Help: how to do flavor units?

Jun 30, 2007
Boston, Massachusetts
For my mod, I'm giving each culture group their own settler, worker, and maybe a couple of other units. However, I'm having difficulty in doing so. Could someone please explain how to add flavor units in the editor? Thank you.
For my mod, I'm giving each culture group their own settler, worker, and maybe a couple of other units. However, I'm having difficulty in doing so. Could someone please explain how to add flavor units in the editor? Thank you.

In the editor where it says Available to:

Make the unit available only to the civ you want to have that unit.
A way to indirectly use Flavor for Units is to use Flavor for an Improvement that Auto-Produces a Unit :)

...otherwise, simply highlighting the CIVs that can have the Unit in the Editor is the way to control who can have the Unit.
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