Guide to playing the Specialist economy on lower levels

Dec 15, 2005
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Specialist Economy for Monarch and below

This is a guide to utilizing the specialist or food economy at difficulties of Monarch and below.

This will out line the setting up of your economy, city tiles, city specialization, but won't cover tech trading/ beelines etc.

1st This economy relies on the Specialists assigned in the city screen, be they Scientists, Merchants, Engineers, Priests, Artists or Citizens.

2nd This doesn't rely on Bulbing, Alchemical trading, bee lining the AI's hidden deficiencies, or any other tricks used by higher level players.

3rd Its a way to set up a sound economy based on Production, science, and WAR. (all Economies are basically geared to war)

Settle your capital, this will be your INITIAL settler/worker pump. Produce a worker and set early research to worker techs. Don't worry about religion. Survey your surrounding, with your initial warrior or Scout. What are you potential city sites available. Hills for Production, food for extra specialists, Floodplains/grass lands for farming, Plains for Work shopping, Special resources for food/production as the tech's unlock them.

Grow your Capital to is Maximum size, you'll produce your settlers QUICKER.

You've now researched your worker tech's [Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Mining/Bronze working, Hunting and Fishing/Sailing (work boats)].

1st BUILD you'll do 80% of the time, will be a Worker or Work boat, depending on starting tech's/resources available. If you have no Immediate resources, build a warrior or barracks, while awaiting the tech to be unlocked.

Once you have your worker, set them to improve the special resources; Corn, wheat, rice, Floodplains /grassland you farm, deer, Fur, elephants (Construction)- Camp upon them with appropriate tech's to unlock. Hills you mine, Plantations (Calendar) or Pasture (Animal husbandry), build on special resources.

Plan our your city sites. Think what can I capture in BFC for this city, don't be afraid to overlap cities, resources control can be swapped in the relevant cities screen, it'll go from Greyed out to lit up, with the other city losing its assigned citizen.

Settle your cities to claim the resources you want, in the BFC's or further cultural rings, block off our opponents from settling, grab future resources that you can't use now, plan ahead allway's.

Tech's required:

Most important techs are, in order of gaining;

Writing- Allows Libraries (25% Science boost) to be built in cities. Open boarders and trade routes with other civ's. 2 science specialists allowed to be assigned.
Code of Laws- Unlocks Caste system and unlimited Scientist, Merchants, Artists (limited by population level only) +1 hammer for work shops.
Civil Service- Unlocks chain Irrigation. Irrigation from a water resource, not ocean, is allowed on Grassland and Plains tiles ONLY, sides or diagonally, (only tundra bordering a water resource can be irrigated, non water tundra squares can not) Note: if a chain irrigation farm is broken, IE Pillaged/destroyed/work shopped/Taken by rival civ's culture, the other farms in the further along the chain, will lose the food bonus due to irrigation, but not lose farm status. I.E. will drop 1 in food production.
Education Building of Universities for 25% science boost, open Oxford with map size number of Universities, for 100% boost in city built.
Astronomy- TURBO BOOST Overseas trade routes are now opened up. Observatories for 25% science boost. Over seas Trades will allway's yield higher gold / Resource.
Constitution TURBO BOOST Allows Representation +3 :science: per specialist, Jails to be built, leads to Democracy and Statue of Liberty (1 free specialist on Continent built)
Economics- TURBO BOOST, Allows the free trade Civic, by this time you've got sufficient production, science and cities with population to negate the Mercantilism Civic.
Guilds +1 hammer to Work shops.(note, may gain earlier or later)
Chemistry +1 Hammer to work shops. (Now they are an Anvil, but no food upon a plains square)
Biology TURBO BOOST, +1 food to ALL IRRIGATED FARMS. With 10+ farms per city, that's 5 specialists.
Communism +1 food to work shops/ Watermills, 10% hammers in cities.(State Property Economy Civic)

City Screen:

You should allow emphasis of the Production manager (hammer icon) as this will calculate the maximum production for the current build. It may emphasize food for further production on mines, it may stagnate city due to happiness cap, or you can Manually starve the city, to achieve extra production. If you want Growth for more citizen specialists, emphasize food.

Specialist assignment: If you have sufficient food production in city, and you want scientists specialists, Manually emphasize the beaker (science) and assign 1 science specialist (now lit up with border). Any additional specialists that can be assigned, without compromising current builds will be assigned. If you want more, click again to add 2nd, 3rd, etc force specialist.

Assign tasks to your cities, are they going to be;


(Scientist & beakers) Build Libraries (Writing), Universities (Education), Observatories (Astronomy), and Laboratories (Super conductors) for 25% boost respectively, giving a cumulative boost of 100% with all 4. Oxford University (Education and 6 Universities {map size, large} gives another 100% boost and should go in highest food city for Max specialists.


(Merchants & gold). These cities will only build gold, produce very little units. Ideally they'll have High gold bonus resources such as Gold, Silver, Gems, Dye, Silk, Incense and the food to work them. Merchant specialist will be assigned in these cities. Your highest gold producing city, or a city with a Religious shrine or 3, SHOULD be assigned as you WALL STREET CITY. This city may have been captured from an opponent, or assigned by yourself. Builds in these cities are Markets, Grocers (needed for the Supermarket), Banks. The various Civ replacement building should be added, IE Stock Exchange, Mints, Malls, for further gold boosting. Merchant specialists will be employed in these cities for the +3 :gold: Generation. These will be boosted by the multiplier buildings by 100% and another 100% for wall street. Civ specific building will boost further again, Great Merchants will be Settled in your Designated Wall street city for the +6 :gold: and +1 :food: generated, +18 :gold: in Wall street city with +1 :food:, 2 settled Great merchants in this city=36 :gold:, 2 :food: which can be used for another merchant specialist, +9 :gold:, net gain of 45 :gold:, without using a cities tile and 1 citizen only.


