Having Trouble Playing Greece


King of the Beers
Jun 18, 2003
Hidden Underground Volcano Lair
Like the title says, I am having some trouble getting started as Greece in the new C3C. Large, pangea, Emporer, 12 civs. It may just be the traits, or it may be me. Scientific and Commercial are mid to late game traits. I'm trying to test out the new republic gov so that's what I am aiming for.

I am trying to expand and at the same time build a wonder or two; colossus and maybe Great Library all the while trying to be first to republic.

Am I trying to do too much at once? Should I just rex out and play as normal? Should I pick a fight early for a GA or wait until the Rex is done?

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to open as greece?
I'm no expert, but it seems to me that Greece's advantage throughout the ancient age and early middle age is the Hoplite. Just put one of those in each city, use them anywhere else you would put a spear or pikeman and play normally otherwise. A pikeman's strength combined with a spearman's cost and no iron requirement: one hell of an advantage.

(edit) The AI in my games always turns Greece into a culture monster, even though they aren't religious. I guess with cheap libraries and universities you could do this, too. (Come to think of it, I haven't seen Greece in Conquests, yet, so my AI Greece experiences are from vanilla and PTW.)

(edit 2) By the way, you don't have to go to war to take advantage of the Hoplite. Its military strength is factored in by the AI, and they respect and fear you a bit more when you're more powerful.
What do you mean by "rex out"?

Anyway, I try and pick a fight when I want a GA - which is usually after I switch to republic and get comfy. With the Hoplite, no one can do much damage to you.
You should REX, but you should look for land with rivers mixed with a proper amount of food and shield properties. This would help create more settlers to expand further while you build up your capital for creating a great wonder.

Make sure that you have a fair size empire with a few 7+ cities before triggering your GA. Triggering your GA while having a few towns is a wasted effort.
"Rex out" is building granaries, settlers, workers, a and a few troops for protection until all the land is taken. Just settling and expanding as fast as I can. That's usually how I start.
Greece is kind of a slow starter. Slow workers, no agr food bonus, and the first building discount they get is on libraries.

On Emperor, trying to REX well and build two wonders isn't exactly easy. Colossus + GL will trigger a GA for Greece, right? So the idea would be to get to Republic and switch before the completion of the GL (assuming the Colossus will go first). On Emperor, I would think that's hard to do (without a really good start).

So I guess the GA should be after republic. Which means I am better off going to republic after my cities are size 7. I wonder if I should go for fewer cities that are bigger instead of spreading out my pop on rexing. I think if I rex and then wait to grow to size 7, I may miss the window of usefulness on the hoplite. I mean the ai might have knights by the time I get that far.

Its an interesting puzzle, and I think greece must get better as the game goes on, like Arrian said. Its just that I have it stuck in my head that they should do well early.
I see more and more people using 'rex'. Is that from another forum or something?

BTW, its hard to time your GA with a defensive UU. The only real way to do it is to stay peaceful - but the Hoplite lasts until the Middle Ages, and that's a long time to go without a war.

I would take the early GA and try to use it to get Great Library, if you can.
Originally posted by cgannon64
I see more and more people using 'rex'. Is that from another forum or something?
REX = Rapid EXpansion, I think. I thought I got that from CivFan, but I can't seem to find a reference to it in the War Academy or Acronym list now.
We (or at least I) call that the Farmer's Gambit over here, son. ;)

Although the Farmer's Gambit is specifically when you send out settlers without defenders.
You must be patient with Greece.It is a slow starter as Arrian said but if you give it the right base it can develop to a strong civ.I say that it is hard at least at the beging to build two wonders and at the same time expand your land.Why don't you try libraries&marketplaces instead of G.W.After the forth-fifth city try to build a G.W.You have a good defence with the Hoplites,which means that even if war is at your door,you can easily defend your land.And go for the scientific-economic tecnologies.As for the goverments:Despotism/Republic/Democracy.
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