Haiku thread


Heroically Clueless
Oct 13, 2011
Heart of Etheria
Because there wasn't one, and we needed it (and because it's a sorta challenge). POST HAIKUS! DISCUSS THEM! BE ACTIVE!

So until very recently I didn't know what exactly was a haiku but here I made one. Just now, so it sure as hell sucks, but its a haiku anyway.

The sun is high now,
burning the land beneath it.
I dream of ice cream.
^ Excellent. :goodjob:
I command you to praise my work in order to feed my ego!

And also to post haiku yourself, you lazy bum! Anyways, let's improvise another one.

Mountains dyed of white,
cold and beauty from the sky.
There are no leaves left.
Never really worked with haiku before but may as well give it a shot.

Hedgehogs run too fast
They ruin all my plans always
I want to squish them.

From Robotnik's POV of course. :p

Thylacines throw Rangs,
that strike me hard in the face.
I have a booboo.

Can I do haikus?
Because, see, I'm just too dumb.
Is this one? No way!

What's to rant about?
Gah! What a day today is!
Sunshine and smiling?!
Limericks are better than Haikus

There once was an odd fellow named Tani
Whose misadventures were very uncanny
A girl accused him of staring
He countered, declaring
My dear, I have no interest in Fanny.

Brilliant, HJ, brilliant. :p
But it's not haiku! :mad:

New one, inspired on a recent Skype conversation.

Questions unanswered,
Deep thoughts devoted to them.
There is no way out.
There once was a Spaniard named Joan
About haiku, he would drone
“Haiku are great,
And need I restate
With limericks you lower the tone”
Annoying posters,
Derailing all kinds of threads.
They never give up.
Annoying posters,
Derailing all kinds of threads.
They never give up.

I know this thead is for the poem, Haiku
But I shall give another in lieu
Though the Haiku may be arty
And make you look like a smarty
But I can’t count syllables so make do.
Syllables are not
what should really be counted.
Morae are instead.
Where's the sense in it?
I can't go counting morae.
Too bad! Too damn hard!
BAAAACK to haiku about nature and all.

Picturing rainbows
colours cut the clear blue sky
I see the full moon
That haiku was bad
words decay over the thread.
You should now feel bad.
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