Have you had 2 Golden Ages?

Have you had multiple Golden Ages in one game?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 20 15.9%
  • No

    Votes: 101 80.2%
  • I've had more than 2!

    Votes: 5 4.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 16, 2001
Downey, CA
I've had 3 or more!

So many people don't believe multiple Golden Ages in one game are possible. I KNOW they are. I wish a Firaxis would explain a little better how to trigger a GA, but here's a poll to try and prove to people who still don't beleive a multiple GA game is possible.
AFAIK, you are only supposed to be able to achieve one golden age per game. If it's happening multiple times, we will probably want to know about that :)

This smells like an urban legend in the making. The vanishing hitchhiker, the hook in the car door, the SECOND GOLDEN AGE!!

No such thing folks, but that won't stop everyone from reading this thread huh?

I have to go now, the phone is ringing...what officer? The call is coming FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE??!?!?!?! AAAAAHHHH!
if its such a legend, then how could I have had 2 a few times, as well as a bunch of other people (who like a lot of people, seem too apathetic to vote ;) )

Point is it's not a myth. I want to dispel that. If its a bug, firaxis would definitely want to know about it.

Im sorry you haven't had one. I hope someday you do so that you can join the ranks of skeptics-turned-believers.
cephyn seems to habe a second nickname on civfanatics, because 2 people pretend to had 2 golden ages:lol: :lol:
Originally posted by SanPellegrino
cephyn seems to habe a second nickname on civfanatics, because 2 people pretend to had 2 golden ages:lol: :lol:

yeah. resort to personal attacks. you're a genius.
meant no offense, but you are really the only one that claims to have multiple GAs.
check your civ3edit, there might be an option that limits Golden ages, im not sure though. just a guess
Ok, I read it, but I am not convinced. This was 2 months ago and you put great effort in proofing multiple GAs, so why didn't you attach 2 savegames with same civ in different GAs?
Originally posted by SanPellegrino
Ok, I read it, but I am not convinced. This was 2 months ago and you put great effort in proofing multiple GAs, so why didn't you attach 2 savegames with same civ in different GAs?

I didn't realize it is as rare as it is. I figured lots of people were having GA's. Turned out they weren't. I started that thread, and clearly, i wasn't the only one.

Also, with skeptics like you and others on the board, attaching sav files wouldn't do any good. The skeptics would just say "oh, he just triggered the GA at different times, big deal."

So whatever. Try getting it. Play say, as Germans and get a GA by building Sun Tzu, then trigger your next one by winning a battle with Panzers. I've done it that way.
Originally posted by Cunobelin Of Hippo
Never had it happen myself :confused: And yes, I've built the wonder and had one then won with a special unit and not had one, and vice-versa.

ive had it NOT happen more often than i have. Which led me to believe that it might be a bug. But i never had any confirmation from firaxis, which is what i was looking for when i started that thread 2 months ago. NOW Dan tells me there's supposed to be only 1 per game, but I've had more. I don't know how to reproduce it 100% -- but thats how bugs are, apparently.
I still think you're confusing era shifts w/ Golden Ages. I don't buy the 2 GAs myself and personally I'm wondering how you get a Golden Age from a tank attack unless you're the Germans.
Originally posted by LayZMan
I still think you're confusing era shifts w/ Golden Ages. I don't buy the 2 GAs myself and personally I'm wondering how you get a Golden Age from a tank attack unless you're the Germans.

1) i had it from a panzer attack as germans, yes BUT

2) i also had one a couple months ago (so i don't have the saves, and my memory is fuzzy since i didn't realize that it was such an extraordanary occurance) with the chinese. I had a GA triggered with something in Medieval period, probably Sun Tzu, then once more in Industrial or maybe even Modern times with a tank attack on the Russians. My explanation is that both events triggered because of their militaristic nature.

and i KNOW I'm not confusing era shifts with GAs. I mean come on -- a GA happens, all your cities go WLTK, your money/turn shoots up, everyone produces like mad, and it says Golden Age in the lower right. Era shift, you get a screen and a little animation. I think I can tell the difference. I'm not that dumb. I'm sorry I can't convince you. It'd make all our lives easier if it happened to you too, or you could believe me on this one. But I KNOW it's possible. My brother almost fell out of his chair when he saw it happen over winter break -- i got 2 Golden Ages with teh Germans -- he said he'd never seen it before and was rather surprised. I wasn't as amazed, since I've had it happen before. If its a bug, then it explains why its so rare. But I will go to my grave saying that I have had double GA games. Because I have.

Flame me all you wan't I'm done trying to convince you people.

DAN at Firaxis, I've had it happen. Put it on your bug list as 'very rare' -- I'm sorry I can't narrow it down for you any more than that.
Originally posted by cephyn

I had a GA triggered with something in Medieval period, probably Sun Tzu, then once more in Industrial or maybe even Modern times with a tank attack on the Russians. My explanation is that both events triggered because of their militaristic nature.

That is just not possible. GA is triggered by either a wonder or your first win with your UU. No way you get a GA with chinese tanks, except you gave them a tank UU.
Originally posted by SanPellegrino

That is just not possible. GA is triggered by either a wonder or your first win with your UU. No way you get a GA with chinese tanks, except you gave them a tank UU.

Then it was a bug. Because it happened -- and it wasn't a modded .bic file. I don't have any other explaination for you. I was surprised to see it happen, but I was less aware of the rules at the time..
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