Hinin's Tweaks for VP


Aug 1, 2014
Hinin's Tweaks for VP
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Hello everyone, :devil:

Here is the thread where I'll post my personal tweaks for VP. It is intended to grow with time, including more civ reworks, late-game rebalancing and other things.

Full credit is due to the original authors of the parts used for some new elements (links directly present in the descriptions). If they require me to remove their parts, I'll do so immediatly.

This mod is created with modularity in mind : it is easy to remove any part you dislike. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have problems on that front.

Special thanks to :
- gwennog : design and moral support
- pineappledan : design talk
- Rekk : design, Egyptian lua (which took a lot of time)

Current content :
- Civs : Songhai, France, Rome, China, Egypt, Byzantium, Arabia, Persia, Netherlands, Greece, Shoshones, Ottomans, Incas, France, Morocco, Netherlands
- New Leaders (no gameplay change) : Yongle (China), Mago I (Carthage)
- Ancient Ruins rebalancing
- Promotion-giving Natural Wonders rework
- Removal of combat damage randomness
- Barbarian Tweaks
- City Defense reduction
- Tech costs tweaks
- Warfare rework
- Policy Name changes (still vestigial)
Spoiler Civ Changes :

Spoiler Civ reworks pictures :

Civ Reworks Part 1.png

Civ Reworks Part 2.png

Spoiler Carthage Leader change :

Carthage Leader Change.png

New Leader, Mago I => Leader assets taken from GPuzzle's Carthage, CivIcon taken from JFD's Carthage (Hannibal)

Spoiler Songhai rework :

New UA
From Truth and Salt - Land Units gain the War Canoe Promotion, and pillaging grants :c5science: Science and :c5goldenage: Golden Age points, scaling with Era. +33% :c5faith: Faith during :c5goldenage: Golden Ages. Rivers create :c5trade: City Connections.
=> War Canoe - No movement or combat malus when crossing Rivers. +50% CS when defending embarked

Tabya tweak
UU1 - Tabya
Removed the +10% :c5production: Production bonus towards Buildings, exchanged with a 15% conversion of :c5gold: Gold into :c5faith: Faith in the City

Mandekalu Cavalry's unique promotion tweaked
UU1 - Mandekalu Cavalry
Raider - :c5gold: Gold gained from City attacks removed, replaced by "No cost for pillaging"

UU2 Tech requirement moved
Sofa (UU2) - Moved from Mechanics to Guilds

Leader personality tweaks
Askia changed from Conqueror to Expansionist + Diplo Balance increased from 4 to 6

Explanation :
- Historical

Contrary to what is represented in Civ V, Askia Mohammed was far more of an administrator than a military chief : after his controversial rise to the head of the Songhai Empire, he became a patron of the arts and faith (with another great Hajj to Mecca after Mansa Mussa), a reformator of trade (which boomed during his reign) and his goal of uniting the great noads of the Mauritanian and Numidian Saharan trade routes was largely successful without as much widespread destruction as what is depicted in his leaderscreen. That said, he was still a usurper with high ambitions and at the head of the most powerful military of Western Africa at his time : he is now more balanced in his goals, with the ability to still be a powerful figure without the need to conquer.

- Gameplay

Songhai is often seen as the apex conqueror in Vox Populi : a good economy and monstruous movement bonuses near rivers often make Askia a boogeyman of sort, with the lowest Loyalty among leaders to add to the picture. That said, having one more Conqueror (from his UA bonus and Mandekalu Cavalry) in VP isn't something I like, and so I decided to look for other aspects of Askia's reign and the historical region of what is today known as Mali.
The result is a civilization that is still agressive and expansionistic, but not as oppressive as before, less reliant on conquest and with an interesting war / golden age / faith syngergy : having more pillager civs is I think a good thing in the long term.
=> This also explains why I moved the Sofa to Guilds : it allows the civ to go for Theology and Chivalry more comfortably, emphasizing its strengths.

Spoiler Ethiopia Tweak :
Removed the +25% Faith in City during Golden Ages, replaced by a 10% :c5faith: Faith conversion into :c5food: Food in the City.
=> This bonus had no actual synergy with the rest of the kit, and so was taken by Songhai.

Spoiler France rework :

New UA
Grandeur - +10% :c5strength: Combat Strength for each subsequent attack against a single target during a turn. +2 :c5production: Production, +2 :tourism: Tourism and +2 Great General point from World, National and Natural Wonders (+1 from Guilds). +3 :c5food: Food from Great Works and Great Person Tile Improvements.

Musketeer reworked (replaces the Commando)
Unlocked at Acoustics (instead of Railroad)
500 Production cost (-100) / 500 Faith (-100)

32 :c5strength: CS / 2 Air Defense
3 :c5moves: MP / 3 Vision

Ignores Terrain cost
Attack bonus

Removed - Brute Force, Treasure Hunter, Reconnaissance

Château removed, replaced by the Sainte-Chapelle
UNW - Sainte-Chapelle (replaces Grand Temple)
Unlocked at Theology
Production cost increasing with number of cities
Less Citizens required compared to the Grand Temple
When built, spawn a Great Prophet and an Artifact

2 :c5gold: Gold
2 :c5production: Production
2 :c5science: Science

+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5gold: Gold to Temples
+1 :c5food: / :c5gold: / :c5production: / :c5culture: / :c5science: to all Buildings bought with Faith (Monastery and belief religious Buildings)
Converts 10% of global :c5faith: Faith into :c5culture: Culture

Melee Mounted and Armor Units gain the Primi Inter Pares promotion (+10 max HP ; -50% Gold cost to be upgraded)

-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Religious Unrest
-10% :c5unhappy: Religious Unrest in Empire

2 :greatwork: Great Work of Art / Artifact slot (+6 :tourism: Tourism and +12 :c5gold: Gold when filled with 2 Artifacts)

New UU2 - Bombarde-Mortier
(from Rawsasquatch's Jeanne d'Arc France custom civ) (replaces the Cannon)
Unlocked at Mechanics (instead of Gunpowder)
298 :c5production: Production cost (-15%) / 300 Faith (-100)

16 :c5strength: CS / 29 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
2 :c5moves: MP / 2 Vision

Cannot Melee attack
No Terrain Defense
Half Movement in hostile territory
Attack malus against land units
Attack bonus against cities
Visibility Range malus
Quick Study
Bureau System
- Always fight at full strength ; +10 HP when healing

Explanation :

In base VP, France is known as a glass cannon, famous for being far too powerful in skilled hands while being lackluster if problems arise. This, in addition to the conquest nature of this kit, made the French playstyle quite mono-dimensional, since your goal was to go on an uninterrupted conquest spree (and once again conquest is not an aspect I appreciate when it is present in so many kits).

