Has anyone ever eliminated a civ right when you first meet?


Sep 4, 2003
I know this is possible, I've done it in debug mode several times. The question is, have u ever started a game and sent a jaguar warrior or a chasqui out, find the enemy capitol with either 1 warrior or none on top, and you either battle him and destroy the city, or you just simply walk over it and take the capitol? In debug mode, I was actually able to make a chasqui and send him over to an enemy city and take it without them being able to create a single warrior! :eek:

I realize in a normal game that you can't see the whole map, and there would have to be quite a bit of luck involved to run right into the enemy capitol, but has anyone done it in a real game and defeated them? This could be a little controversial I think, since I'm not sure it's really fair to be able to do this since it is quite dependant on your's and the enemy's starting location.
(based on shields present, and whether they're close to you or not)
I've done it with the Aztecs several times. I found an enemy capital before they built a spearman. With any luck, the town had grown/expanded before, so I'd get a free city. I've done it as the French, before. Took over Berlin with two scouting warriors. (I had no choice, as Berlin would've kept me caged onto an itty-bitty peninsula)
Numerous times, The AI has the tendency to place me next to 2 or 3 other civs so I'm trapped, but I just take their capital with a bit of luck.
I've done it with the aztecs several times also.
Its eay to do with the Aztecs, Incas and Zulu. I don't tend to do it as I hate wasting an early golden age. I'll normally use my fast UU to capture workers, pillage etc until warriors/archers etc can finish the job.
I've done it on my Hexette map - you're guaranteed to start very near to someone!

I've kind-of done it on a normal map; the Scandinavians started very near me, so I built two Jaguar Warriors and defeated their Warrior and took their capital on turn twelve.
Done it to the Americans, Babylonians, Persians and Chinese...I feel quite bad..*sniff* for destroying a poor helpless civilization.
it's quite impossible to capture or destroy an empty city with a huge map.
I do it if I have the chance, and it doesn't spoil my GA.
The Aztecs are not so hot anymore, and if you did it it will spoil your GA. Building just one swordsman very early could also make a lot of opportunities.
Anyway, I always tick off "Restart beaten civs" so, that means more space if I manage it.
Originally posted by hawai_74
it's quite impossible to capture or destroy an empty city with a huge map.

Yep, but on tiny pangea, it's easy. :p
it's very easy for me, considering I play with all the civs on a tiny map. I usually eliminate 3-5 civs in the first 10 turns of play
I've done it with the Zulus and Aztecs a number of times. I've done it with Germany, and I may have done it with Egypt (do those chariots have 2 moves)?
I did exactly what "The Last Conformist" did. Took two jaguar Warriors and took out France on a huge map in less than 20 turns. Luck is involved, but so is finding a goody city with a conscript warrior, next to a city in the first ten turns.
I've done this several times. A couple with the Aztecs, but also done it with the Iroquis and Persians. It's really nice to take out one civ early on. Gives you that much more room for expansion.
I remeber one game where I was the Zulu, and I took Berlin (killed the Germans, in the process) in the time it took for me to build an Impi, and send it 7 or so squares down. It turned out to be one of my more productive cities. I know I have a screenshot somewhere...
I was playing as the Japanese once, and one of my exploring warriors saw a Russian city from the mountaintops. It was relatively close so I had my worker starting bhuilding a road to the city and built non-stop warriors. After I had about 8, I overran the city, and killed the Russians off. :lol:
Yep, a couple of times, after 7 or 8 turns I just walk in at empty capitol of neighbour nation:D .
For me this has happened just once playing the Ottomans. My first warrior went to a neighbouring mountain to explore and the border of Japan could be seen. I moved the warrior nearer hoping to see a unit to trade early techs only to witness the lone defending warrior being defeated by a barbarian. Two turns later I walked into the undefended city and that was the end of Japan. Maybe 10 turns into the game. Unfortunately, I have never had such luck again!
I've done this with me as the Celts, the Iroquis found me early so I back tracked to where they came from. I put all research into iron working, lucky enough there was some connected to the roads I made towards the iroquis, it was easy to move a couple Gaelic Swordsmen across the roads, I think the first turn of my attack I nabbed 2 of his cities, then next turn 2 more and ten finally his capitol. Not as early in the game as others have posted, but still the first time I elimnated an AI that easily.
always because they most likely will declare war on you in the future. but never declare war on a civ that you got in trade.
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