Happy Birthday Shadylooking


Sep 7, 2002
A very happy birthday to Shadylookin !

:ninja: :bday:
Another fine Cake for Shady ;)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Shadylookin! I know nothing about you (as was your intent) so I had no idea what to buy you. Enjoy your new Barbie doll! (I took a risk, but I think it'll pay off. ;))
Originally posted by anarchywrksbest
Who? :ack:

*elbows anarchy in ribs* Just say Happy Birthday and play nice with the others! :D
Congratulations on shuffling one step closer to the grave, whomever you might be.
Happy birthday!

*cop car comes by wondering the heck is going on*
yay happy birthday to me, now i have to go out and get a matching ken doll. in case anyone is wondering i am different than the guy named shady who happends to have registed on the same day as me and holds the same birthday. anyway where are the sharp objects to cut the cake
I think Cubie is the one that suppost to have the cake ;).
i am different than the guy named shady who happends to have registed on the same day as me and holds the same birthday. anyway where are the sharp objects to cut the cake

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :p

Anyway Happy Birthday. :)

Well, that was fun.
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