(Engineers and Hammers) These cities are your Unit production cities. They have the Highest ratio of hammers and hills of your cities. Required builds in these cities are Forges (metal casting) Factories (Assembly line), Power plants; (coal plant{needs factory and coal}, Hydro Plant {needs factory + Plastics and city on river), Nuclear Plant (needs factory, fission and Uranium) and Industrial park, (needs factory). All these buildings apart from the forge, Cause ill health due to resources, building or power. World wonders which provide power to ALL cities on the continent built (don't build on a 1 tile Island :lol:) is the 3 Gorges dam (Plastics tech).

These cities are building units, so a Barracks for +3 experience( Needed for Heroic Epic and 100% Military unit production, +2 happy under Nationalism civic), Dry docks (steel) for +4 for naval units produced, city by sea. Stables (horse back riding for +2 on top of barracks experience to units produced, obsolete with Advanced flight). Other production boosters are, Heroic Epic 100% military unit production, West Point +4 experience points for units produced in city, Moai statues for +1 hammer on ALL WATER TILES in BFC, World wonder booster in Pentagon for +2 experience in ALL cities. Other civ's will have production/experience boost due to Unique buildings.


Government- Representation is your best civic, either through the Pyramids (build or Capture), or Constitution Technology. In absence of this, Adopt Hereditary rule for +1 happy/ Military unit (Monarchy) . All others are of limited value, except Police state, when going for Production Domination/Conquest powered win.
Legal- Vassalage for +2 experience, Bureaucracy for 50 % hammers and gold in capital, but mainly nationalism for +2 happy/barracks, drafting and to offset Emancipation unhappiness
Labour Slavery for early production through whipping, Caste System for rest of game for EXTRA SPECIALISTS. Use Culture slider to offset emancipation unhappy.
Economy Free Market for trade route boost, state property for production, cost reduction, or Environmentalism for late game health boost in space race.
Religion Organised religion for 25% building production boost, Theocracy for +2 experience in cities of state religion, or Free Religion for 10% research boost and +1 happy /religion present.

Don't want Emancipation, Deny, reject through U.N. At all costs, the Culture slider is what's needed here. Universal Suffrage, Deny that one as well. If really pressed with Unhappiness, which will go away scaled to game speed, either get yourself elected General Secretary or BURN DOWN THE U.N. Hosting city.

Game Plan. Win the Game :lol:

Seriously, build your capital up to happy cap, produce settlers/workers for other cities, as your happy cap rises due to Bonuses, and specialized cities are built, production will be assigned to your cities as designated. Set out your cities to claim your land, and block opponents from settling.

Land is Power, as Future Hermit say's in their signature, More land = more farms/ mines/ resources/ specialists etc. Research or trade for the tech's that you want, build your army, take the land that's rightfully yours by strength of arms (as you don't have Philosophy, they can't debate the morals of the actions) ;) expand, build and tech as you will.

With this, you can play Continents (Crush and destroy your opponents, Control YOUR Continent and tech away to a space race win) I've done this as far as Emperor on Big/Small (I was on the Small). Pangaea (never played, but conquest/domination) or Archipelago (really need the Great Lighthouse and Colossus there)

I've said nothing on Bee lining Liberalism, Bulbing this or that, or trading this and that for x,y,z.

Most Specialists will be settled (star top right of Icon) into the specific city they are suited too, Scientist+6:science: to science cities , Merchant +6:gold:+1:food: and Artist +3:gold:+6:culture: to wealth, Engineer+2:hammers: to production, Prophets+5:gold:+2:hammers: to wealth/ production , Great spies+3:science:+12:espionage: to your Science/Capital. Representation will boost all SPECIALISTS (assigned or settled) by +3:science:

Required wonders- None, build Pyramids for early representation, build other wonders for the Great Person Points generated/ Benefits as they become available if you want/desire, though not essential.

Special Tactics – Apart from assigning specialists/ absorbing or bulbing (light bulb icon) Great people for tech's None.

Trading Tactics- Nothing special here, Play your usual game.

Victory conditions- What ever you feel suits you situation best.

I've won Domination, Space, Time...yes...early on I actually did..., Cultural, Diplomatic both with U.N. And Apostolic Place, on all levels up to and including Monarch.

Last note on Cottages- Pillage them at every and any opportunity. 4 two movement units, can move and pillage in same turn in Enemy culture, or move more in Neutral on roads, but only destroy in OWN CULTURE. No cash....

Here's a link to a Walk through game I did, Noble level, for the Nobles Club games forum.

Catherine nobles club game, an instructional walkthrough.

I feel this best illustrates what I've spoken about in this strategy guide, and it has links to other posting that I've taken on board as a learning experience.

This is only 1 method, Play to suit your own style. Enjoy the game and Participate in others postings, a diverse and vibrant community is what we'd all like to develop here.

Thank you for reading.
Hi IPEX :),

a nice read indeed...
You forgot Constitution in the list of tech, which is important if you have not the mids... wonder that should be built imo at lower levels as it won't cripple your expansion compared to other AIs :)

I don't want people thinking "I need to build x,y or z" to make this work.

By all means build them if you have time, resources, Leader to enable further boosting. But I'd like people to see, you don't need it all to win.

It can become a crutch, to have to build Pyramids, I need the Great Library, I can't do without winning Liberalism.:king:

Its really a general outline, Not a "1st research x, trade for y and z, settle N cities,"..

Play, get you own style, feel for game, and who knows, something new maybe uncovered.

Thanks for pointing out Constitution, I missed that one, A biggie, as I didn't advocate building pyramids at all costs.:crazyeye:
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