The idea here is to still reward players who manage to snatch World and Natural Wonders (peacefully or not) while still providing a good bedrock on which to grow (National Wonders and Guilds). Plus, in the lategame, the big increase in Tourism means France will still be a threat, especially since its Supply will be higher than other civs, thanks to its constant bonus Great General points. Finally, I wanted a civ that has to take local tourism into account, which in France's case will allow it to boost specific cities with Great Works if well used (in addition to the bonuses offered by the Salon's theming bonuses). The early Tourism that can be obtained will also benefit the civ in variety of ways (conquest, trade, espionnage), which is a rarity (since the other early tourism civ, Brazil, has more often than not no agressive ideas).

The new Musketeer (or Mousquetaire) keeps the strength of the current base VP version (hard-hitting unit with high movement and the ability to bypass enemy lines) while making it a part of the Recon line (more accurate historically and allowing for France to gain something more from the Lightning Warfare tenet) and giving it the Benevolence promotion (one of the Bushido promotions), giving it increased survivability and the ability to support your troops.

The new UU2 is a cheap and fast-healing cannon made to be battle-ready as often as possible, thus increasing its overall effectiveness in a campaign (in addition to the Quick Study promotion making it more powerful in the long term).
=> You can see the patern of two early replacements with bonus healing, emphasizing French military innovations in term of artillery and logistics during the modern era.

For the Chateau / Sainte-Chapelle change, the idea was to replace one yield stick that had no interaction after being built (its only unique element being its placement condition) with something that actually makes you behave differently to acquire the yields (namely look for religious buildings and artifacts) and synergizes with the rest of kit for tall or wide plays (the Chateau requiring to be used widely to have a noticeable effect). It also allows France to enhance quickly (if it founded) or gain a Holy Site (nice for culture and Tourism), explaining the lack of Faith or Culture in the Sainte-Chapelle base yields. Finally, this UNW improves France's melee mounted and armor units, strengthening a historically major part of the French military history while not requiring the removal of the Musketeer (a fan favorite) and really incentivizing the player to use combined arms as the French unique combat bonus intends.
+ it allows to represent a part of French history largely absent until now, namely its major role in the definition, spread and turmoils of Western Christianity : parts of the design are references to Saint-Louis (the canonized king), the Crown of Thorns, the Gregorian Reforms and the Pax Dei

Spoiler Rome rework :

New UA
Golden Milestone (reference to the Milliarium Aureum)
+1 :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold in the :c5capital: Capital for each Historic Event, and all Cities gain +20% :c5production: Production towards Buildings already present in the :c5capital: Capital. Recon, Archer, Melee and Gun Units can build Forts and Roads.
=> the historical event part works the same as Arabia, but Rome doesn't have the same GP snowball potential, prefering to scale by gaining wars and taking wonders
=> they can build Railroads as well
=> they do not have animations when building (it is unfortunately impossible with Civ V)

UU1 - Legion change
- Base strength lowered to 17 :c5strength: CS
- Cost increased to 110 :c5production: Production
- Removed "Praefectus Castrorum" from 4UC, replaced with Discens, a transforming promotion
Specialized Equipment - +15% :c5strength: CS against ranged attacks. After the first battle, transforms into one of the following promotions :
- Scorpio : +15% :c5strength: CS against ranged attacks and against Archer and Siege Units ; +20% :c5strength: CS against Fortified Units
- Verutum : +15% :c5strength: CS against ranged attacks and against Mounted Units ; deals 5 damages to adjacent Units when moving and at the start of each turn (not cumulative)
- Sarcina : +15% :c5strength: CS against ranged attacks and against unmounted Melee Units ; Can enter rival territory, use enemy roads, and heals 10 HP when killing a Unit.
- Buccina : +15% :c5strength: CS against ranged attacks and against unmounted Melee Units ; Forces the enemy to retreat when attacking when dealing more damages than it receives (damages increased if the enemy Unit cannot retreat). Ignores ZOC.

Can build the Castrum, a weaker version of the Fort unlocked at Metal Casting and with no yield whatsoever, but able to be built in neutral or hostile territory

UB replaced by a UI
UI - Villa
Unlocked at Mathematics
Must be constructed next to a Luxury Resource, and not adjacent to another Villa.

When constructed, grants 2 :c5food: Food to the Capital.

+1 :c5production: Production
+2 :c5gold: Gold
+2 Border Growth points

+1 :c5production: Production / :c5gold: Gold when on :c5trade: City Connection routes (doubled for Railroads)

Tech bonuses :
- +2 Border Growth points at Chivalry
- +1 :c5production: Production / :c5gold: Gold at Machinery
- +1 :c5production: Production / :c5gold: Gold at Economics
- +1 :c5production: Production / :c5gold: Gold at Fertilizer

Latifundium replaced by a UNW
UNW - Campus Martius (replaces National Monument)
Unlocked at Metal Casting (instead of Drama and Poetry)
125 :c5production: Production cost (increased with number of Cities)
Requires a certain amount of Citizens (less than the National Monument)
Must be built in the :c5capital: Capital

Requires the Monument

Provides 2 Iron

3 :c5culture: Culture
3 :c5gold: Gold

When killing Units, grants :c5goldenage: Golden Age points and GGeneral (or GAdmiral if Naval) points, scaling with Era.
Grants 40 :c5food: Food and :c5production: Production in the City whenever a GPerson is expended, scaling with Era.

