GreySG - Earl Grey - English Succession Game

Grey Fox

Master of Points
Dec 19, 2001
Earl Grey - English Succession Game

Played with a little Variant, the auto-save bug!


Grey Fox ---- Played Third Round
Silverblade ---- is out of the game...
Kev ---- Up next!
Thiazi ---- Played Third Round
gonzo_for_ziv ---- Played First Round
(You will get some extra turns Gonzo :))

(This game is currently full...)

Map Settings

Size: Large
Type: Archipelago 3
Climate, Temp and Age: Random
Opposing Civs: 12 Random
Difficulty: Monarch


In-game rules
- All.

Turn submission:
- 24 hours to pick up or pass your turn (post a message saying that you have the game)
- 24 hours to submit after picking up the game

Turn duration:
- Ahh What the Heck 15 - 20 Turns for now... (you can play less...)

Game rules:
- No save/reload
- No trainers
- No worker automation before Middle-Ages.
- Post a timeline or story brief with your completed turn.

Here is the start:

And what we got in that Goodie Hut
"This is the place of my dreams". Earl Grey stands next to a river, the river splits in two by his very feet. "We shall build our town on this fertile grounds, come here my freind. See how the fish plays in the river!" The settling englishmen build the town of London. "Roger, you are my fastest and with most endurance of all the people in our tribe. I will send you on a mission to find nearby people and tell them that we are freinds!"

1.) 4000 BC
The town London is founded, and our Scout Roger, finds a peacful tribe. We learn how to use bow and arrows from them. We set our research goals towards the Wheel.

6.) 3750 BC
Roger finds some ferile lands with two cows rivers and gems.

7.) 3700 BC
Our workers completed a road to bring Incens into London.

9.) 3600 BC
A tribe joins our happy civilization. They wish to settle a different location.

10.) 3500 BC
The Town of york is founded.

11.) 3500 BC
A worker is built in London... we need improvements. Our borders increase.

18.) 3150 BC
We find and contact the French. We outscore them by 20 points!

19.) 3100 BC
We build a scout.

20.) 3050 BC
We build another scout.

21.) 3000 BC
The french builds their second town.

23.) 2900 BC
We learn Ceremonial Burial from the Jute Tribe!

25.) 2800 BC
A tribe gives us their map...

29.) 3630 BC
Our northern scout; Greg gets killed by a Barbarian.

30.) 3590 BC
We build a worker.

We have a settler in 3 Turns. Move it to the southwest, and try to get one of the cows in the city borders, or actually so that one of the cows get inside the city border once it expands. Build on a forest tile, I think...

I think Silverblade can play in some hours...
.....And away we go!! :cool:

So do we try for Map Making and getting some scouts to nearby islands to make best use of them and our expansionist good luck with huts? Do we search for other civs so we can tech broker?

Do we go for Iron Working or horseback riding so we can remove the Frenchies from our island (and the face of the Earth)?

Do we bother trying to get continent-affecting wonders like the Pyramids or go for specific ones like the Colossus or the Great Lighthouse? Do we tread lightly in those wonders for fear of a too-early Golden Age?

So many interesting choices! Looking forward to seeing how we develop.
I'm going for Horseback Riding right away, Because we got Warrior Code in a box, and I thought we might get some other techs in some other Goddie huts.

We will get a Golden Age if we build the Lighthouse, that's a fact.

It's a quite large Island, you could call it a small continent... I haven't founf the northern and southern shores yet... we might want to build the Pyramids so...

One good thing about the French is that they almost only has Mountains and jungle around them, they really have a bad start...
But they are indostrous so...
At least we're not smack next to another expansionist civ. That's a plus.

Whoever is up next, I wouldn't delay too long in getting map making ASAP as well. We're probably going to have to broker some techs if we hope to keep up in technology during the early years.

Even though the Lighthouse may thrust us into an early golden age, it may be nice to get with the map style...

So what's the official order? Is it how you listed it in the first post?
Silverblade is currently playing at this moment. I don't know which order that the Americans should play in...

Maybe it's better if you (Kev) plays before the Arizona guys... it might be the best...

About MapMaking...
That's why I'm researching to HorseBack Riding, because we could get Mapmaking faster that way, you can't get the techs you are researhing in Huts, atleast I never have...

So my hopes were that we would get Masonry (french have that but the won't trade it for money), Bronze Working etc and get Writing in a box...
A new leader for the englishmen appears, named Blade Silverberg his reign was knowned as a time of expansion of the old brittish empire.

