GreySG - Earl Grey - English Succession Game


I'm not completely sure how it all works, but I DON'T think that the autosave bug will kick in by going back to a regular save like you did. I think it happens when a player forgets to save and must go back to one of the autosaves to restore a game.

This will make it difficult to trade and broker techs to our best extent. Now, whenever we sell something to the Russians, for example, they can sell it INSTANTLY to the French and Germans (assuming they are not at war or something).

Two things this will likely steer us to do:

1. Techs we study on our own we may wish to gurad for a while. Yes, we could get "Second civ" money for some of these techs by selling, but it becomes moot when that civ then makes extra money/tech by selling it to the two other civs before we have a chance to blink. Probably better to make the others work a bit for their tech.

2. It makes guarding our contacts all the more important. If we can really hustle and make contact with the rest of the world before our neighbors, we should guard our contacts jealously and NEVER use them in a trade (until such time as they are nearing contact on their own).

Any other thoughts from the group on this phenomenon??? I guess if you think about it, it's like playing in a forced variant game. The autosave bug variant. :)

By the way, contact with the other civs will help us out a great deal if we can get the Library. I hope that the completion of the Pyramids does not cause the other civs to go for this wonder in the "cascade effect".

On that note, for future write-ups I'd like to request that we all try to make sure we mention wonder announcements. When a civ begins a wonder, changes to a different wonder, or builds a wonder - it can be pretty important at times.

Go, gonzo!!! Lead us forward!!
Originally posted by Grey Fox
How do you know that this has happened to a game?

I assume that you mean the autosave bug.

I'm not sure if there's another way other than to see it happen personally. If you read my post about my turns, you'll see that I sold Horseback Riding to the French. I checked the Germans and the Russians as well, and while they did not have the tech either the French were offering more.

Once I sold it to the French, I then went and contacted the Russians to see what I could get from them. Usually you can sell a tech to all other civs that you have contact with so long as it's on YOUR turn (you should never broker if a civ comes calling on YOU because they can sell any new techs that you might give them right away). When I called on the Russians, they now had Horseback Riding. So did the Germans when I called on them. It was definitely MY turn at the time, and I sure didn't sell it to them. Nor did anyone have contact with any other civ.

I'm going by decsriptions of this bug that I've seen posted around. If anyone else who is reading this story can clarify/give their opinions on what else may be the culprit they should feel free.

Again, this seems to be a post-patch bug that manifests when a player goes back and plays from an Auto-saved game rather than a game they specifically saved themselves.

It may force us to alter some strategy knowing that this is out there, and I hope the rest of the team will chime in on this and how we should deal with it. I don't think we need to abandon this game or anything - we can just play as if we've added a variant. :)
I just got home now so I will finally get a chance to play. I have been thinking and my plan is this:

Send off some scout units to find the nearest coast and then, if it's not too far off, build some cities to connect our empire to the coast. While I am doing this, I will try to work on the military situation. If we are attacked, I will just have to beat some units out of the cities <----- my favorite part of civ3!!!

This is a really crucial time, I will do my best. Oh yeah, if any of you guys still play civI, consider playing the civI GOTM I started, starting in Febrary <---- Shameless advertisment ;)

Well, I am gonna have to be skipped. I can't really post right now because I am madder than @#$#. Our house was vandalized and there is just no way I am gonna get to play anytime soon. Maybe next turn.
Man, gonzo, that really bites.

You have had terrible luck of late.

Hope all is well and we'll catch your turn when we can.

Guess this means that Grey Fox is back up!
:eek: Your house got vandalized! I hope it wasn't as bad as it sounds!

Well, it seems like I'll have to play to get things going again...
550 BC
"England needs a leader!" Someone shouts in the streets. "I Grey the Fox shall take that assignment". A long man with miles between his shoulders, stands on the well in the middle of London. "I shall lead our people! And my name is Grey the Fox!" He raised his iron sword towards the skies... "Grey!, Grey!, Grey!" The people on the streets in london shouts.

530 BC "Grey! the French is building the Great Library!" "I shall make our people work their sweat! We must built the GL before them!"

510 BC The Russians declare war! Some words mentioning Babylon were shouted by their soldiers... They attack, but it fails. The Germans build the Pyramids! The Russians are building the GL.

490 BC Persia builds the Oracle.

450 BC The Germans Attacks a Russian spearman in our teritory!

410 BC The Zulu City of Zimbabwe completes the Great Library! We trade the Contact with the Zulu from the French, we get it and 26 Gold for our World Map. They don't have construction. Hmm maybe that bug thing... we switch to Library in London and loses 90 Shields...

390 BC The Russians steal Coventry.

370 BC France builds the Colussus. Maybe our capital should have been a harbor town...

350 BC A swordsman of ours dies!

330 BC Our Workers bring Diamionds into London! Another Swordsman of ours dies...

230 BC The Russians seize control over Canterbury! A horseman is whiped. Our leader saddles himself on a horse and sprints to the Battlefield, our country needs a new leader.

The only thing I managed to do good this round was to construct a road to Gems, and recruit some workers... Lost two cities... we have to take them back before the Germans take them... we should have some good production cities in the future. And that northern Cow city will be a great city with an aqueduct!

I think we will have to take the Germans somewhere post-BC, maybe try to be alone on the Island... then go for a diplomatic win...
This playround was one of the worst I ever have played. Nothing went the way it was supposed to.