When the City grows, grants :c5culture: Culture.

1 slot for :greatwork: GWArt / Artifact
Grants 1 free Courthouse in the City and 1 Battering Ram when constructed

New UU2, replacing the Ballista (to not stack everything in the Classical Era)
UU2 - Alpini (replaces the Paratrooper) (from JFD and janboruta's Italy, led by Victor Emmanuel III)
Unlocked at Replaceable Parts (instead of Flight)
950 :c5production: Production cost

42 CS / 5 Air Defense
2 MP / 3 Vision

Pillages without cost
Ignores Terrain cost
Treasure Hunter
Bonus against Siege Units
Trailblazer III
Covering Fire II

Explanations :

There were three goals when doing this rework :
- Find a way to make Rome more reliable and scaling, with effects that stay relevant even after the Classical era
- Remove the conqueror parts (too many problems with custom civs, and makes it one less pure conqueror in the field)
- Reinforce this core gameplay theme of a wide empire with a tall capital

Spoiler Egypt rework (many thanks to gwennog, pineappledan, and especially Rekk) :

New UA
UA - Great Ancestor
Reveal a nearby Antiquity Site when you found a City, discover an Ancient Ruin or build a World Wonder. Antiquity Sites gain +1 Culture, Science and Faith with each Golden Age (up to +5). +20% Production towards Wonders (+40% during Golden Ages)

UB replaced by a Antiquity Site-specialized UI
UI - Obelisk
Unlocked at Mining
Must be constructed on a Antiquity Site, and doesn't remove it when doing so

+1 :c5culture: Culture
+1 :c5science: Science
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+2 :c5goldenage: Golden Age points

Tech bonuses :
- +3 :c5goldenage: at Engineering
- +2 :c5faith: at Civil Service
- +2 :c5culture: at Architecture
- +2 :c5science: at Archaeology

+15 % CS to friendly Units within 3 tiles

Explanation :
Egypt, with its focus on Wonders, free tile bonuses and potential for Artifact / Landmark stacking, is the quintessential yield bloat / pinata civ (one that you want to conquer to get all its bonuses). Unfortunately, the thrill Egypt's neighbors may feel isn't really present in the Egyptian kit itself, most notably in its way to gain the bonuses : most of the yields come from gaining free artifacts by quickly building the same building in all your cities once Currency is researched. I wanted to find a way to make Egyptian gameplay more interactive, with more lows, but better highs if used correctly and the ability for other civs to clearly see the potential loot they can gain from capturing Egypt.

Because I made Egypt more risky, I also wanted to give it a little more military edge, hence the combat bonus given by the Obelisk : it allows the terrain surrounding the Antiquity Site to become true battlegrounds for Egyptian troops, especially once Archaeology has been researched and other civilization tries to loot Egyptian Obelisks.

Spoiler Machrek rework :

The Machrek rework encompasses changes to three civilizations of the Levant : Arabia, Byzantium and Persia (renamed Iran, to better fit the local name)

New UA, taken from the base VP Byzantine kit
New Civ Icon, taken from Tarcisio's Abbasids => a matter of personal taste, since I dislike the fact that the Islam religion icon and Arabia's civ icon were basically interchangeable (I could do the same for Byzantium or Spain for example)

UA - Last Prophet
Can always found a Religion, receives 1 Additional Belief when founding, and may select Beliefs present in other Religions. -15% Faith purchase costs, and may purchase unlocked Great People starting in the Classical Era.

Bazaar renamed and replaced with a tall variant
UB1 - Great Sooq (unique BuildingClass)
Unlocked at Trade
Can only be built 3 times in the Empire
160 :c5production: Production cost

+1 :c5culture: Culture
+1 :c5production: Production
+1 :c5science: Science
+1 :c5gold: Gold per :c5citizen: 3 Citizens in the City

1 Merchant specialist
+2 :c5science: Science / :c5production: Production to Merchants specialists worked in the City

Converts 15 % of the :c5gold: Gold spent in the City for purchases into :c5food: Food

When built, spawn a free Market in the City
Grants a free copy of all Strategic Resources

UU1 Tweaked
UU1 - Camel Archer
Splash Damage I
removed, replaced by Quick Study

UB2 renamed and buffed
UB2 - Dar al-Shifa (replaces University)
Unlocked at Philosophy (instead of Education)

Gain +2 :c5faith: Faith to base yields

New UA, taken from Arabia with Faith added (removed from Rome in the last update) and Historic Event triggers from the Bazaar put into the UA
UA - Encyclopaedism
When you complete a Historic Event, +1 :c5science: Science and :c5culture: Culture in your :c5capital: Capital, and 15% towards the progress of a random :c5greatperson: Great Person. Finishing a :trade: Trade Route triggers a Historic Event.

