Mostly harmless
Greenpeace didn't say anything when Ukraine (Was in there?) reopened Chernobyl, Never protested against the poor condition of their nuclear plants before the accident (and here I am supposing it was an accident, I have read some conspiration theories about it being intentional) They didn't say anything when the Chinese government tested nuclear weapons. Nothing I heard about the Aral sea from them. Seems that they focus only on the western world, like they were the only ones who pollute.
That is why I call them Watermelonpeace.
you know, watermelons are green in the outside and red in the inside
Besides, If they have a better idea, then why don't they implement by themselves? It is so easy to critisize, much easier than to get things done.
That is why I call them Watermelonpeace.
Spoiler :
you know, watermelons are green in the outside and red in the inside
Besides, If they have a better idea, then why don't they implement by themselves? It is so easy to critisize, much easier than to get things done.