Health Thread🤸‍♂️

I am building a home library which I've painted a mellow blue, so that instead of sitting in front of the computer or my phone right before bed I can head to the library and do some reading before I sleep. We will see how that ends up impacting my sleep/rest/ability to fall asleep. I've found it tough to stay away from my PC or phone before sleep.. My doc says I should try harder - he says it will help me sleep better. I've also had trouble finding more time to read.. so.. this home library is sort of meant to be a fix for both of those issues. I have a good feeling about this plan overall! But we will see how it pans out

My home office is getting painted a sort of mellow yet energetic light orange, complementary to the library's mellow blue. It used to sort of be a dark moccha colour.. it was a bit depressing tbh. We were painting the home office friday and today, it needed 3 coats.. After the first coat I already felt the new energy of the room hitting me and warming me up! Loving the orange I picked out. It sort of looks semi-peach-y, but the hints of orange come out nicely and it doesn't make me think of peaches overall. Idea is to energize in the home office, play games, watch TV shows, draw art, compose music.. then migrate to the library before sleep and mellow out there. More work is needed on both these rooms, but I am looking forward to it all, once it's done. The furniture arrived 2 days ago, but we still need to install the floor in the home office, buy and install the baseboards in both rooms.. and.. then I get to spend hours/days/weeks/months/decades assembling IKEA furniture or whatever
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Other than the assembling IKEA furniture part, of course.

Agreed! Here is a graph of the anticipated mental health state leading up to and following IKEA furniture assembly. I made it because I should be doing something else right now, and focusing on this feels way more satisfying



0 - Neutral mental health state

- IDEA - The Idea pops in your head. This could be some far away fantasy or it could be reality. You aren't really sure but are now at a slightly elevated mental health state of 4.
- RESEARCH - Anticipation slowly creeps up as you do research for the project and go through ideas and concepts. The 9 seems low but measuring things is annoying.
- ORDER - You did it, you put in the order. This is actually going to happen! Life finally feels a bit more promising. The dopamine boosts you to 40
- UPDATE - You just received the email that your order is ready for pickup. Holy crap, you shoot up to 100
- PICK-UP - The pick-up process is the worst ever and you are threatened with a phone call to the police. Moving heavy boxes isn't fun either. You plunge to -20
- STORAGE - You store the furniture boxes until they are ready for assembly. This is a process that could last anywhere from a couple hours to 5 months. 4
- ANTICIPATION - Anticipation builds while everything else falls in place. Any day now you can open those boxes! 25
- UNPACKING - The first boxes being opened shoot you up to 120, as adrenaline rushes through your veins
- ASSEMBLY - Armageddon. -200
- USAGE - Civilization has been rebuilt and we can now use the assembled furniture on a day-to-day basis.
Home library. Goals!

It just all seemed to fall into place

1. Me and my mom needed a project to focus on
2. I have a couple rooms upstairs that I wasn't really using effectively
3. I really needed to elevate the mental health potential of all of upstairs
4. I have 400+ books and wish I had room to consider buying more. The 2 bookshelves I had set up in my home office were packed.
5. When we first started renovating this room I wasn't really sure what it was going to become. But this just ended up making sense
6. This all really started with the fact that I bought flooring 12-14 years ago and it's been collecting dust. The flooring ended up being amazing & classy and it fits the library biome perfectly.
7. Some of my most cherished memories are also of my late grandfather showing me books in his study. This home library is being named after him.

Every once in a while I get this mental health boost when I just think of this all coming together and me using the library. So I think "it's working"

Spoiler :

This is the rough idea, just replace the casting couch with a comfy 1-person recliner sitting diagonally in that corner. The dark brown bookcases are basically going to look 100% like in the image, but the storage system in the closet is going to be slightly different, and there is a matching wooden coffee table & small reading table set I got. Also add a reading lamp and blackout curtains. One day also maybe a globe.

If I ever need more bookspace it will be possible to install several more bookcases on the opposite wall. Doing that would make this seem even more like a proper library, so I sort of want to set it up like that sooner rather than later.. but we'll see what phase A looks like first. Will also have to think about proper library-esque decorations. It seems inevitable that there will be a map somewhere, but I'll let that thought linger while everything else is finished first
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I've built IKEA stuff. IDK why people say it's awful.
Did it have drawers? I feel like building IKEA drawers is basically my second job, except that for some reason I have to pay to do it.
It just all seemed to fall into place

1. Me and my mom needed a project to focus on
2. I have a couple rooms upstairs that I wasn't really using effectively
3. I really needed to elevate the mental health potential of all of upstairs
4. I have 400+ books and wish I had room to consider buying more. The 2 bookshelves I had set up in my home office were packed.
5. When we first started renovating this room I wasn't really sure what it was going to become. But this just ended up making sense
6. This all really started with the fact that I bought flooring 12-14 years ago and it's been collecting dust. The flooring ended up being amazing & classy and it fits the library biome perfectly.
7. Some of my most cherished memories are also of my late grandfather showing me books in his study. This home library is being named after him.

