I am trying for the first time Master of Mana Xtended, and I have to say I am absolutely overwhelmed.
There is no available tutorial, help, wiki. No hint on what's going on. No manual. No civilopdia entries, not general ones to get used to general concepts, no specific ones to understand single issues.
I am quite used to this situation, I am going to try and map all the major MODMODs and update infos on the active Fandom wiki (https://fallfromheaven.fandom.com/wiki/User:Ghastguillo ).
But on WildMana I am at a loss and I need help. I tryed to play with WildMana, but it is so different at current state of development. I am trying some games with Master of Mana Xtended, with lowest level of difficulty, with all the debugs tricks described on https://fallfromheaven.fandom.com/wiki/ModMods (well, I have written the page...). I have also activated the console (and I have never feel need to use it) and I have edited the CIV4GameSpeedInfo.XML to reduce spawn of Barbaian, to no effect.
My problem are:
1. The mana system /promotion system is crazy. Everything is changed. Promotion to get the spell actually active are confusing. There is no hint to where you are going, how to get there, how powerful is that sphere.
2. Tech has the same problem. And I may not beeline anything, I have to click only on single next research.
3. Barbarian are absolutely out of control. I played some deity with raging barbarians on FFH2 MNAI: that was tough. This is simply absurd.
In my current game I am the leader with double point of the second. BUT I am surrounded by 4 goblin fort with garrison of about 4 goblins each, with Strenght 83(?????????????). I have since turn one powerful firebows with Str6 and fireballs (turn 1 fireballs???????), I have also followed some random advice found on this board and so I have some powerful mages with Fear and Lightining Sparks, I go around my 4 cities founding new cities and simply destroying any small barbs groups I find with a compact stack of 5 firebow and 4 mages. I have got amazing firepower and the scatter ability of Fear, but it is nothing compared to a single 83 Str goblin, he would swallow an army of Red Dragons for breakfast.
Barbs 1300% more powerful than player is completely broken, it is completely illogical, it is absolutely not fun.
I think there is something I am missing: please help
This is my CIV4GameSpeedInfo.XML with edited iBarbPercent (no effect).
There is no available tutorial, help, wiki. No hint on what's going on. No manual. No civilopdia entries, not general ones to get used to general concepts, no specific ones to understand single issues.
I am quite used to this situation, I am going to try and map all the major MODMODs and update infos on the active Fandom wiki (https://fallfromheaven.fandom.com/wiki/User:Ghastguillo ).
But on WildMana I am at a loss and I need help. I tryed to play with WildMana, but it is so different at current state of development. I am trying some games with Master of Mana Xtended, with lowest level of difficulty, with all the debugs tricks described on https://fallfromheaven.fandom.com/wiki/ModMods (well, I have written the page...). I have also activated the console (and I have never feel need to use it) and I have edited the CIV4GameSpeedInfo.XML to reduce spawn of Barbaian, to no effect.
My problem are:
1. The mana system /promotion system is crazy. Everything is changed. Promotion to get the spell actually active are confusing. There is no hint to where you are going, how to get there, how powerful is that sphere.
2. Tech has the same problem. And I may not beeline anything, I have to click only on single next research.
3. Barbarian are absolutely out of control. I played some deity with raging barbarians on FFH2 MNAI: that was tough. This is simply absurd.
In my current game I am the leader with double point of the second. BUT I am surrounded by 4 goblin fort with garrison of about 4 goblins each, with Strenght 83(?????????????). I have since turn one powerful firebows with Str6 and fireballs (turn 1 fireballs???????), I have also followed some random advice found on this board and so I have some powerful mages with Fear and Lightining Sparks, I go around my 4 cities founding new cities and simply destroying any small barbs groups I find with a compact stack of 5 firebow and 4 mages. I have got amazing firepower and the scatter ability of Fear, but it is nothing compared to a single 83 Str goblin, he would swallow an army of Red Dragons for breakfast.
Barbs 1300% more powerful than player is completely broken, it is completely illogical, it is absolutely not fun.
I think there is something I am missing: please help
This is my CIV4GameSpeedInfo.XML with edited iBarbPercent (no effect).