Cataphracte replaced by the Varangian Guard, taken from JFD and Pouakai's Mercenary mod
UU1 - Varangian Guard (unique UnitClass)
Unlocked at Chivalry
Must be purchased with Gold
No movement or XP penalty when purchased with Gold
310 :c5gold: Gold cost (Standard speed)
Costs extra :c5gold: Gold to maintain

23 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: MP / 2 Vision

Cover I
Shock I
Can pillage without cost
Gains Gold from attacking Cities
Splinter - +20% CS when adjacent to a City ; when attacking, inflicts the Splintered plague for 4 turns
(Splintered - Takes 5 more damage from all sources)

UB replaced by a unique Fort, taken from DuskJockey's Byzantium
UI - Aplekton (replaces Fort)
Unlocked at Engineering
Can be built in or adjacent to Byzantine territory, but not adjacent to another Aplekton
Reveals tiles within 3 tiles (can be blocked by rough terrain)

+1 :c5food: Food
+1 :c5production: Production
+2 Border Growth points

+1 :c5food: Food from adjacent Villages
+1 :c5production: Production from adjacent GPTIs

Receives the same bonus yields from techs and policies as the Fort

Civ name changed to Iran (to go away from the Greek toponym that stuck throughout history)
Immortals removed, replaced by the Grivpanvar (an early Cataphracte equivalent) => UnitIcon taken from JFD's Greater Armenia

UU1 - Grivpanvar (replaces Horseman)
Unlocked at Military Theory
120 :c5production: Production cost (+30)
Requires Horse

16 :c5strength: CS
3 :c5moves: MP
/ 2 Vision

No Terrain Defense
Armor Plating I
Charge II

Removed -
Can move after attacking

UU2 replaced by the Tortobak Toptshi => 3d model and UnitIcon taken from DJSHenninger's Afsharids, and UnitFlag taken from JFD's Greater Armenia
UU2 - Tortobak Toptshi (unique UnitClass)
Unlocked at Metallurgy
325 :c5production: Production cost

22 :c5strength: CS / 30 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
2 :c5moves: MP / 2 Vision

Cannot Melee Attack
Pashtun Marksmanship - +1 Range and can enter Moutain tiles ; moves at half speed in hostile territory and suffers -30% CS when defending

Explanation :
- Arabia / Byzantium swap
: although thematic, I've always found that Arabia's and Byzantium UA's would have been even more so if swapped, with the late but major historical religious even that was the birth of Islam on one hand, the importance of Byzantium in savekeeping knowledge from Antiquity for a millenia and role in exporting its alphabet towards the slavic people on the other
+ with the change to Rome, Byzantium fits neatly as a echo of its more war-focused cousin, and also gains a bonus to finishing trade routes, putting it on the path towards the bonuses used by the Ottomans

- Arabia UB1 and UU1 : the idea with this new kit was to make Arabia the "most reliable" civ, with economic bonuses early on, a powerful religion in all cases and access to a good amount of strategic resources to go towards any victory condition ; the change to the UU1 follows the same logic, favoring the reliable Quick Study that increases the combat experience gained throughout the game and synergizes nicely with the survialist style of bonuses already present on the Camel Archer

- Byzantium UU1 and UI : fitting the idea of a scaling, defensive civilization, the Varangian Guard and the Aplekton serve as ways for Byzantium to protect itself efficiently and reliably ; the Varangian Guard serves as a always accessible mercenary unit that can be both a supportive unit in open battle, a guardian near Byzantine cities or a frontline assault unit in hostile territory ; the Aplekton gains enough yields (especially near Villages and GPTIs) to be built into Byzantine territory without hurting its economy too much, allowing a better protectiong on the borders and within

- Iran UUs : following a long-standing idea by @pineappledan , I decided to move the Cataphracte to Persia, where the slow-but-powerful combat style of the unit fits very well with the movement bonus offered by the Persian UA (it may be op right now, but the Horseman is such a letdown a soon as the Spearman is unlocked that I wanted to give the unit the tools to be noticeable) ; the new Persian ranged unit allows a better representation of eastern Iranian cultures and still fits post-Achaemenid representation like the Qizilbash

Spoiler Netherlands tweaks :

UI rework
UI - Polder
Unlocked at Physics
Must be built on water tiles with at least 3 adjacent land tiles
Can be built on resources, but removes them when completed
Cannot be pillaged or removed
Allows the passage of land Units

+2 :c5production: Production
+2 :c5culture: Culture
+2 :c5gold: Gold
+1 Production / Culture / Gold if adjacent to a City
+1 Production / Culture / Gold to adjacent Marshes

Same tech bonuses as the current Polder

UU1 tweaks
UU1 - Sea Beggar
Now unlocked at Navigation instead of Astronomy
Now has no movement or XP malus from being bought with Gold, and doesn't require a Building to be purchased

:c5strength: Combat Strength reduced from 42 to 40

Explanation : The Sea Beggar currently stands as one of the most bloated unique units, having early unlock, better CS and three very powerful free promotions. Since early unlocks is already taken by several other unique units (like the Spanish Armada) and the unit's free promotions are what create its unique gameplay, I nerfed some parts of the unit while keeping its power fantasy and adding a reference to its Corsair origins, giving the Netherlands more flexibility in term of unit deployement if it has the means to.
For the Polder, it currently stand as quite bland despite its unique premice, and so I wanted to make it more rare, but more interesting and powerful.

Spoiler China Tweak :

China rework.png

New Leader, Yongle => Leader Assets taken from JFD's Great Ming (Yongle), art by janboruta, map from regalman, leaderscreen by Antagonise

Chu-Ko-Nu tweaked
UU1 - Chu-Ko-Nu (replaces Crossbowman)
Now unlocked at Physics instead of Mechanics (RCS lowered by 1 to balance),
Repeater - Now +20% when within 2 tiles of a City

Paper Maker tweaked
UB - Paper Maker
Now gives Culture instead of Gold
+10% Culture in the City during WLTED
+1 Paper in the City per 15 Citizens
+20 Food in the City per Tech unlock (scaling with Era)

UU2 UnitIcon changed => taken from JFD's Great Ming (Yongle), art by janboruta

UB2 changed for the Lianchang
UB2 - Lianchang (replaces Forge)
Unlocked at Bronze Working (instead of Iron Working)
110 Production cost
No Maintenance cost
When constructed, spawn a Spearman

1 Science
+10% Food in the City during WLTED
+15 Food in the City when constructing a Building, scaling with Era

Bonus to Resources and Mines

Spoiler Greece Tweaks :

