Help increasing my score in monarch


Oct 15, 2003
I'm trying to get high score in monarch, but I always end up less than 1000 before 0AD (or 0BC :D ), even I got good start location.
If I continue to play until 0AD
1. I would get Great Lib.
2. The 1st civ in middle ages (at least in my continent)
3. Got monotheism free.
But whatever I do, the score is still low before 0AD (and as usuall, I got all techs from phony war, except literature, and polytheism)
BTW 1.29f, Germany, Monarchy,12 civs, large map, archipelago.
I notice that in my games, the closer toward the end (into the middle or late industrial ages), the score seems to add up quicker. In other words, your score at 0 AD isn't necessarily a good indicator of how high your score can or will be when you finish the game. That's just my two cents' worth. I'm not an expert on making high scores higher, though...
My advice: ignore your score. I have never, ever had a game that lasted long enough to be decided by the score. Concentrate on improving at winning the game in other ways, unless your main aim is to appear on the HOF lists - in which case, concentrate on improving your game in other ways anyway ;-)
I play almost all of my games on Monarch now, and generally have a slow starting score. At 0 A.D. I only have 600-700 tops. But usually once I discover Chivalry and build knights to take over my score skyrockets. I generally never end a game with less than 4500 points nowadays. So, the early score is no indicator of how you will be doing later on.
Early score can be a significant indicator of how you are doing early on, especially when milking for maximum score. Impossible to pinpoint with any degree of accuracy, but if your at 1500 by 10AD on Monarch you know your in for a good one, potentially :)

Have a read of this thread for a brief look into score at 10AD compared with potential final score, amount of grassland on map, number of luxuries hooked up in 20 turns and a few other things.
Originally posted by dreamvirus
My advice: ignore your score. I have never, ever had a game that lasted long enough to be decided by the score. Concentrate on improving at winning the game in other ways, unless your main aim is to appear on the HOF lists - in which case, concentrate on improving your game in other ways anyway ;-)
True, that is my goal :D
Edit : thx for the links. Cities is the main things for high score before 10AD
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