Hello there, fellow fanatics.
I am writing a little work for my post-graduation essay, and in a certain place, there is a quote from Adam Smith that I got from the internet that is quite handy at making a certain point I intend to. The quote I am referring to is:
I'd like to know if any of the economists, or any of the guys who have an interest in economy, can pinpoint in which of his books he wrote that.
If possible, I'd also like it to be as specific as possible. I mean, book, chapter, which year, page, every piece of information avaiable. As there are a few economists here, I am truly hoping someone will be able to do it...
Jack Merchant, ball is in your court now.
Thanks in advance everyone for all the help eventually given.
Regards .
I am writing a little work for my post-graduation essay, and in a certain place, there is a quote from Adam Smith that I got from the internet that is quite handy at making a certain point I intend to. The quote I am referring to is:
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own neccessities but of their advantages
I'd like to know if any of the economists, or any of the guys who have an interest in economy, can pinpoint in which of his books he wrote that.
If possible, I'd also like it to be as specific as possible. I mean, book, chapter, which year, page, every piece of information avaiable. As there are a few economists here, I am truly hoping someone will be able to do it...
Jack Merchant, ball is in your court now.
Thanks in advance everyone for all the help eventually given.
Regards .