix, just extremely tedious, and no one has gotten around to it yet.
-A lot of the flags and names are fillers. I still haven't redone province names for some regions (such as Gaul). Most countries have No Rulers at start. Help on this end would be welcome and highly, highly appreciated.
-There are almost no new events or decisions - yet. Many are planned. Again, any contributions are more than welcome.
-Any errors, please let either Cived or me know.
One last thing. If by chance you do play a game for an extended period of time; could I ask you, if possible, to share the results/some screenshots? The more data like this we can collect, the more we'll know what countries are under- and overpowered, and so forth.
This mod is now under new management.
After talking with SK about it, we decided that I should continue working on the mod.
It's almost done, just needs a quick upgrade into CS and a few more religion swaps, and then we could theoretically release.
Oh, nice.
Here you will find a link to greecemod 0.10 (for EU4 1.11.x).
Unzip the contents into your my documents/paradox interactive/europa universalis iv/mods

(This mod, for the record, uses with permission assets - mainly flags - from the Aurora Universalis mod)

Of course, there is still a lot of work to be done, so keep the following in mind.
-It is highly, highly recommended to not be incredibly distracted that you go into the console (alt+2+1 on most PCs) and disable terra incognita (type "ti" into the console and hit enter)
This is because the switching of tech groups around meant that the terra incognita is almost entirely screwed up. For instance, Indonesian countries can, right now, see Britain in its entirety, yet they cannot see half the provinces next to them. This is not hard to fix, just extremely tedious, and no one has gotten around to it yet.
-A lot of the flags and names are fillers. I still haven't redone province names for some regions (such as Gaul). Most countries have No Rulers at start. Help on this end would be welcome and highly, highly appreciated.
-There are almost no new events or decisions - yet. Many are planned. Again, any contributions are more than welcome.
-Any errors, please let either Cived or me know.

This mod is now under new management.
After talking with SK about it, we decided that I should continue working on the mod.
It's almost done, just needs a quick upgrade into CS and a few more religion swaps, and then we could theoretically release.
Hey! I found this thread and thought this mod was really interesting with a cool premise. If it's not still under development, would y'all mind if I tried refurbishing it for 1.37?I have a Github I could use to work with that if it helps.
Spoiler Proof of Concept :
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