UB1 Acropolis replaced by the Gymnasion (Icon taken from the Greek split mod by Pouakai)
UB1 - Gymnasion (replaces Arena)
Unlocked at Mathematics (instead of Masonry)
150 Production cost
1 :c5gold: GPT Maintenance cost

+2 :c5science: Science
+2 :c5culture: Culture
+2 :tourism: Tourism
+50 HP to the City
+1 :c5war: Supply

+2 :c5production: Production from Barracks, Forge, Armory, Library, University, Amphiteater and Circus

When producing a Unit, converts 12% of its cost into :c5food: Food and :c5culture: Culture

Same Resources bonuses as the Arena
Same Happiness bonuses as the Arena

Explanation : Despite its name, the concept of the Acropolis itself (a fortified upper city) is very much not unique to Greece (you can find it all around the Mediterranean world at this time, especially... in Persia for example). By contrast, I've found the Gymnasium (or Gymnasion in Greek) to be a very interesting and peculiar part of Greek history that is most often referenced in Athens, but could in fact be found in numerous Greek cities, including those founded during Alexander's conquests. The yields gained from culture and science buildings means that Greek cities have to balance their constructions in the early game to benefit fully from the production bonus, while the food and culture gained from producing units allows the often food deprived Greek cities (because of their starting biases) to grow through military production that can then be used offensively or defensively (meaning Greece is no longer obliged to be a fully agressive civilization).

Spoiler Ottomans :

Starting bias moved to Hills
Capital renamed Bursa

UA - Completing a :trade: Trade Route grants +150 :c5science: Science and :c5food: Food to the origin City if International, or :c5culture: Culture and :c5gold: Gold if Internal, scaling with Era. :trade: Trade Route Yields to or from Ottoman Cities are not affected by distance.

UB replaced by UNW - Bab-i Ali
UNW - Bab-i Ali (replaces Printing Press)
Unlocked at Printing Press
Requires a Courthouse in the City (meaning it can only be built in a conquered City)
125 :c5production: Production cost (scaling with the number of Cities you own)

When constructed, spawn a Chancery in the City, and makes the City the new :c5capital: Ottoman Capital
No base yield

+3 :c5gold: Gold and :c5culture: Culture in the City per World Wonder in it
+4 Vision to Trade Units and all Trade Routes' duration is reduced by 33%
+1 Working Range to the City
+20% :c5production: Production towards Diplomatic Units in the City
+1 Paper
+1 Levy wave from Vassals at the start of each Era

UGPTI replaced by a UB
UB - Hamam (replaces the Baths)
Unlocked at Metal Casting
Doesn't require access to Fresh Water
200 :c5production: Production cost
1 :c5gold: GPT Maintenance cost

4 :c5food: Food
2 :c5science: Science

2 :c5culture: Culture
+1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5culture: Culture to Amphitheaters, Temples, Gardens, Barracks, Forges and Armories in the City
+10% :c5culture: Culture in the City during Golden Ages
+50 instant :c5production: Production in the City when an :trade: Internal Trade Route from the City ends, scaling with Era.

Spoiler Shoshones :

UA tweaked
UA - Vision Quest
Founded Cities start with 8 additional tiles, and Conquered Cities acquire 4 additional tiles. All Units receive +20% :c5strength: CS when fighting in owned territory, gain bonus yields and can choose rewards from Ancient Ruins.

UI buffed
UI - Encampment
+1 :c5culture: Culture at Drama and Poetry
+1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5food: Food from being on a :c5trade: City Connection Route (doubled if railroad)

UB replaced by another UB
UB - Nukkakahni (replaces Amphitheater)
Unlocked at Currency (instead of Drama and Poetry)
150 :c5production: Production cost (-25%)
No Maintenance cost

2 :c5culture: Culture
2 :c5science: Science
2 :c5gold: Gold

+25 :c5food: Food in the City when Units from the City kills hostile Units, scaling with Era
+25 Border Growth points whenever constructing a Building
+33% :c5production: Production towards all Settler Units

2 :greatwork: GWArt / Artifact slots (same theming bonuses as the Amphitheater)
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5culture: Boredom

Spoiler Incas :

UI becomes a normal Improvement
Improvement - Terrace Farm
Unlocked at Engineering
1000 Construction time (around 10 turns for a Worker)
Must be built on a Hill tile

1 :c5production: Production
+2 :c5food: Food per adjacent Mountain
Gains the same bonuses from Technologies, Policies and Buildings as the Farm

New UB to replace the UI
UB1 - Tambo (replaces Caravansary)
Unlocked at Currency
200 Production cost

2 :c5food: Food
2 :c5culture: Culture

2 :c5gold: Gold
+1 :c5food: Food / :c5production: Production / Border Growth point to all Courthouses in the Empire
+3% :c5gold: Gold from :c5trade: City Connections in the Empire

+1 Food and Gold per 2 Desert or Tundra tiles worked by the City

Grants the Chasqui promotion to Recon Units created in this City (Gains Experience from starting the turn in hostile territory ; +15 HP ; -50% :c5gold: Gold cost to be upgraded)

1 Civil Servant specialist

Tweaked UB2, now a Medieval Era Building
UB2 - Qullqa (replaces Grocer)
Unlocked at Civil Service (instead of Chemistry)
400 Production cost (instead of 500)
4 :c5gold: GPT Maintenance cost

+1 :c5food: Food per 5 :c5citizen:Citizens in the City
+1 :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold from Terrace Farms worked by the City
1 :c5happy: Happiness

25% of the [IMG alt=":c5food:"]https://forums.civfanatics.com/images/smilies/civ5/food.png[/IMG] Food is kept when a new [IMG alt=":c5citizen:"]https://forums.civfanatics.com/images/smilies/civ5/citizen.png[/IMG] Citizen is born
(instead of 15%)
+10 % efficiency to the :c5production: Food Process (meaning it now converts 30% of the City Production into Food instead of 20%)
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5gold: Poverty

UU2 replaced by a Longswordsman replacement
UU2 - Pakayok (replaces Longswordsman)
Unlocked at Construction
(instead of Steel)
184 :c5production: Production cost (+15%)
Doesn't require Iron

22 :c5strength: CS
2 MP / Vision

Sun Sentinel - +2 Vision ; +5 hp when healing ; +15% CS against wounded Units

Spoiler England :

UA Tweaked
UA - Perfidious Albion
Civilians and GPeople are Invisible and gain 2 Vision. +2 Border Growth points and Great Admiral points from Strategic Resources. Spies are more efficient. Gain 1 Spy at the start of the game.

