Happy Bicentennial!!!

Nov 14, 2006
Las Vegas
This is dominating a lot of local news. Sure to piss some americans off. I don't care. Most of my friends are Mexican women, which makes it weird when I'm around conservatives and they complain about Mexicans (both legal and illegals). I try not to get too pissed off about it. The conservatives can't help it if they are wrong.

Happy Dieciséis de Septiembre

time to drink some margaritas. I'm not mexican, but that doesn't mean I don't like to pick up on mexican women. Actually I prefer Negra Modelo over Margaritas. Who wants all that salt?

edit: damn typo in the thread title. I was hoping I could change it. Doh!
Why would a Mexican celebration, in Mexico, about Mexico, piss off Americans?

Because they are celebrating (not the official celebration of course) it in an american city (Las Vegas).

I know one guy at work that listens to these weird conservative conspiracy theorists (they make Rush look liberal) that believe the American Southwest will revolt back to Mexico.

I of course told him that would never happen. Most mexicans or their children become americanized really fast.

My best friend is very americanized. Her kids don't even speak Spanish. My other good friend's daughter doesn't speak Spanish very well.

There is no reason to revolt back to Mexico. That defeats the purpose of coming here.

So I support Mexican independence. If their country wasn't so crappy, I wouldn't have had the best sex of my life with several mexican women. :lol:. They do something for me, I'm can't explain it. I :love: mexican women. Men- not so much.

Am I doing it right?

Thanks for the Cession, guys.
uh... odd way to present it, but happy birthday Mexico!
Why would a Mexican celebration, in Mexico, about Mexico, piss off Americans?

It shouldn't. We celebrate Cinco de Mayo for the same reason we celebrate St. Patrics Day... to get drunk!
They should be celebrating 164 years since we allowed them to exist :p
If it pisses off right-wing republitards, it's definitely a good idea.

¡Viva México!
Happy Birthday México.

200 without Spain. I'm feeling a bit jealous right now.
Because they are celebrating (not the official celebration of course) it in an american city (Las Vegas).

Ahhh, I see. There isn't a nice or safe enough place in Mexico to hold this event, so they're holding it here. That's completely understandable, as I agree there's nothing worth celebrating in Mexico nor would I want to celebrate anything there.

Spoiler :

Am I doing it right?

Thanks for the Cession, guys.
Ahhh, I see. There isn't a nice or safe enough place in Mexico to hold this event, so they're holding it here. That's completely understandable, as I agree there's nothing worth celebrating in Mexico nor would I want to celebrate anything there.


No I mean the mexicans that live here are celebrating it. We have hundreds of thousands of people from Mexican background in the area where I live. Many mexicans still identify themselves as mexicans, over americans (or both). They still celebrate all the holidays of their home country, and they generally celebrate most major american holidays.

Just because they live here, doesn't mean they ignore the country they came from.

Although I think if I lived in London, I wouldn't be celebrating the Fourth of July- but that's just me. :D
Happy Birthday to America's favorite southern neighbor! :clap:
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