2550 (1)
A friendly gives us a pice of their map

2510 (2)
Starts to work on a road to one of our future cities

2470 (3)
A settler head out to found a new city for our empire

2350 (6)
We got 25 gold from a friendly tribe

2310 (7)
The bloody French builds a city near York, Nottingham sees it's first sunrise

2190 (10)
One of our scouts finds a village, though it was deserted

1990 (15)
Barbarian raiders attacks one of our defenceless scouts

1910 (16)
London is attacked by a troop of foolish barbarians, that are utterly destroyed by our defending forces.

1870 (17)
Expanding of palace

1830 (18)
Learns the sectet of the wheel, sets research goal to map making, that means writing must be granted first

1790 (19)
Settler production finish in London

1750 (20)
Contacts Russia, they have a larger army, though they are admires of our culture, unfortunately russia have more cities, we are really rich compared to the bloody russia, makes a deal that gives us bronze working, masonry, we give them a laugh in the face and 137 gold.

1625 (25)
Founded a city

1600 (26)
Built a city,contacts germany those bastards have 5 cities, makes a deal gets iron working for 112 g.

Play order: the next player must expand northeast of York, the area that are black, a source of iron is a good resource and maybe other resources will be found. Watch out for the french so they don't expand in our area for city building.

Good luck to next player. A little pice of advise check south on the map for a location that holds a lot of resources.
I'd be happy to play and post this evening should Silverblade finish up (and the web site stays up).

Hope you're making us some money, Silverblade! :)

Grey: I see your strategy now. We started with Pottery and Alphabet, so we'll still need to get writing before map making.

Hopefully we'll find enough huts to get us there.

A general question: do techs from huts yield the earlier techs first? In other words, if we get another tech from a hut, will it give us Masonry or some other tech in the "first row" before it gives us something like writing? I haven't played too many games with expansionist civs so I'm just curious.

Edit: Looks like Silverblade and I posted at the same time. Looks like we are expanding nicely - and contact with French, Germans, and Russians already! I guess we'll have to wait and see if brokering will even be possible.

Sorry you weren't so lucky with the huts, Silver.

Were any maps exchanged in any of the deals? It looks like just tech and gold. I think we should try to hold on to our world map for as long as possible - what say you others.

If no one objects, I'll play as early as possible this evening and hopefully will allow at least one of our Arizona mates to take it later on.
1600 (0):
Boy do my feet hurt. I hate to start my diary with such a complaint, but it seems that I’ve been walking everywhere but getting nowhere. Being in the grand leader’s warrior contingent patrolling the hills near London was supposed to be a grand assignment for one so new to the corps. It could not be less so as we live in constant fear of barbarian attacks and very rarely to we even get tea.

A barbarian war party was spotted on the next hill and I fear for the battle ahead.

Word from the home front is that our leader has scrapped some plans to train skilled workers to help improve our landscape. I agree in this case, as it seems a better plan to defend the cities before the land should improve – else there is nothing going to be left as well that we already have four workers in the field as it is. Further, we must show strength lest our neighbours think us weak.

1575 (1): Our battle with the barbarians was as bloody as I feared, and we lost 2/3 of our men defending the Hill of London. At least we are being recalled to the capital whilst the second warrior brigade heads out to find the warrior stronghold.

1525 (4): While reassigned here in London, I’ve made a friend who works in the science ministry, and there are so many interesting things apparently happening there. While our scouts are approaching small (and apparently friendly) tribes in the world, there has been a shift in research. Contact with the Russians allowed us to develop something relating to cism of the Mystics – what ever that is. Their leader asked for 80 in gold, but our own shrewd leader only ended up paying 66 gold. Earl then changed the research target for our land to something dealing with numbers AND with hurling stones. He felt a lesser tribe could teach us to write, and hoped for the best. Our scout then returned from his foray to a new tribe with the ability to ride horses – not what Earl wanted, but a valuable knowledge nonetheless. You’ll never catch me on one of those things.

1450 (7): Our scouts approach another small village, Earl decided to shop the knowledge of Horseback Riding to his neighbors. The Russians offered 90 gold, and the Germans only 40. The French won the bid at 120 gold, and eventually gave 124 – their whole treasury.

When Earl looked to sell now to the Germans and Russians, something EVIL was afoot. Somehow, the Russians and the Germans NOW HAD THE TECHNOLOGY!!!! Even I could hear our leader’s curses – something about bugs and autoloading.

Our research, it would seem, was at only 20%. This was not a good place to be as it ate away our monies while providing no speed to our research. The choice was to put science low and negotiate or high and study things ourselves. While our grand leader is an excellent negotiator and would have preferred to have others do his thinking, the most recent experience with his neighbors trading behind his back forced his hand and forced the tax rate to put 80% of funds into science. This gave us but a pittance of a surplus, but what could be done?

