Help with future NES


The Norwegian Viking
Oct 16, 2002
I want help in making a new NES.
It will be based on Hearts of Iron, so it will be in WW2.

First off I wonder if someone can make me a map with many nations (not all but many), you can set commonwealth states as states direct under the countrey (like India, Canada and such) or just make them "British Commonwealth States" and then we have "Britain" as the island... (Erez? Plexus?)

Also if you are intrested in helping me, plz post some ideas that will do it good....

I will base the NES on Spacetrvlers WW2 NES, but with some mayor changes.
1) I will have more techs, and a better tech system
2) I will change the cost system for units.
3) I will use world Map
4) I will have more and diffrent units
5) I will change the strenght of some of the nations (Finland should never had chanse to even attack USSR, when USSR attacked them in RL they had just 9 poorly trained and equiped divisions.
6) Will use some sort of trade system
7) Will make some type of Partisans and such.

I hope you understand.
I will really love it if you help me.
If anyone want's to be Co-Mod you will need to have HOI or know really much about WW2, cuz I will join in something that I think never have been in NESes before that will take much time and that you need to know much about WW2 to do....
lol, at first i thought you ment an NES set in the future.
It's easy to build an empire during a WW2 NES.
Just so how much I expanded Norway in Spacetrvlers WW2 NES....
Already there are maps for WW2.
so many it's scary...
anyhow if you didn't saw here are some: Need anything better? Just edit maps to be in 1939 if their not excacly :)

This is 1920, just change some borders to make it 1939 :) (like giving austria czechia to Germany, and Ethipia and Albania to Italy)

a_dead_rate edited my 1920 to 1939 already... you can try to use his:
a_dead_rate lol

I'll join this NES.
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