Ship-of-the-Line replaced by the Redcoat
UU1 - Redcoat (replaces Fusilier)
531 :c5production: Production cost (-15%)

38 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: MP / Vision

Field Work
Ignores Terrain cost
The Sun Never Sets
- +2 Vision and +100% :c5strength: CS when defending embarked ; +1% :c5strength: CS per tile away from the :c5capital: Capital

White Tower replaced by a UI
UI - Motte-and-Bailey
Unlocked at Engineering
400 Construction time
Must be built on Strategic Resources, and improves them
When constructed, claims all adjacent tiles
+50% :c5strength: CS when defending on the tile

2 :c5food: Food
2 :c5production: Production
2 :c5science: Science
2 :c5gold: Gold
Gains the same yields from Resources as their normal improvements (ex. : +1 :c5science: Science from Iron)

Longbowman replaced by the First-Rate
UU2 - First-Rate (Unit UnitClass)
Unlocked at Navigation (obsolete at Dynamite ; upgades into Cruiser)
575 :c5production: Production cost (+125 compared to the Frigate)
Increased :c5gold: Gold maintenance cost
Can only have 6 at the same time (with unique names)

30 :c5strength: CS / 42 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
3 :c5moves: MP
/ 2 Vision

- +15% CS to Naval Units within 2 tiles

Steam Mill replaced by the Royal Dockyard
UB2 - Royal Dockyard (replaces Harbor)
Unlocked at Compass
350 Production cost
No Maintenance cost
Requires Water

+150 HP to the City
2 :c5gold: Gold
2 :c5science: Science
+1 :c5production: Production to Strategic resources worked by the City

+1 Food from Sea tiles
+1 Production from Sea Resources

+50% Range and Bonus Gold to Sea Trade Routes
Trigger a Historic Event when finishing a Sea Trade Route from the City

+35 % :c5production: Production towards Naval Units
Gain Great Engineer points whenever constructing post-Medieval Buildings in the City

Grants Naval Units created in the City the Senior Service promotion (+10 HP ; -50% :c5gold: Gold cost to be upgraded ; +5 :c5food: Food / :c5production: Production and +5% :c5food: Food / :c5production: Production to the City the Unit is garrisoned in).

Spoiler General Gameplay Changes :

- Removal of combat damage randomness (credits to @Rekk for the code and Flamingchessepie for telling me about it)
- Promotion-giving Natural Wonders rework
- More Barbarians spawn at King difficulty and higher + no more free embarkation for Barbarians before their unlock Fishing
- Minor text changes to policies (for now only Progress, still WIP)
- Cities gain -25% CS and -40% Health from Buildings
- Tech cost increased starting Medieval Era
Spoiler Warfare Rework :

Spoiler Picture of new Icons :


Spoiler New Units :

Unit - Cavalier => Icon and model taken from TarcisioCM's Great Moravia (art by janboruta)
Unlocked at Mathematics
120 Production cost
Requires Horse
Upgraded from the Horseman
Upgrades into the Knight

18 CS
4 MP / 2 Vision

Can Move after attacking
Attack malus against Cities
No Terrain Defense

Unit - Halberdier => Icon and model taken from JFD's Han (Wu) mod (art by janboruta)
Unlocked at Iron Working
90 Production
Upgraded from the Spearman
Upgrades into the Pikeman

14 CS
2 MP / 2 Vision

Formation I

Unit - Frontiersman => Model taken from Ethnic Diversity's Incan Scout ; Original art from Tomas Duchek (artstation page here), with his permission
Unlocked at Philosophy
110 Production cost
Upgraded from the Scout
Upgrades into the Explorer

13 CS
3 MP / 3 Vision

Ignores Terrain Cost
Treasure Hunter
Brute Force

Unit - Light Company => Icon and Model taken from Enlightenment Era
Unlocked at Economics
350 Production cost
Upgraded from the Explorer
Upgrades into the Commando

23 CS
3 MP

Ignores Terrain Cost
Can move after attacking

Spoiler Change to existing base Units :

Warrior / Brute
Upgrades into Swordsman
10 CS (+2)
50 Production cost (+10)
Gains Discipline


Obsolete at Sailing
8 CS (+2)
50 Production cost (+10)
=> Affects the Mayan Holkan

7 CS / 8 RCS (+1 / +2)
50 Production cost (+5)
=> Affects the Incan Waraq'aq

Unlocked at Mining
Obsolete at Iron Working
Upgrades into Halberdier
11 CS (-1)
60 Production cost (-10)
=> Affects the Babylonian Sabum Kibitum

Unlocked at Animal Husbandry
Obsolete at Mathematics
Upgrades into Cavalier
14 CS (+1)
75 Production cost (-15)
3 MP (-1)
=> Affects the Hunnic Tarkhan and the Assyrian Iron Chariot

Chariot Archer
Unlocked at The Wheel
9 CS / 7 RCS (+1 / +1)
60 Production cost
=> Affect the Egyptian War Chariot

8 CS / 10 RCS (+1 / +1)
75 Production cost
=> Affects the Babylonian Bowman

Unlocked at Fishing
Obsolete at Philosophy
Upgrades into Frontiersman
10 CS
80 Production cost