The good news is that our scouts have discovered the mystery of writing, and when Mathematics is figured out, we can begin the making of maps. An embassy is established with Russia as we do not know where they are located. Moscow is seen in the extreme southeast of our map, and knowing their expansionist bent they will soon be at our doorstep.

All of this is making my head spin. I need to get out and start more battles.

1425 (8):
Our warriors defeated a barbarian tribe and collect some gold for their efforts. I’ve just been handed a long pointed stick called a spear. Apparently I’ve just been promoted and I’m to join some settlers out of York. Boy, protecting settlers… what fun.

The Russians begin the Pyramids. Earl contemplates this move and counters by doing the same in London. Moscow was only size 2 at the time we saw it with nothing but grassland around. The Hills of London will provide some excellent production once they are mined – which some workers are already doing.

1300 (13):
OK, what the heck was I thinking about going back into the military. Where is my glory, where is the foreign travel my recruiting officer promised? I just escorted a bunch of helpless settlers to a site and it took us over 100 years to get here. Hmpf.

Anyway, the city of Keventry has been created, and it should be a very important one to the empire. This city is responsible now for BOTH iron AND horses. It will have to be defended well, and I am prepared.

1250 (15):
We can see the Russian city of Yakutsk to our southern border. It’s near an iron deposit we desperately wanted. We may see some action yet.

1175 (18):
Looks like I’ll be called upon again. With my experience I was asked to join in another spearman group heading out of London. Again, some settlers from York need escorting north, and they need their best troops as we are approaching German territory. This must be so, as there is only a small regiment of warriors remaining. They had better shore up that city soon.

1050 (22):
Well, Here I am on that same hill that I started this diary on. Funny how things have changed in that time. Our scouts continue to scour the land for friendly tribes – with no luck however. We are very close to discovering math on our own, and still have writing while other civs do not. We have many spearmen throughout our nation, and many settlers who will be forming new cities very shortly.

The biggest difference between then and now is that now we are faced with some very aggressive Germans over this hill. I am afraid to leave the city of London as the Germans look as thought they may attack… It matters not, as I’ve reached the end of the pages in this journal. Perhaps there will be more that I will write in later years.

Few things guys:

#1: I may be wrong, but I think that either Grey Fox or Silverblade must have reloaded from and autosave. I’ve never seen this bug before, but it matched all descriptions. In essence, civs now trade INSTANTLY with one another during YOUR turn. This means that we probably cannot tech broker with civs who have contact with each other.
#2: We have no coastal cities. Keventry had to be build where it was to get us much needed iron AND horses. There are plenty of settlers that will be online very soon.
#3: A VERY nice city site is to our north heading toward the Germans. I can see 3 cattle in a row, and it can be a coastal city as well. We have a settler/spearman combo that is close but…..
#4: BEWARE THE GERMANS. They have a warrior near and I saw others as well. It would be just like them to launch and attack this early, and I know that they have horses as a resource as well. London is defended by a lone warrior, but our spearman/settler can return if need be. York is undefended, but 3 turns from a spearman. I spent some extra time with defense and settlers on our southern border as the Russians and French were much closer, but the Germans look to be an issue.

A few thoughts for the future:

1. Because of the apparent bug, I thought it best to try to study more on our own. We can still buy tech, and we have a pretty good pile in the treasury if something nice pops up. However, with successful huts and easy buying we are actually in the LEAD. With this in mind, perhaps we can look into an early Monarchy or Republic and try to take advantage of our commercial nature.
2. If not, I have a few cities building barracks, and some despot rush-building could be used. My thoughts on early war is that it may be better to go north and deal with the Germans first as we would face one civ. I would be too afraid of the Russians and French joining forces against us if we went south.
3. With that being said, I meant to establish embassies with the French and Germans as well. The next player may wish to do this. One suggestion would be to build cities on BOTH coasts to allow us to travel east and west when we explore.
4. Plenty of settlers on the way, and after that it may be a good idea to get libraries and other infrastructure. Or war stuff if that seems better. I started building swordsmen at first, but now we have horses and you can change to them if you wish.

That’s it! Have at it. Brittania! Rule the Waves!
Hi! I read your guys' last babylon game and it was very interesting...I usually play a less militaristic type of game than you guys did and it was interesting to read. Anyway, if you guys ever need another player ever, I would love to join!
Hey all. I just got here! I didn't know we had already started. Wow! Everything appears exceptional so I'll be looking forward to my turns. Looks like we got a good position. How are we gonna win this one???

