Has someone done a review of which civs, bonuses, methods there are to increase city cap?

I haven't played Humankind for over a year, but I know I had to beeline to certain techs and the leader who gave 2 extra city caps, so I'm hoping for something similar to be able to go wider/bigger. We will see in a few weeks...
I'm too lazy to try and list all the options but you shouldn't be too worried. There are various ways to increase it, some universal, some limited to certain Civs, and going above isn't the end of the world anyway. In Inquisitive Otter's recent video, he went to 10/5 settlements and would have kept them all till the end of the age despite the revolt crisis if he didn't misunderstood a Roman ability and slotted the wrong crisis card 3 turns before the end of the age. Even then he only lost 2.
As near as I can tell, the Settlement Cap is a very 'soft' cap. As posted above, gamers seem to regularly be able to exceed it by large percentages with minimal negative effects.

And just in the Antiquity Age, Greece, Han China, Maurya India, Persia, and Rome all have specific ways (Civics) to increase their Settlement limit. That's 5 out of 10 Civs available at Game Start, so by design the Settlement limit is obviously not intended to be too crippling unless you want to treat it as such..
Just checked:

In Exploration Age, Hawai'i, Majapahit, Ming China, Mongolia, Normans, Songhai and Spain all have Settlement limit expansions built in, and the Shawnee 'extra' Civ also has - that's 8 out of 11.

In the Modern Age, of the 7 Civs so far revealed, America, French Empire, Qing China, and Russia all have ways to increase their Settlement caps, which is 4 of 7 or out of 28 Civs revealed at or near Release date, 17 have some built in capability to exceed the 'normal' Settlement limit.

It's definitely not intended to be any hard cap. You'd have to work pretty hard, in fact, to play a game through all three Ages without getting at least one Civ that can exceed any settlement cap, and it would not be hard to play a civ in each Age that can exceed it without penalty.
Just checked:

In Exploration Age, Hawai'i, Majapahit, Ming China, Mongolia, Normans, Songhai and Spain all have Settlement limit expansions built in, and the Shawnee 'extra' Civ also has - that's 8 out of 11.

In the Modern Age, of the 7 Civs so far revealed, America, French Empire, Qing China, and Russia all have ways to increase their Settlement caps, which is 4 of 7 or out of 28 Civs revealed at or near Release date, 17 have some built in capability to exceed the 'normal' Settlement limit.

It's definitely not intended to be any hard cap. You'd have to work pretty hard, in fact, to play a game through all three Ages without getting at least one Civ that can exceed any settlement cap, and it would not be hard to play a civ in each Age that can exceed it without penalty.
One of the videos I watched, the player basically said that the "Cap" is really the minimum number of settlements you should have. How many you could have is limited by your Happiness. It's like the Speed Limit that way.
And just in the Antiquity Age, Greece, Han China, Maurya India, Persia, and Rome all have specific ways (Civics) to increase their Settlement limit. That's 5 out of 10 Civs available at Game Start, so by design the Settlement limit is obviously not intended to be too crippling unless you want to treat it as such..
Only Aksum doesn't have an increased settlement limit in Antiquity age.
Just checked:

In Exploration Age, Hawai'i, Majapahit, Ming China, Mongolia, Normans, Songhai and Spain all have Settlement limit expansions built in, and the Shawnee 'extra' Civ also has - that's 8 out of 11.

In the Modern Age, of the 7 Civs so far revealed, America, French Empire, Qing China, and Russia all have ways to increase their Settlement caps, which is 4 of 7 or out of 28 Civs revealed at or near Release date, 17 have some built in capability to exceed the 'normal' Settlement limit.

It's definitely not intended to be any hard cap. You'd have to work pretty hard, in fact, to play a game through all three Ages without getting at least one Civ that can exceed any settlement cap, and it would not be hard to play a civ in each Age that can exceed it without penalty.
To a bit of info from the staff here before. The idea is that civs that has one settlement cap increase in their civic tree is the standard. So the ones with 2 are the ones that are more expansion focus than the others, and the ones with 0 are the ones less expansion focus.
One of the videos I watched, the player basically said that the "Cap" is really the minimum number of settlements you should have. How many you could have is limited by your Happiness. It's like the Speed Limit that way.
I hope people don't go over the speed limit based on their current happiness...
I hope people don't go over the speed limit based on their current happiness...
That probably explains why ten miles per hour is the fastest I was ever able to drive. :shifty:
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