Help Needed For Civ-Specific Religions


Jul 30, 2006
One of the worst parts of Civ4 for me is seeing the Arabs found Judaism or the Aztecs found Buddhism. So I'd like to add civ specific religions.

I'm going to use the OnReligionFounded event (or whatever the exact keyword is) to handle the religion seeding. When a new religion is founded, the game will check for which religion was founded, and then check the civ that founded that religion. If it isn't the religon assigned to the civ for that "slot", then the religion will be removed from the city, and a function called that will add the new religion to the city. For example, if the Egyptians found Hinduism, then Hinduism will be removed and Egyptian Polytheism will be founded in that city.

The problem with this is that I will end up using an ungodly number of possible religions. I think that won't work with the religion tab. Can someone tell me how to alter the interface on the religions tab so it will show the icons of religions I tell it to (with a global variable, perhaps) rather than the religions that are founded with tech advance?
I've also had issues with this, although I have to say adding a different religion for almost every civ is going to foul things up a lot. (I say almost because half of the civs--just about all the Europeans--could found Christianity.) I had some ideas about what to do a few weeks ago in the minor religions thread, where basically every culture group gets a "minor" religion that sort of acts as a mini religion until the major ones are founded.

The easiest solution would probably be to use the "any religion" option as a default, then just code in the new favorite religions for each leader (Ramesses would get the Cult of Ra, for example, and Augustus the Cult of Vesta). There are obvious problems, though: what happens if Egypt founds its religion first and then another?
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