Hannibal (Archipelago Immortal series)


Dec 17, 2005
Planet Earth
Hannibal (Archipelago Immortal series)

Well, time for our third leader. I'll try and do some more experimentation with these blockade features this time around.

So… time to start.

Previous games:
Darious I


Turn 0

Spoiler :

That extra food is starting to remind me of Stalin's capital in that first Darius I game...
1 W or 1 SW for the settler? last game was a Moai capital, maybe this time a globe theatre whipping post and/or GP farm?
I think 1 W; it frees up a Floodplain and gains a fish +1H (and another +1 when you build the Cothon) in your BFC. Crab, Fish and wheat is +3H off the bat.

It also means 3 less ocean in your BFC to the East you get 2 grasslands and a grass hill instead.
Tempting to be completely greedy with this insane food area. Settle 1SW, get hereditary rule and caste system, run like a dozen scientists? I count 26 surplus food with all farms post-civil service, though unhealthiness would take away some of that.

Don't know if it would be optimal but it would be fun. Globe theatre + whip could work too.

Another thing to note is that as far as we can see, if the settler is moved to the west of the river, it will be impossible for another city to share any of the seafood. Don't want to risk wasting some with 1W, so either 1SW, settling in place, or settling 1E or 2W (either plains hill) with the intention of sharing.
I'd move the warrior to the hill 1W. If more seafood is revealed then I would settle in place, as a 2nd city could go onto the hill, if not, I would move so that all bonus tiles are workable. On tight maps you need to maximise the bonus tiles worked. There may not be that many.
Sheesh! That capital is going to be one helluva GP farm =P.

Hannibal looks like a great pick for a water map overall. Fishing as a start tech, financial to benefit from coast tiles (and fuel your charismatic warmonger expansion), UB is the harbor, which you will likely build early on anyway.

I might settle 1 SW to net all the FPs and Food resources. I also might build Moai to compensate for only having three hills (it's not bad for a water map really, but you can always do better). It'll be tempting to cut those forests, but you might consider saving them for mills lategame. I wonder if you can workshop a floodplain >_<.

Then again, with that much food, you could probably just build Globe and whip/draft for the rest of the game =/. (Is it possible to grow two pop in a single turn?) Hate the GA point pollution though.
I like 1 SE; is the river providing it with fresh water?

I wasn't paying attention as I was posting here to see if the forum was working again. However, 1 SE will DEFINITELY give you all the water you could possibly want :rolleyes:.

I meant SW of course.
A Levee will boost only 4 or 5 tiles (depending on whether the one to the SW counts), which is not a big enough boost, it seems.

The +2 health from the river is not quite necessary, as the Harbor will provide extra health anyway.

In the interest of making room for 2 cities, I suggest settling on a Plains Hill...there are two options for this: 1E and 2W. The site at 2W looks a little better because of having more land tiles and access to the Fish.
I thought about splitting too but this leaves both sites at chronic deficit of production.

Hills sometimes are quite a rarity on water maps.
With HR the limit on early game city size is likely to be health, so settle in place as the fresh water and 2 floodplains maximises health. That also gives access to 3 plains hills for the wonder building that he will undoubtably do.
Plus settling on a floodplain always sucks as you throw it away! There aren't nearly enough floodplains to justify wasting one.

Yes, I'm pretty sure 1SW counts as fresh water, though obsolete should certainly doublecheck. Though we'll want it for the health bonus when the city gets large. (which obviously won't take very long with all that food!)

Floodplain food and unhealthiness cancels out.

However, it's worth moving 1W because of the +1 food from the fish.

Unless there is land south of the wheat, 1W will waste the eastern crab forever. 1SW enjoys all the food resources as well as the floodplains, though it trades away three forest tiles, a grassland and a peak for clams and (presumably) coast and ocean.
I would go 1W rather than 1SW or in place. I say that for a few reasons. You'll end up with better food (trading clam for fish), two more grassland tiles for cottaging, (the clear tile may even be a metal resource), and gain a flood plain. You trade a plains hill for a grassland hill too. I think having the extra land would be better than water because your capital would be better equipped to take advantage of bureaucracy down the road.
I would go 1W rather than 1SW or in place. I say that for a few reasons. You'll end up with better food (trading clam for fish), two more grassland tiles for cottaging, (the clear tile may even be a metal resource), and gain a flood plain. You trade a plains hill for a grassland hill too. I think having the extra land would be better than water because your capital would be better equipped to take advantage of bureaucracy down the road.

Except obsolete doesn't like cottaging that much...
I would go 1W rather than 1SW or in place. I say that for a few reasons. You'll end up with better food (trading clam for fish), two more grassland tiles for cottaging, (the clear tile may even be a metal resource), and gain a flood plain. You trade a plains hill for a grassland hill too. I think having the extra land would be better than water because your capital would be better equipped to take advantage of bureaucracy down the road.

Obsolete or no, this is not a city you'd want to cottage. Food food food, and for that the extra clams of 1SW are worth more than some grass that can't be farmed until civil service.
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