Every once in a while I get this mental health boost when I just think of this all coming together and me using the library. So I think "it's working"

Spoiler :

This is the rough idea, just replace the casting couch with a comfy 1-person recliner sitting diagonally in that corner. The dark brown bookcases are basically going to look 100% like in the image, but the storage system in the closet is going to be slightly different, and there is a matching wooden coffee table & small reading table set I got. Also add a reading lamp and blackout curtains. One day also maybe a globe.

If I ever need more bookspace it will be possible to install several more bookcases on the opposite wall. Doing that would make this seem even more like a proper library, so I sort of want to set it up like that sooner rather than later.. but we'll see what phase A looks like first. Will also have to think about proper library-esque decorations. It seems inevitable that there will be a map somewhere, but I'll let that thought linger while everything else is finished first
This looks awesome. If you don’t post pictures when it’s done I’ll insist on coming to see it in person!
It just all seemed to fall into place

1. Me and my mom needed a project to focus on
2. I have a couple rooms upstairs that I wasn't really using effectively
3. I really needed to elevate the mental health potential of all of upstairs
4. I have 400+ books and wish I had room to consider buying more. The 2 bookshelves I had set up in my home office were packed.
5. When we first started renovating this room I wasn't really sure what it was going to become. But this just ended up making sense
6. This all really started with the fact that I bought flooring 12-14 years ago and it's been collecting dust. The flooring ended up being amazing & classy and it fits the library biome perfectly.
7. Some of my most cherished memories are also of my late grandfather showing me books in his study. This home library is being named after him.

Every once in a while I get this mental health boost when I just think of this all coming together and me using the library. So I think "it's working"

Spoiler :

This is the rough idea, just replace the casting couch with a comfy 1-person recliner sitting diagonally in that corner. The dark brown bookcases are basically going to look 100% like in the image, but the storage system in the closet is going to be slightly different, and there is a matching wooden coffee table & small reading table set I got. Also add a reading lamp and blackout curtains. One day also maybe a globe.

If I ever need more bookspace it will be possible to install several more bookcases on the opposite wall. Doing that would make this seem even more like a proper library, so I sort of want to set it up like that sooner rather than later.. but we'll see what phase A looks like first. Will also have to think about proper library-esque decorations. It seems inevitable that there will be a map somewhere, but I'll let that thought linger while everything else is finished first
Nice, my 'library' consists of three unsteady piles on top of my wardrobe, one of the saddest parts of moving around so much was all the books I had to give up
It just all seemed to fall into place

1. Me and my mom needed a project to focus on
2. I have a couple rooms upstairs that I wasn't really using effectively
3. I really needed to elevate the mental health potential of all of upstairs
4. I have 400+ books and wish I had room to consider buying more. The 2 bookshelves I had set up in my home office were packed.
5. When we first started renovating this room I wasn't really sure what it was going to become. But this just ended up making sense
6. This all really started with the fact that I bought flooring 12-14 years ago and it's been collecting dust. The flooring ended up being amazing & classy and it fits the library biome perfectly.
7. Some of my most cherished memories are also of my late grandfather showing me books in his study. This home library is being named after him.

Every once in a while I get this mental health boost when I just think of this all coming together and me using the library. So I think "it's working"

Spoiler :

This is the rough idea, just replace the casting couch with a comfy 1-person recliner sitting diagonally in that corner. The dark brown bookcases are basically going to look 100% like in the image, but the storage system in the closet is going to be slightly different, and there is a matching wooden coffee table & small reading table set I got. Also add a reading lamp and blackout curtains. One day also maybe a globe.

If I ever need more bookspace it will be possible to install several more bookcases on the opposite wall. Doing that would make this seem even more like a proper library, so I sort of want to set it up like that sooner rather than later.. but we'll see what phase A looks like first. Will also have to think about proper library-esque decorations. It seems inevitable that there will be a map somewhere, but I'll let that thought linger while everything else is finished first
400+ books… this is a treasure. Nice to hear that you honor your late grandfather by naming your library after him.

I had a lot of books too… but i thought i don‘t need a lot of them and uhm… one lesson is: Never throw books to trash.
Now i need to buy some of them a second time 😅 cause i do need them.

Back to the thread-topic, if all goes well, next week monday my „workout“ can begin. I‘ll try to start with fast walking in the nature. 😊
30-45 minutes, to start slow.
400+ books… this is a treasure. Nice to hear that you honor your late grandfather by naming your library after him.

