Hello. I'm goign to start makign a new scenario of mine. 1861, world map (Marla Singer's form PTW, i beleive). I figured the main points of interest would be:
1) American Civil War
-obvious. I always thought that in old civil war scenarios, the affect of the American West, and foreign powrs, was missing. With this, a whole new arrray of possible outcomes of the war are possible.
2) Colonialization of Africa and Asia
-large parts of Africa were still unsettled, and europeans still had only a foothold. I figured I should make 2 tribe,s norh Africans and south africans, representign the native people. make them VERY week compared ot the other civs. pretty much jsut a pple ot conquer, ot ally with.
3) Industrialization
-w/ industrial well underway in europe, asian and latin american countries would face the challenege of industrializing and becoming powerful, so as not ot be pulled into one of the empires of euopre.
so, i would like ot know ur imput on these ideas:
1) To represent cotton in the south, as well as in egypt, i oculd use dyes, say, siging each said country 4, along with all the outher dye resources.
2) put barbarians in the outback of australia and the pacific islands, so that europe is challnged at least a little.
now, for a few questions:
1) how much of india did britian contro lat this time?
2) my proposed palyers r:
USm US south, britian, franc,e russia, germany, scandinavia, spain, portugla, ital and greece, ottoman, austria, persia, norh africa, indians and central asian state,s china, korea, japan, southeats asians, dutch, southern africans, brazil, argentina, andean states, columbia, central america, mexico.
3) Wat gov shoudl thye all have? I was thinkign dem. for britia, Us, Us south, republic for france, despotism for latin america and africa, with monarchy for the rest.
1) American Civil War
-obvious. I always thought that in old civil war scenarios, the affect of the American West, and foreign powrs, was missing. With this, a whole new arrray of possible outcomes of the war are possible.
2) Colonialization of Africa and Asia
-large parts of Africa were still unsettled, and europeans still had only a foothold. I figured I should make 2 tribe,s norh Africans and south africans, representign the native people. make them VERY week compared ot the other civs. pretty much jsut a pple ot conquer, ot ally with.
3) Industrialization
-w/ industrial well underway in europe, asian and latin american countries would face the challenege of industrializing and becoming powerful, so as not ot be pulled into one of the empires of euopre.
so, i would like ot know ur imput on these ideas:
1) To represent cotton in the south, as well as in egypt, i oculd use dyes, say, siging each said country 4, along with all the outher dye resources.
2) put barbarians in the outback of australia and the pacific islands, so that europe is challnged at least a little.
now, for a few questions:
1) how much of india did britian contro lat this time?
2) my proposed palyers r:
USm US south, britian, franc,e russia, germany, scandinavia, spain, portugla, ital and greece, ottoman, austria, persia, norh africa, indians and central asian state,s china, korea, japan, southeats asians, dutch, southern africans, brazil, argentina, andean states, columbia, central america, mexico.
3) Wat gov shoudl thye all have? I was thinkign dem. for britia, Us, Us south, republic for france, despotism for latin america and africa, with monarchy for the rest.