War Elephant
17 CS (+1)
Upgrades into Cavalier
125 Production cost
Lose Can move after attacking


17 CS (+1)
=> Affects the Iroquois, Indonesian and Roman replacement

20 RCS (+1)
=> Affects the Chinese Chu-Ko-Nu

18 CS (+1)

70 CS (-5)

77 CS (-5)

Modern Armor
90 CS (-10)

X-COM Squad and Giant Death Robot removed (not fun allowed) ;)

Spoiler Change to existing Unique Units :

Barbarian Units
No more CS malus compared to normal Units + the Hand-Axe is now a 10 CS / RCS unit

Aztec Eagle
Now a Spearman replacement with the promotions of base VP Jaguar
Unlocked immediatly
11 CS
50 Production cost (-10 compared to the Spearman)
Upgrades into Halberdier
Lose Brute Force in favor of Formation I

Aztec Jaguar
Now a Frontiersman replacement
16 CS (+3 CS compared to the Frontiersman)
Promotions of the Frontiersman + Quick Study + 25 Health when killing + 25% attack bonus

Greek Hoplites
Now a Halberdier replacement
15 CS
90 Production cost

Persian Immortals
Now a Halberdier replacement
Unlocked at Bronze Working
14 CS
90 Production cost

Celtic Pictish Warrior
Now a Swordsman replacement
Unlocked at Bronze Working
17 CS
85 Production cost

Polynesian Koa
Now a Frontiersman replacement
Unlocked at Sailing
13 CS
3 MP
Gains Brute Force

American Minuteman

Now a Light Company replacement
Unlocked at Economics
24 CS (+1)
300 Production cost (-50)
3 MP / 3 Vision
Same promotions as the Light Company + Homeland Defender
Spoiler Iran Changes :

Iranian Grivpanvar
Now a Cavalier replacement
140 Production cost
21 CS
3 MP

Iranian Tortobak Toptshi
Now a Musketman replacement (and not its own UnitClass)
Gains the same characteristics as base VP Minuteman (Ignores Terrain cost, Accuracy I, Golden Age points from kills)
Lose its base characteristics

Spoiler New Buildings :

Building - Palissade => Icon taken from TarcisioCM's Great Moravia (art by janboruta)
Unlocked at Trapping
65 Production cost

+3 CS and +50 HP to the City

Prevents 1 Unhappiness from Distress

Building - Bastion => Icon taken from Enlightenment Era mod
Unlocked at Gunpowder
500 Production cost
Requires a Castle in the City
4 GPT Maintenance cost

+8 CS and +100 HP to the City
Allows Indirect Ranged Strikes
+5 Health to Garrisonned Units when healing

+1 GEngineer point
+1 GGeneral point
+5 Food

Spoiler Change to existing Buildings :

Statue of Zeus
Now spawn a free Forge (instead of Barracks)
1 Faith replaced by 3 Gold (to support early warmongering)

Himeji Castle
Now spawn a free Bastion (instead of a Castle)

Terracotta Army
Unlocked at Military Theory
185 Production cost

Angkor Wat
Unlocked at Masonry
200 Production cost

Heroic Epic
Unlocked at Military Theory

Walls => New Icon taken from Enigma_Conundrum's Byzantium (Basil II)
Unlocked at Masonry
150 Production Cost
Requires a Palissade in the City
=> Changes affect Walls of Babylon and Lamassu Gate too

Requires a Bastion in the City

+8 CS and +100 HP to the City
+1 Range to City Strikes
+5 Health to Garrisonned Units when healing
=> Changes affect the Krepost and Schützenstand too

Unlocked at Bronze Working
110 Production cost
+3 Food (+2)
=> Changes affect the Buffalo Pound too (unlocked at Calendar)

Unlocked at Metal Casting
200 Production cost (-50)
1 Science (-1)
=> Changes affect the Dojo too

Spoiler Change to existing Improvements :

Forest and Jungle Lumbermills moved to Bronze Working

Spoiler Other Changes :

Iron reveal moved to Mining

Spoiler Promotion-giving Natural Wonders rework :

Sri Pada
Base yield changed to 2 :c5food: / :c5faith: / :c5science:
Sacred Step promotion changed to "Cannot be captured".

Fountain of Youth
Base yield increased to 6 :c5food:
Everlasting Youth promotion changed to "+5 Max HP"

Base yields changed to 2 :c5food: / :c5gold: / :c5culture:
Altitude Training promotion changed to "Can enter Mountain tiles", and is now given to foot troops and Workers (not Mounted or Siege Units)

- Ancient Ruins rebalancing
Spoiler Ancient Ruins rebalancing :

Possible bonuses removed :
- Unit upgrade
- Tile revealing
- Free tiles
- Free technology
- Free Golden Age points
- Free Faith pre-pantheon

Bonus buffed :
- Free Experience (now 20 XP instead of 10)

Added bonus :
- Free Science
- Free Food
- Free Border Growth points

Explanation :
The goal of this rebalancing is to remove as much of the power variability of the Ancient Ruins as possible : they are meant to spice up the exploration game and the early game, but currently the power level between the different bonuses is too great. My goal was to make sure that the bonuses were all reasonable enough, so that civs that rely on Ancient Ruins (Shoshones, Mayas in 4UC) aren't left out by all the players (including me) who disabled Ancient Ruins until now because of their problems.

Incoming :
- Japan rework
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V.2 online :
- Removed the Golden Age bonus from the Stele (already taken by Songhai's new UA, and having no true synergy with the rest of the Ethiopian kit), and replaced it with 2 Food and Golden Age points
- France UA rework (more incoming, but I wanted to test the concept first)
- Removed the big Faith Ancient Ruins, replaced by a flat amount increasing with Eras, like other yield ARuins.

