Healing Guide: When to stay, when to return for healing


Baller Magnus
Dec 31, 2005
You have a hurt unit, and your pondering whether to stand your ground and heal, or move it back into terrain that will let the unit heal faster. Should you stay, or should you go?

I finally just ran the numbers, as I've always done it by feel but I was actually curious what the answer was. So below I tell you what the Unit's HP needs to be (or lower than that) to be worth the time to get extra healing.

So a few assumptions:

1) No healing bonuses (like immortal double heal or fountain of youth).
2) We are using the normal numbers of: Enemy Borders - 5, Neutral - 10, Friendly Borders - 15, City - 20
3) We are assuming that it takes 1 turn to get where you are going, and 1 turn to get back. Aka the "cost" of your extra healing is 2 moves. Aka our extra healing has to save us 3 or more turns to get back to full.
4) The unit is not under threat, as obviously that changes everything.

  • Enemy -> Neutral: 70
  • Enemy -> Friendly: 75
  • Enemy -> City: 80
  • Neutral -> Friendly: 25 (except at exactly 20 hp weirdly enough, just the way the rounding works)
  • Neutral -> City: 45
  • Friendly -> City: Never!
The wiki says units heal 10 points even in enemy territory, is the 5 hp heal a change introduced in VP?
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