DanPMN - If I were you I would check this thread often, if anyone drops permanently and we need a new player, we'll consider you before anyone else. Until then, stick around and feel free to post your comments and suggestions to us:D
1050 (0): Embassies established with Germany and France for 48 and 31 gold respectively. The Germans will complete the Pyramids in 24 turns, so my focus will be to get the Great Library.

950 (4): Kuhstadt (Cow City) founded near three cattle and a fish. We have discovered mathematics and start literature.

925 (5): Coventry founded.

900 (6): Warwick founded.

875 (7): Germany demands mathematics and since they have enough warriors in the vicinity to take London, I have no choice but to comply. This move will not be forgotten and once we have amassed a sizeable force, I suggest that we take out the Germans. They are looking for a fight and will continue to use strong-arm tactics until we can fight back. I purchase mapmaking from the very same Germans for our world map and 80 gold, this was a high price but it gave us a tech and pacified the Nazis, I mean Germans some.

850 (8): I sell mathematics to the French for their territory map, 1 gold per turn and 60 gold. I normally wouldn’t do this but I figured it is better we get the money than the Krauts.

730 (12): Newcastle founded.

630 (17): The research of literature is complete and we now focus our attention on polytheism so that we can get monarchy. London is switched from Pyramids to the Great Library.

610 (18): We buy code of law from the Germans for our world map and 180 gold. I know we are filling up their pockets but they are getting ahead of us in tech, I do not want to fall behind them, plus it saves us research time. Germany declares war on the Russians.

Well, we are not in great shape right now. We are very weak compared the Russians and Germans and while we have the capabilities to build advance units for whatever reason we haven't. I spent much of my reign building barracks so we can produce veteran troops and I have slowly started production of our military. With how this game is going, we will be dragged into a fight sooner or later, so we may as well be prepared. The Germans are really going to be trouble but they do lack iron, so if we bolster our interior defense and pump out swordsmen and horsemen, we should be able to ally with the Russians and take Germany out. I’d like to get France out of the way too but they are not an immediate threat, though their proximity to us is not encouraging. Good luck to Gonzo and lets get our military up to par.
Once again, Thiazi played his turns at an extremely high speed. I won't get to it tonight but I will play it tomorrow. It'll also give me some time to ponder our current situation. :) :D phaser
Ponder away, gonzo. You've inherited the game at a very crucial time where the decisions you make could shape the entire history of our British Civilization.

But no pressure :crazyeyes :lol:

I agree with Thiazi that we need to boost our military. I spent some time putting spearmen in our cities and building others to travel with our settlers, but we seem to be caught right in the middle of our island and should work to shore up at least one front before we find ourselves the target of three different hell-bent civs! Probably won't have enough military by the time gonzo's done with his turns, but I'm sure that the Swedes can work on the Germans in later turns.

While the Germans do not have iron just yet, they do have the resource in their territory. It may not be a bad plan to send some forward units to be sure they are never able to get iron. I seem to remember that their deposits are on mountains...

I keep hoping for an early Great Leader, and if we do get one it may be nice to slap an early wonder down with it. Perhaps something like the Lighthouse in one of our newer coastal cities. If not, perhaps the cow city could start the Lighthouse quickly and actually have a chance to get it while we build a different one with the Leader. I usually prefer to do a wonder or early Forbidden Palace with my first leader and use the second one for an army. In this way, it can stop the "cascade" effect on wonderbuilding if need be and give us a nice early boost somewhere.

Other than that, it may not be a bad idea to build ships on BOTH coasts when we are able. Who knows how far along those other civs are.

Finally, I know that I did no whipping, and it doesn't sound like anyone else did either. The next few players may wish to do a bit to get our military up quickly - our cities can afford a few.

Urgh! I can't believe the Russians are going to cause us problems again!! It'll be interesting to see the Germans and Russians fighting right around our own territory!

DanPMN - thanks for stopping by. Feel free to make suggestions/comments. It IS a shame that for the most part it is almost impossible to avoid war in Civ3 - especially for the higher difficulty levels. There are lots of games starting up at different times, so if you are looking to play quickly you should have no trouble. And we will certainly let you know if we need you to jump into this one as well.
:goodjob: Everyone it seems... about that autosave I actually loaded the 4000 BC save when I played, because I took some pictures, Closed the game and then reloaded that save... does this cause the other civs to Auto trade? :(

Well, it seems like everything is going well, and I really hope that we get that Great Library, it's a real Culture boost and we can get a lot of free techs. :)

If you play this evening, or whenever you play I hope I can play afterwards, but I think I won't be able...
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