Hidden Ships (Sidar World Spell)


Jan 31, 2005
If the Sidar have ships when they fire their world spell (Into the Mist), do those ships retain the hidden promotion when non-hidden units board the ships? Are those units visible (and attackable) while boarded?
You can only put hidden nationality units on hidden nationality boats, and vice versa. HAHADISREGARDTHATIAMRETARDED
You can only put hidden nationality units on hidden nationality boats, and vice versa.
I'm not talking about hidden nationality - that's the Svartalfar world spell (or Privateers). I'm talking about the Sidar world spell, which grants the Hidden promotion to all units. This is, to my knowledge, the only way a naval unit can become invisible (other than Nox Noctis, which will of course turn the passengers invisible as well).

I suppose the same question would apply to a hidden Hunter carrying a non-hidden Hawk - would the hawk be visible?
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