Have you had your DNA tested?


Sep 9, 2004
San Diego, Baja Norte
Personal DNA testing for both health and/or genealogical reasons is increasing in popularity. I had my Y-DNA tested for the latter reason. Have any of you had your DNA tested?
I considered it and checked out a company that makes such tests. Unfortunately I'm quite paranoid about what happens with the information and the whole setup was just too insecure for me (on "because we promise"-basis).

It doesn't feel like such companies can live on just the test fees, the real asset must be that info they hold about their customers. Even if they don't do anything bad with the info themselves, if the company goes bankrupt everything in it will fall into someone else's hands, someone who isn't bound by our agreement.
The labs are making money. For example, if you want a paternity test done, fees start around $200. If you want a paternity test you can use in court then it's probably going to cost you at least five hundred dollars. Other tests cost more or less depending on the scope and purpose of the test. A simple genealogical test starts around $150.

But yes, privacy issues are certainly a concern.
"have you had" ... uh???
Not really. I don't want to know if I'm destined to die at forty, and I absolutely don't care about my ancesty.
Not yet. But I guess it could be interesting to do it. I do want to know if I am preconditioned to die at forty (so that I can act to limit my risks), and I absolutely do care about my ancestry (on an unrelated note, I can count my lineage back 18 generations!).

After my sister was diagnosed with her 4th very rare genetic disorder, my family asked for me to get some tests done myself. My insurance hasn't been able to pay for everything yet, so I suppose there is still a chance I could drop dead running from a heart condition.
Nope, and never will unless I need to for health or legal reasons.
Only a taste test, and I delegated that to someone else.
Even if these companies won't pass your DNA-data on to insurance companies, it's reasonable that the insurance companies demand this information before insuring you, if you've taken the test.
I'd be willing to contribute my DNA to a scientific study, except no one ever does those for Americans it seems . . .

I've volunteered three times, and all three times I've been bounced due to not qualifying as a proper control subject.

I'm gonna get my sequence done within the next couple of years, I think.
I was tested for a particular genetic mutation that causes a huge increase in the risk of ovarian cancer in women, and a small increase in other cancers like breast and prostate in both genders, because my mom had ovarian cancer because of that gene. Thankfully, both me and my sister didn't have it, so we don't have to worry.
This probably is not what the OP means, but I will probably get haplopgroup testing done eventually.
Since no one in my family has had any rare genetic disorders, no.
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