help me with the zulu


Jul 6, 2003
lexington kentucky
Hey everyone I have a problem. in civ3 I am advanced. but somehow the zulu have a weapon that destorys everything. how now can I defeat the zulu. Everytime I turn around there starting a war with me.

Hmm not a very detailed description, but sounds like they might have ICBMs. You need to make a beeline for the SDI small wonder ASAP! ;) Also, build your own ICBMs and launch some retaliatory strikes! :)
In order for the world to devolope nukes you must first build the Great Wonder- The Manhatten Project. This will allow all Civs to build nukes & ICBMs.

If you post a screenshot people will be able to help you out alot more.
You've been nuked and you don't have any nukes at all? That's harsh.
Originally posted by Gengis Khan
In order for the world to devolope nukes you must first build the Great Wonder- The Manhatten Project.

If someone nuked you, the Manhatten Project is already builed.

Future tech 30 :eek: Stop researching get some money :cool:

See if you have sources of aluminium and uranium.If so build roads to them, if not get them by trade.

THEN BUILD ICBM and reduce the zulus to nothing ...:nuke:
well no its not the nikes tthat they have it somehting that is carried by the zulu on the the zulu. looks like a portable laser or something. how do you develop the manhatton project? as a great wonder

Lazer ?!?!?

Can you post a sav ?
The laser could be the SDI defence 75% chance of intercepting ICBM dunno about the sub launched ones though.

To see if Manhattan is built press F7 it should be in the wonders of the world.
if you are up to future tech 30 you already have the tech to build it. You can build it in any of your cities. If it is not available to build someone has already built it. Check the resources in one of your cities... if you have uranium and aluminium you should be able to build the ICBM unit. otrherwise just get as many cities as possible pumping out modern armor or some other strong unit.
well the problem is I am currently getting beaten pretty badly by the zulu. all i have armor wise is the radar armor. and thats not strong enough to beat the zuli. how do I get panzers?
well the problem is I am currently getting beaten pretty badly by the zulu. all i have armor wise is the radar armor. and thats not strong enough to beat the zuli. how do I get panzers?
you can only build panzers if you are the germans... they replace the tank which is what the other civs get. You need oil and rubber to build either the panzer or the tank. If you are able to build radar artillery this means you have aluminium but you also need oil and rubber to build modern armor which is better than the tank and the panzer. i am guessing you are lacking oil or rubber or both. also you are probably lacking uranium if you can't build nukes. there is not much you can do with out these resources except maybe build marines (all you need is rubber).

Are the zulu on the same continent? also what civ are you?
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