• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Hatshepsut (God's Wife of Amun) - Leader Discussion

I had a dream last night that Hatshepsut was replaced by Merneith...which would be a strange choice but not the worst one.
While we’re talking dreams last night I had a nightmare that “The Vikings” were revealed and they were part of the Modern age post-Norman track and I need to get off this damn site before it consumes me completely
Her bonuses don't seem as strong as other leaders, but one thing that will be nice is that, under the new trade system, other leaderrs will have to spend influence to prevent you from getting their resources in trade agreements. So it shouldn't be too hard to fulfill the import requirement. It will take a lot of influence to get a lot of imports though, so I suspect she will pair well with civs that can gain influence more easily.
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