

Feb 1, 2009
i need help i'm new so dont laugh but how can i make my own untis where do i unzip them how do i add them to the game how do i make leaders where to unzip them how to add to game along with graphics and mods please repaly totoday help greatly needed:confused::confused::confused::confused: alos i use plain civ3 v.1.29f
i tryed i cant find one with plain civ3 v.1.29 if you put the link i'll leave you alone and and start bulding cool stuff (agin it shows i'm a newbie
also i did create one working thing unfair battle 2 american battle has any played that that?
I've played it, and Civ 3 is the same as conquests with unit-making and stuff and you unzip it too the same folder just not in conquests, so units go into infigrames interactive\civilization III\scenarios\Scenario Name\Art\Units and all the rest go in like that. Maybe you should pm me and I'll answer any of your questions.:p
I've played it, and Civ 3 is the same as conquests with unit-making and stuff and you unzip it too the same folder just not in conquests, so units go into infigrames interactive\civilization III\scenarios\Scenario Name\Art\Units and all the rest go in like that. Maybe you should pm me and I'll answer any of your questions.:p

Another Gentleman & Scholar :thumbsup:

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