Hair Color Myths


High Elven ISB Capt & Ghost Agent
Jun 17, 2002
Night Haven, Vekta, United Systems of Arathor
I have heard many myths about hair color. One of the mainy myths I have heard are "Blondes have more fun" and "Blondes are dumb" (In wich the Blonde Jokes take root from).

I am curious if there are any Myths from other hair color types Like for Black Hair, Brunettes, Redheads, and Blondes.
As far as I know, "Blondes have more fun" is not a myth. ;)
I've heard somewhere red-haired people had a typical smell... however, I have many (genuine) red-haired friends and they don't have any particular smell...

The "blond being stupid" myth has spread all over the western world :D. The idea is simple... man like better blonde girls so blond girls don't have to devellop their intelligence to get a happy life. Actually most people believe that "myth" comes from males... but I think it comes actually from non-blonde girls (like me) who are somewhere jealous of blond girls attracting all men and who take a small revenge by spreading stupid jokes on them.
ok no... I should not post any jokes on blond girls... even if I like those a lot... ok no... I won't... no, that's off topic... ok... I won't...
Hair color has no proven effect on intelligence or personality.

Though certain countries have certain hair traits in more numerous quantities.
:lol: We have a "blond-jokes" thread in the Humour & Jokes subforum, Marla. ;)

But I think that in principle you're right. ;)
Fortunately, I have brown hair, much like virtually every one of the "dead white men" who have written history. It's therefore the other hair colors that our culture jokes about. :)
Ok Matrix, I've just checked very fast that thread... and my theory is being more and more proven right ! Who has launched the thread on dumb blond girls ?

Superevie !
Actually, except me, Superevie is the only girl I know in this forum. So there are strong chance that dumb blond jokes come mostly from non-blonde girls ;)
Mabey its only Americain Blonde girls, as that is all have come in contact with in RL.
Myth: All stormtroopers and pageboys of the Dark Reich are blond.
Reality: Many, but not all.
Blondes are pretty air-headed....

I dunno about us brunettes. We're smart maybe. :)
Yes, Simon does occasionaly enjoy torturing a red-haired boy every now and then.
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