Help! Error last turn to achieve a cultural victory at Monarch

This is a little silly,but I found the problem.
In the PediaIcons file there's the bug.
# Small loved Icons
#LOVED_RACE_ROMANS (Cultural Victory Winner)
I replaced this by
# Small loved Icons (Cultural Victory Winner)
like it is done with the other civs and my problem
was gone and the menu with the small leader heads
+ a lots of hearts showed up.
I'm playing civ vanilla + latest patch,I don't know if
this bug has been discovered yet.
I'm quite sure it was cleaned up. Have you patched to the latest version of Civ3, Tatran?
I use patch civ3v129f.
I re-installed it and the same error/bug
is still in the PediaIcons file.
In that case you're right - it was fixed by PtW (which actually overwrites the original Pediaicons.txt with one that doesn't contain the error).

But I guess buying PtW/Conquests is an expensive solution to that problem, so it shouldn't be your only motivation :D
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