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Harappa 1.18 UHV


Mar 17, 2018
Finally did it on Monarch/Normal and wanted to share my strategy because it took me quite a few tries.

1. Trade connections: establish a trade connection with another Civilization by 1000 BC (Turn 42)

This one is really easy and can be done with the same strategy as 1.17. Just send your starting militia to explore along the Indus river, then explore the Oman and Persian gulfs, declare on Shushan and stop when you find the Babylonian border. You need to be quick though. If you´re just a turn late, Shushan will have made another militia, attack yours and probably kill it. To prevent this, after reaching the border send your militia to the hill 1NE of the Babylonian border. Research sailing, then seafaring and you're done.

2. Architecture: control three reservoirs, two granaries and two weavers by 1500 BC (Turn 55)

This is the one I struggled with. You need to research masonry and leverage fast enough to build everything. The problem is that with the increased cost of settling new cities you can tank your economy quite easily.

What I've found to be the most effective tech path is masonry » pastoralism » sailing » seafaring » leverage. Seafaring gets done by turn 41 so you accomplish the first goal and leverage by turn 48 so you have time to build the two weavers. You need pastoralism ASAP because the pasture on the cow next to Sibipura is probably the best tile you have.

Settle Sibipura on place. This city makes city builder/worker/city builder/city builder/granary. Then Chandka 1N of the dates but only when you finnish masonry. Build order is worker/granary/reservoir. Then Khokrakot 1SE of the cows because you need access to the hill without a forest. Here you make a reservoir and a weaver. Finally, Pushkalavati 1N of the the marble. Make a reservoir ASAP. Both Chandka and Pushkalavati can make a weaver on 7 turns so is up to you where to build the second one. The key here is to micromanage what tiles you're working so you get the most commerce and delaying new cities until they can be productive enough. The goal is to hit that sweet spot when you can finish leverage by turn 48. On some other attempts I did it on turn 49 and that was just too late. I didn't bother making much of a military other that two militias to grow Khokrakot to size 5 and Pushkalavati to size 4. Your starting militia can come back to guard Sibipura and grow it to size 6. Chandka is fine with size 4.

With the starting worker I farmed the weat, then the sugar, then when masonry was finnished I made a quarry on the salt. This is really important as it gives you 4 commerce which is key to finnish the techs fast enough. I prioritized the camps on the Ivory for the hapiness and on the deer for the amazing 3 food 4 production. Another great improvment is the mine 1S of Khokrakot. Other than that the goal is to improve as much as you can.

3. Urban planning: have a total population of 45 by 800 BC (Turn 97)

Is hard to mess this one up. I settled Debal 1W of the cotton and Tiz 1NW of the fish. Lost Tiz to the Persians when they spawned though so you may want to skip it and grow Debal instead. My strategy was going for monarchy and making a bunch of archers and militias. The archers are useful to deal with the barbarians that spawn. Hinduism spread quite slow so didn't bother to convert. If you can't reach 45 population the best strategy is to settle as many cities as you need on turn 97. Here I settled Jampur, Bundi and Khambat. I even lost Bundi to the barbarians for not guarding it well but it didn't matter. Persia also declared a few turns before I won but didn't make a difference. This is what I ended up with.

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