help please


Oct 17, 2003
brooklyn, n.y.
i got the new conquest expansion but when i went to load it all i got was the atari splash screen and then my screen went black but the sound continued
i need help i loaded conquest on top of the original game and all i get is a black screen and the sound runnign in the background

i remember way back having the same problem with ptw .. and suddenly it fixed itselfcan someone help mke get conquest to work on my puter? thanx in advance
What kind of computer? What processor? How much memory? What graphics chip? What res are you trying to run it at? Default, or your screen res?

We'd love to help, but need more information please.
athlon xp 2400+ 512 ddr ram nvidia g4 mx440 64 ram
i manually switched to 1076x 768 after the puter didnt auto switch either way it still not running
I've had same problem with PTW once - for some reason my monitor didn't work with refresh rate 100 (despite working fine for couple of months before). I set this setting to 90, then to 95 in PTW ini file and it helped (seems it's the max my hardware can accept now).
Maybe the reson is the same? Try find c3c ini file and play with settings a bit. Of course higher resolution you are using, lower refresh rate will probably work.
You need to manually set the refresh rate. I believe the syntax is Refresh=90 (or whatever your monitor is).
It should be in the folder C3C is installed into. I don't have it yet but original ini file was in Civ3 folder, PTW ini in PTW expansion subfolder, I guess C3C creates it's own subfolder - maybe some Conquests owner can verify that?
If the file doesn't exist there, simply create one (it's the plain text file), name it appropriately - again I don't know how it should be named for C3C expansion but somebody else could help you here, add settings, save it and run the game.
here is the wierd thing original civ3 is in a infrogames folder when u go to start >programes its in infdrogames

ptw and conquest are in an atari folder

but when i go to my c: drive and clik on the infrogames folder ptw and conquest are in a subfolder of that directory now when i make my own ini file what should i write?

and padma please dont be so tough with me i spent 30 bux which for me is a lot and i cant get it to work you should have a little sympathy

I DO have sympathy. I could have been a lot rougher than just merging some threads, deleting a couple of spam posts, and closing another thread. As it is, I left the thread in Conquests, with instructions for people to post here, because I *do* know that everyone is looking at that forum these days. ;) --Padma
You might want to make sure that you have the right driver for you monitor. DOn't use "default" or "plug and Play" I have noticed that those drivers can cause issues with CivIII ( and it's subsuquent updates/EP's)
The .ini file will be created at first successful start of the game so forget it when you can't already start it.

But: I Know that there were several problems starting the game because of the intro movie. Look for a file named intro.blk, or something like that, and delete it (or just rename it) and try oncemore.
thanx degier i will try it i figured it may have to do with the blik movie because my earlier civ versions worked fine

oh and thank you padma its just between my root canal and my frustration of not getting conquest to work at first try was making me angry

not to mention that the eb games store eployees had no clue about the pre order bonus cd

duantalus...if not for the default plug and play profile .. what other profile should i use .. i know i can get a fancy colorimeter and spectrophotometer and make my own profile .. lol.. but i dont want to spend the time making a fancy profile on a junky generic monitor

sigh i think it has something to do with the bink video but i cant put my finger on it .. also i didnt find a intro.blk but i found a bink.dll and i dont think removing a .dll is wise

hmm removing the intro and any other blk files didnt help

I just merged your posts together. Next time, use the edit button. -- Chieftess
problem is solved i called atari support center .. it turns out that

if ur graphics card or monitor is using generic profiles like "plug and play monitor" its likel;y to have the same problems i had

thanx to the guy at the support line i can play now .. i d/l a kds .ini file for my monitor and it works sweet now :) ..

padma i think the solution should be posted soemwhere in case someone has the same problem i had .
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