210 (1)
France and Russia signs a millitary alliance against Germany, France declares wars against Germany, Babylon and France signs a military alliance against Germany, Babylon declares war against Germany

190 (2)
Attacks Coventry,kills one of their spearmen

170 (3)
The invasion of Coventry is successful, though the city is destroyed after the battle (population 1)

150 (4)
Hurries some of our production

90 (7)
Keventry is lost to russia, Germay attacks that town and takes it, the supply with iron is lost and horses, really bad news

70 (8)
French are building The Great wall

30 (10)
Construction is granted

10 AD(12)
Russia takes back Keventry
Oh, Brother! This is going to be a mess!

Keventry was our only source of iron AND horses if I remember correctly.

I don't know what to tell you guys. What cities do we even have left?

For goodness sake, Let's make peace and try to limp away as best we can. Perhaps a few of our cities will flip back if we boost up some culture.

Actually, I guess it's my turn. Any other suggestions from the team?

...And Grey suggested we play Emperor level. :crazyeyes We'd be dead twice at this point :lol:
Your house got vandalized! I hope it wasn't as bad as it sounds!

No, they just busted down the back door, took tons and tons of stuff, and pretty much beat the $#!^ out of everything else.:mad::mad: I think it was a computer person because they didn't take my computer or damage it:D Perhaps my luck is turning... I should be ready for my next turn. :p
Well, as long as you're safe and sound!

Yep :) I will be here for my next turn, so don't worry. Also, I wonder if Thiazi knows of a bomb shelter I can rent out for my next turn....
The brief Rule of Silas the Meek.

What shall befall the English? A question posed to the person who in fact became an “anti-despot”. The anti-despot came to power not by wresting the reigns with power and might, but actually had the reigns FORCED on HIM by those more powerful and less inclined to rule at this time.

Silas the Meek. The weakest of them all. Will his ability to look pitiful help save a failing nation?

70 AD (0):
Silas takes over. “Well, it all looks OK,” mutters the anti-despot. “How about some peace in our day, Catherine? We’re tired and weak.” Catherine wants Nottingham. Silas says his mother won’t let him right now.

90 AD (1): With 6 swordsmen outside of Nottingham, Silas agrees to give up the city for peace. Silas meekly crawls back into bed and puts the covers over him.

What the powers that be don’t realize is that there he is formulating a plan.

110 (2):
A temple is whipped in Newcastle. So begins the plan of the anti-despot: culture attack on his own cities. He hopes that with some incentives, cities formerly of British make will overthrow their current rulers (i.e. the Russians), but peacefully.

130 (3):
Libraries whipped in Warwick and York. Silas cannot stand the violence and cries.

150 (4):
Hastings whips library. Silas had to leave and go watch his favorite movie: Steel Magnolias.

170 (5):
Silas marvels at all the pretty colors currently tramping through English lands. Here is some of what he sees:

Purple {More like a mauve, says Silas} (French): 1 spearman, 6 swordsmen 5 archers and 1 warrior

Brown {Yech, more like an earthtone gone horrible wrong} (Russians): 3 spearmen, 10 swordsmen, 3 archers, and 1 warrior

Blue {Oh, such a ROYAL blue} (Germans): 4 archers. Look out Germans.

They all clash about and Silas gets to watch – though the violence is too much for him.

190 (6): The Germans build the Great Wall.

210-270: Silas has been building coliseums for a while now in many cities. He bought Philosophy and Currency but could afford nothing else. He spent the rest of this time looking meek.

280 (12):
Russia and Germany sign a peace treaty. Dang! Silas hoped that battle would rage to the north allowing a sneaky bit of stuff to go on while the Russians weren’t home.

Russia demands our territory map and 19 gold. What can we do? OK! Look at us! We’re meek over here! Catherine actually tells us to “toddle off, now”!

290 (13):
Germans and Zulus begin Sun Tzu’s.

300 (14):
France and Russia begin Sun Tzu. France begins Hanging Gardens.

310 (15):
Russia and Zululand begin Hanging Gardens.

During this time, unbeknownst to all, the English have slipped a settler and spearman north with a worker. There is iron there, and perhaps the English may make use of this….

The end of Silas is a silent matter. Hidden in his dark room, he is found in his bed clutching his teddy bear for all it’s worth.

“Silas wasn’t so bad,” comment many of the English citizens.

The question now: Who can we get to rule NOW?

OK, guys, we’re pathetic. My culture rush hasn’t produced as of yet, but some coliseums should come on board soon and maybe we’ll get some of those cities back.

I do have a settler/spearman heading toward some iron. I think we could build right ON the iron if need be. Not sure if this will help much – most everyone is in the second age and likely defending with pikemen anyway.

Don’t know what to tell you as far as strategy. Just stay out of war. I did produce some extra units, but you saw what the others had at their disposal.

I have NO idea as to where to go with this. Perhaps remaining as meek as possible while trying to catch up in tech wherever we can. In the end, our only hope may be a dip victory – that’s if we can build the UN ourselves. Well, too early for that, now. I think gonzo is up now. gonzo: please be safe and have better luck!
Strange, my turn in an SG and all appears normal. I guess I'll move ahead of Thiazi since he said I could and I'll play now. If i haven't posted in 24 hours, send a search party.....
Overall, I would say that those were some pretty good turns, and I gave the English empire a 50% city boost. We are now researching, however slowly, and we have a treasury of over 100 gold and we are making more than 5 times the gold per turn that we were before. We got engineering from France and they became polite along with Germany. I will post the file here and a summary shortly after. :):D:)
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