Health - Stability system


Aug 25, 2011
Rep. of Korea
Remove bonus and penalty from health. Instead, your health is added to stability each turn and you get bonus/penalty from stability counter.
Also rework African UA/Foresight to work on positive stability.

So now going negative health briefly isn't so detrimental, as long as your stability does not go negative.
And we can put more severe penalty to very low stability this way.
For this to work, you would also need X% of the current stability to decay each turn. That would make it reasonably easy to balance. Then you can map the current effects of health to stability, using the formula:

Stability Changing Point = 100 * Health / X

So if X is 5%, then the current bonuses to production, science, and output growth would occur at 200 stability, instead of 10 health.

The only question I can think of is ... why!? Health doesn't usually change very rapidly at the moment, so adding a 'smoothing' system such as stability doesn't seem to add very much to the game. It also makes the game more complicated, which is a game-design sin if it doesn't add something to the game.
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