As Mongoloid Cow said, this is not an easy one to answer.
Basically, modern historians lump Greek colonisation into two different groups:-
* The later colonisation by individual cities, starting from about 800 BC, which was mostly done in the central & western Med (such as southern Italy, Sicily, southern Gaul, and the coast of eastern Spain).
* And the earlier 'tribal' colonisation on the western coast of Anataolia by the Aeolian, Ionian and Dorian Greeks, about 1200 to 900 BC, during the early Greek 'Dark Ages' following the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization.
In other words, the western coast of modern Turkey was colonised by various Greek tribes
before the famous city-states of mainland Greece came into existance. So although it is possible to say that Syracuse in Sicily was founded in 734 BC by colonists from Corinth, or that Tarentum in southern Italy was founded in 708 BC by colonists from Sparta, the best that you can do with the Asia Minor colonies is to say that Mytilene & Cyme were founded by the Aeolian Greeks (from Thessaly), Chios & Samos were founded by Ionian Greeks (from Boeotia), and that Miletus & the cities of Rhodes were founded by the Dorian Greeks (from the Peloponnese).
Here is a good site that tries to explain all this :-
And here is a site that deals with each of the three main Asia Minor regions (Aeolis, Ionia and Doris) :-