Gwennog's France - Philippe II Auguste for Vox Populi


May 31, 2015
(Requires VP4.2 at least for full compatibility)

CIFrance final new.png

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Leader - Philippe II Auguste

UA - L’Homme Providentiel

Each worked :c5greatperson: Great Person Improvement gives +2 points of its type to the nearest city. When a :c5greatperson: Great Person born, gain +1% :c5food:/:c5culture:/:c5science:/:c5production: in your cities (max of 5xEra%) and Military Land Units gain the Montjoie Saint-Denis! Promotion for 10 turns.
Spoiler Montjoie Saint-Denis! Promotion :
For 10 turns, all Military Land Units gain +20% :c5strength: Combat Strength, +10 Hit Points and Heal 5 Additional HP per turn when in Friendly Territory.

UU1 - Chevalier (replaces Knight)
Chevalier Icone 256_3.png

Unlocked at Chivalry
175 :c5production: Production Cost

26 :c5strength: (instead of 24)
4 MP

No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
City Attack Penality (33)
Joute In peacetime, each turn, gain +1 XP and generate +2 :c5culture: Culture per level (Lost on Upgrade)
Ost +10% :c5strength: Combat Strength for Land Units within 2 tiles of this Unit (Lost on Upgrade)
Great Generals II

UI - Château

Unlocked at Engineering

700 construction time

Must be built on Hills or adjacent to Fresh Water
Cannot be built adjacent to another Château
Remove features

+50% Defensive Strength for any Unit stationed in this tile
No Follow Up

+1 :c5food:/:c5gold:/:c5production:

Each worked Château provides to its City 1 :c5greatperson: Great Person Points (GPP) towards a Great Writer, a Great Artist and a Great Musician.

Tech bonuses:

+1 :c5food:/:c5gold:/:c5production: at Chivalry
+1 :c5culture:/:c5gold:/:tourism: at Printing Press
+1 :c5culture:/:c5gold:/:tourism: at Railroad
+1 :c5culture:/:c5gold:/:tourism: at Flight
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Spoiler 4 UC Compatibility :
UU2 - Canon Gribeauval (replaces Cannon)

Unlocked at Gunpowder
175 :c5production: Production Cost

13 :c5strength: CS / 30 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (instead of 11 / 29)
2 MP

No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
May Not Melee Attack
Siege Engine
Siege Inaccuracy
Move at half-speed in enemy territory
Cover I
Feu Nourri +10% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking for each attack done to the target during this turn
Standardisation Unit will Heal Every Turn, even if it performs an action

UB2 - Salon (replaces Museum)

Same as original

Spoiler Promotion Icons :

Artistic Credits (All Rights Reserved to original authors):
  • Peace Theme: Annwn - Douce Dame Jolie (from Guillaume de Machaut)
  • War Theme: La Capella Reial de Catalunya - Grupe Sufi Al-Darwish - Hespèrion XXI / Artistic direction: Jordi Savall - Chevalier, Mult Estes Guariz
  • Malatani: Philippe Auguste Icon source
  • Jean Michel Girard: Chevalier Icon source
  • Dolen’s Ethnic Diversity: Chevalier and Canon Gribeauval 3D models
Development Credits:
  • Hinin: Leader Icon, Leader Scene, War theme choice, Design
  • Gwennog: Research, Design, Art, Code, Testing
Special Thanks:
  • Jarcast, Adan_eslavo: Lua code inspiration
  • Pinappledan: Salon from and for 4UC
  • Irkalla: Civ Icon guide
  • Deliverator: 3d model guide
  • HungryForFood: Lua API wiki
  • VP teams for all bug fixing work and to improve VP again and again
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Yeah, without a cap on the UA scaling, I suspect that Tradition Phillipe will hit 20% by Renaissance (assuming a couple of GPs and a GG or two) and just go up from there. I look forward to sharing my findings of just how gloriously broken this might get!
Also, just a phrasing thing, "Improvement of Great Person" should probably be "Great Person Improvements" for clarity and standardisation.
does this turn Napoleon off? They use all the same civilian UCs
Yes, of course.
My goal has long been to replace Napoleon as leader of France in Civ. It is therefore a rework with a figure more representative of my country to my taste. Although in view of recent elections, certain criticizable genes seem well anchored in French DNA :sad:.
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And the unique cannon promotions, which are conserve/perdu on upgrade? I assume the March one is lost?
Feu Nourri is preserved, it is a promotion linked more to the use of cannons by Napoleon than to the Gribeauval system itself. However, the field gun that comes next cannot be anything other than the 75 mm cannon for France. A gun once considered very technically advanced and with an inimitable rate of fire.

For standardization (March) indeed it is an oversight on my part, in the presentation but also in the game (a v.2 will be needed quickly), it is a promotion which must be lost. Thanks for your question.
By the way, the icons are glorious! I love the training dummy, and the cannonball explosion is spectacular.
Many thanks to you, it means a lot to me. I owe you promotions for your mod: Devotion Ideology, I will try to do as well. Unfortunately, I am not as consistent in quality as Asterix Rage was, but I will put my heart into the work.
Furthermore, I'm asking the question to the many modders more talented than me. For the Château, I wanted to make a variation of appearance (Motte Castrale/Château fort/Manoir) but I did not succeed using ArtDefine_Landmarks as said by Vern under discord. Does anyone know how to do it?
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Furthermore, I'm asking the question to the many modders more talented than me. For the Château, I wanted to make a variation of appearance (Motte Castrale/Château fort/Manoir) but I did not succeed using ArtDefine_Landmarks as said by Vern under discord. Does anyone know how to do it?

Example of replacing chateau model with fort model at industrial:
UPDATE ArtDefine_Landmarks SET Era = 'Ancient' WHERE ImprovementType = 'ART_DEF_IMPROVEMENT_CHATEAU';
INSERT INTO ArtDefine_Landmarks(Era, State, Scale, ImprovementType, LayoutHandler, ResourceType, Model, TerrainContour)
('Industrial', 'UnderConstruction', 1, 'ART_DEF_IMPROVEMENT_CHATEAU', 'SNAPSHOT', 'ART_DEF_RESOURCE_ALL', 'Assets/Buildings/Improvements/Fort/Modern/HB_Fort_MOD.fxsxml', 0),
('Industrial', 'Constructed', 1, 'ART_DEF_IMPROVEMENT_CHATEAU', 'SNAPSHOT', 'ART_DEF_RESOURCE_ALL', 'Assets/Buildings/Improvements/Fort/Modern/Fort_MOD.fxsxml', 0),
('Industrial', 'Pillaged', 1, 'ART_DEF_IMPROVEMENT_CHATEAU', 'SNAPSHOT', 'ART_DEF_RESOURCE_ALL', 'Assets/Buildings/Improvements/Fort/Modern/PL_Fort_MOD.fxsxml', 0);


Example of replacing chateau model with fort model at industrial:
Thank you @L. Vern .
I had tested the same thing as you but with the following eras: Classical, Medieval, Renaissance. Without success.
Either I made a mistake (but the database is correctly filled), or it does not accept other eras than ancient and industrial.
There's a Tech column you can use in ArtDefine_Landmarks.
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