I had a lot of books too… but i thought i don‘t need a lot of them and uhm… one lesson is: Never throw books to trash.
Now i need to buy some of them a second time 😅 cause i do need them.

Back to the thread-topic, if all goes well, next week monday my „workout“ can begin. I‘ll try to start with fast walking in the nature. 😊
30-45 minutes, to start slow.

I'm supposed to be getting more exercise too and might be forming an alliance with one of my sisters to make sure the other person is getting a solid weekly amount of exercise.. I think she called it a motivational buddy or something similar. I think it will help... I basically stopped my weekly exercises (25 mins of cardio and lifting weights 3 times a week) when I flew to Portugal on vacation early June.. and did not resume my workout routine when I returned.. Have been too busy tbh, but that's not an excuse either. Getting started is the hardest part though.. Once I have a routine going, it's far easier for me to just keep it going, even if I miss a day. .. but if I miss 3 weeks.. that's another story.

As for the books, yeah.. I have this personal rule that I never throw out a book.. even a horrible one.. or one I don't really want. To this day I have a horrid book Orson Scott Card wrote (Empire), that I just hated. I will never throw it out though.. I should have given it away by now, but one gets lazy about such things.. I also have for some reason a book about Jesus.. it seems to be a novel? I have no idea where I got it or why I have it.. I should probably bring it into a church and casually leave it there for somebody to grab.. I also have these 2 bible related books my cousin's wife got me for christmas one year. Really nice editions! One is a book full of psalms I think.. the other.. some other biblical book. It's not my cup of tea at all, but I'll also never just throw them out. Also feels lame to give away a gift. So I might hold on to these 2 books until fate leads me to some other purpose for them that might be appropriate

one of the saddest parts of moving around so much was all the books I had to give up

No doubt.. if I had to get rid of any significant part of my collection I'd probably be devastated.. To this day I still regret giving away 3 1980s editions of some of Stanislaw Lem's novels.. They are somewhat rare.. I gave them to this girl who I thought I was in love with.. She was leaving town and I wanted something for her to remember me by. I'm torn about it, because I am glad she actually ended up reading them, potentially multiple times.. but.. I haven't been able to find replacements for all of them yet. You can get them all on ebay for $100+ each, but I have so far refused to do that.. Plus you never know what condition the book will be in.. Last year I was super lucky and found 2 of them in a used bookstore in Toronto.. along with 4 other 80s editions paperback Lem books just sitting there! TREASURE! On a bookshelf! And nobody saw it and bought it? I couldn't believe I found them, collectors & others seem to snap up older Lem editions as soon as they're put on used bookstore shelves.. Yet.. this place had 6 older Lem editions.. just sitting there! I bought 5 of them and left the 6th, since I already own it.. and I didn't want to be greedy. But anyhow.. yeah.. I do have an attachment to my collection. I am very happy that they are now finally getting a proper home. I know it will make me smile when the library is all set up and the books are all there on display.
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I also have these 2 bible related books my cousin's wife got me for christmas one year. Really nice editions! One is a book full of psalms I think.. the other.. some other biblical book. It's not my cup of tea at all, but I'll also never just throw them out. Also feels lame to give away a gift. So I might hold on to these 2 books until fate leads me to some other purpose for them that might be appropriate
Oh books about the bible and other scriptures are exactly my cup of tea 😅
But yes, i totally understand your rule to not throw them out. I learned my lesson very well. This mistake will not happen again.
Books just seem sacred to me in some way, you know? You gotta show them respect. It probably all goes back to the way my late grandfather used to treat them. That's always stuck with me.. He took such good care of them that even now, decades later, all the books he's passed on to us look almost brand new.. Some of them are from the 70s! Some might be even older than that. He took the time to make a custom seethrough plastic cover for each one of them.

And.. that's how you should be treating your body and mind, really.. with respect... and care. I'm going to try to get back in my cardio and weightlifting routine next week. We might be finishing putting in the floor in my home office & library.. one sliver of flooring left in each room.. This last sliver might be tricky, but when it's done it's a matter of buying & installing baseboards, painting them and all the trim in the rooms and then painting the doors.. and.. assembling the furniture and installing the curtain rods and curtains. It might sound like a lot, but the floor finally being done (soon) feels like a huge milestone. I feel like I can sort of shift a bit of focus in my life to something else.. like exercise.

I have also been trying to eat better.. not that I eat horribly, but you know.. you can always do better. I took a liking to cauliflower "rice". It's a great carb replacement and supposedly full of vitamins and other good.. things.. And it tastes good! So there's that, a step in the right direction
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