GreySG - Earl Grey - English Succession Game

Alright. Let's get going fast again. We can do it:D
I took a quick look at the game and if any has suggestions on when to attack the Russians I would appreciate it. I think that going after Moscow is not a good idea and if we can just take cities closer to us then we will likely be more effective. I will play tonight, so my previous post of now playing is wrong, but I will be back around 8 AZ time, so feel free to off some advice on our game.
I placed those Cavalry units around Moscow to destroy roads in a future war.

But, a tip is to take their horses, Saltpeter and Iron. If we would attack...

And maybe even try to get an Golden Age with our ships.

Try to get the Hoover Dam, Liverpool is a good city for that, and I beleive I have a Palace being built there (if it wasn't the Coal Plant, which should be built if it isnt).

I didn't know that you got the Techs you researched... argh...

but we could trade combustion...
I was able to get 9 turns in today, they weren't great turns at least we are moving along:

1762: Move troops for an attempt at a multipronged attack.

1764: We declare war on the Ruß and caputre St. Petersburg and Dijon. We swap territory maps with Greece.

1766: Zululand and Germany ally against the Ruß.

1768: St. Petersburg is reclaimed by the Ruß. America and Germany ally against the Ruß. Wall Street is completed in Grey Harbor.

1770: Lower science to 90% and raise luxury to 10%. The Ruß and Persians reach a peace accord.

1772: Science to luxury ratio is now 60/40.

1774: Rime and Germany ally against the Ruß.

1776: Rouen deposes to the Greeks.

1778: Research for Atmoic Theory is complete and start researching Mass Production.

1780: Capture Bayonne and strike a peal deal with the Ruß. We receive Maikop, Kharkov, 40 old and their world map. The two cities are junk but they were at least something.

We just didn't have enough of an army to maintain a longscale war and war wearinesses was killing are already terrible production. I was finally able to make peace with the Russians but our despite gaining 4 Russian cities, our endeavour was quite pathetic. The next leader will need to increase military by any means necessary but it will take a lot for us to become a power in that respect. Sorry I wasn't of more help.
Hey guys:

I'm very sorry that I've not been able to play. I am STILL having a problem with loading the patch, and it is just too frustrating to download this huge file over and over and not being able to load it each time.

I keep getting a message that says something to the effect of "This file cannot be unpacked. The executable you are attempting to open has been corrupted. You should download again and retry".

Well, it was a bit more involved than that, but that is the gist of it. So far, no emails of mine have been answered. I've tried downloading from several different sites, and it's all the same. I just don't know what else to do.

If any of you have a suggestion, let me know. I REALLY want to get back to this game and help it finish, and I'll let you all know if I'm able to solve my issue.

Again, I do apologize.
Ok, I'll get to my turns tomorrow maybe. Let's keep it going.

:p :lol: :king: :nuke: :scan: :crazyeyes
Ok, everyone who still reads this thread please report. I know I am up but after a few days i just forgot. We will find out who is here and get more people if necessary. Let's not let this one die! All current players: REPORT!!!!
All right Thiazi, please play. Grey, just to let you know, kev pmed me, he has all but given up on the patch prob. For know, just take him out and if he comes back we will let him in.

Ok Thiazi, lead us forward!!!!!!!!

Grey, make out a new turn order whenever you can, and maybe you can try to find some more players. Those are just suggestions, i'm not trying to be too demanding. :)
I have no time now, as I'm about to sleep some hours and get back to my Math project... (the second one this term)

Anyway, if one of you guys could post in the Succession game thread that we want a player or 2, please do so if you want.

New turn order:

Grey (If i haven't posted that I'll got the game in a few hours after Gonzo is complete, please play Thiazi)
Ok, 10 turns to get us going. Here I go!!!!!!

I am gonna post now that we need a player or 2 in the thread.
Sorry guys, the blitzkreig came out of nowhere! The germans declared war in 1784 with units already in our territory. I was busy upgrading our defenses but after 1788 I had to throw in the towel. Russia had just declared war on us and taken 5 cities as well. We lost about 20 cities in one turn and after 1788 we only had 3 cities left, even our capital was sacked. I was forced to throw in the towel. It is sad to admit it but we were beaten, there was NO hope at all for a recovery especially on Monarch level.

Grey: Start us up a new game. Call it GreySG2: The revenge. Put whatever parameters you want but please not a huge map. Make sure that you put in Germany and Russia, I wan't to kill those bastards. E-mail me when you start it so I can subscribe to the thread.

Sorry guys, it was out of my hands.:( :cry:

P.S. Maybe we should take 1 step back to regent. :(
I'm working on a little Mod, including "Great Britain", "Nazi-Germany", "the Soviet Union" etc...

So we will finally get revenge at Germany and Russia, once I get it to work that is.
I have now created a Mod I'm calling the WW2 Mod.

It can be found here: WW2 Mod

Dou you want to play a SG with that Mod?
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