Note that the French bonus won't apply to National Wonders added by Pineappledan's New Beliefs or Bare Necessities, since I've still not found a way to automate the process.
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I'm not sure exactly why, but with this mod in my game, the AI gets the pantheon in the first 10 turns of the game, probably due to the rework of the ancient ruins. Is this a bug?
I'm not sure exactly why, but with this mod in my game, the AI gets the pantheon in the first 10 turns of the game, probably due to the rework of the ancient ruins. Is this a bug?
I think the removal of several options for Ancient Ruins made the probability of getting the faith one more likely, thus resulting in some cases where the AI gets lucky and can get a pantheon very quickly.

With the new version of VP, new yields are available for Ancient Ruins bonuses, thus allowing me to put new types of ruins in the next version of the tweak mod. So this is only a temporary problem.
Can confirm. In a game as Austria, my first ruins were the faith one, allowing me to get a pantheon on turn 3-4.
V.3 online :
- Rework the Musketeer, now a Commando replacement
- Change the SPAD for the Bombarde-Mortier from Rawsasquatch's Jeanne d'Arc France custom civ => early Cannon that heals and gains levels quicker
- China tweak : Chu-Ko-Nu moved to Physics in exchange for 1 Ranged Combat Strength ; its unique promotion now reduces the Combat Strength of hostile units within 2 tiles by 10% instead of giving a combat bonus near cities.
- Ethiopia : removed the Food and GAge points from the Stele, replaced by a 10% Faith conversion into Food in the City.

Thank you to @gwennog for his precious help. :)

Note that all these changes are modular : you are free to remove any part you dislike.
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Really intriguing tweaks, I don't necessarily agree with everything, but I'll definitely give it a go on my next play. I especially like the French rework, I agree that the base UA is way too one-dimensional, and your rework makes a lot of sense and fits France well :thumbsup:

- Rework the Musketeer, now a Commando replacement

What does it mean exactly? I can't even recall the Commando, isn't it a modern+ era unit?
Really intriguing tweaks, I don't necessarily agree with everything, but I'll definitely give it a go on my next play. I especially like the French rework, I agree that the base UA is way too one-dimensional, and your rework makes a lot of sense and fits France well :thumbsup:
You can remove whatever you dislike, so don't worry. :)
What does it mean exactly? I can't even recall the Commando, isn't it a modern+ era unit?
It's the Industrial Era Recon unit, at a point in the game tile revealing is far less important, and so the unit plays more like a light infantry strike team, which fits the playstyle of the Musketeer quite well.
I really like the changes to Songhai and France, how it makes them less reliant on early conquest and adds more flexibility. I'm not sure about Ethiopia though. You can often get one golden age before founding your religion so the change to the Stele is a slight nerf to their early game. I will probably play my next game with them just to check this but the faith conversion to food could be a bit underwhelming without the UI from the 3C/4C mod, unless you really prioritize and maximize faith generation.

I'm looking forward to test this out.
This is probably the most interesting UA I've seen proposed for France among all the iterations since the release. I'm wondering if a conversion from Tourism to Gold wouldn't be a better fit thematically and gameplay-wise.

The Musketeer is a little weird: a recon/frontline/healer but loosing the exploration bonus. (Note: it would also need some tweaks to be compatible with Enlightment Era)
For reference here is the custom Musketeer I've played with for a few years: "Musketman replacement, 3 moves, +3CS, move after attacking, infiltrators". That one is highly mobile, quite resistant and make good use of concentrating fire.

About the ancients ruins, you really want to lower the base faith reward from 50 to 15 to be more in line with the culture rewards. Is it possible now to have a Food reward from the ruins to replace the one with free population ?
I like the look of these changes. Although I have to say that 33% Golden Age faith boost from Songhai's UA sounds a bit OP when Ethiopia only got a 25% boost from their UB (which needed to be built first to take effect). France changes look good as well, but I don't see the reason for removing Brute Force, treasure Hunter and Reconnaissance from just France's commando replacement, unless you meant to say that every civ's commandos lose it as well.

I think the removal of several options for Ancient Ruins made the probability of getting the faith one more likely, thus resulting in some cases where the AI gets lucky and can get a pantheon very quickly.

With the new version of VP, new yields are available for Ancient Ruins bonuses, thus allowing me to put new types of ruins in the next version of the tweak mod. So this is only a temporary problem.

I'm not sure about this, but it FEELS like the current VP makes it so you need to play for at least a certain number of turns before ruins will give you faith. Not sure how many turns if that's true, but if your mod makes it possible to get a pantheon before turn 10 from just ruins, that makes Stonehenge almost not worth building IMO. Other than that I REALLY like the idea of balancing the ancient ruins bonuses, as I find myself itching to save scum on ruins for a free tech or a big early gold bonus for a 2nd pathfinder or worker, and when I DO get stuck doing this, I lose my sanity very quickly - "why settle for 2-3 turns worth of culture when I can reload my game and maybe get a free tech that would cost 10 turns otherwise?" Because of that, ancient ruins are perhaps my biggest gripe about this game in general.
I'm wondering if a conversion from Tourism to Gold wouldn't be a better fit thematically and gameplay-wise.
Gold is a yield that loses more and more of its power as the game passes. Knowing that this part of the UA is meant to be a scaling element for the second half of the game (during the first, it does almost nothing), I don't think gold is a good choice for a yield. Plus, I like the idea of a self-fulfilling loop : the production you gain helps you take wonders more reliably in the endgame, helping you stay relevant in term of tourism etc.
The Musketeer is a little weird: a recon/frontline/healer but loosing the exploration bonus. (Note: it would also need some tweaks to be compatible with Enlightment Era)
France changes look good as well, but I don't see the reason for removing Brute Force, treasure Hunter and Reconnaissance from just France's commando replacement, unless you meant to say that every civ's commandos lose it as well.
The explorations bonuses are almost irrelevant at this point of the game (a majority of the tiles have been discovered, there is almost no more barbarians or ancient ruins) so I simply removed them from the Musketeer (as we did the Macchieri in the Corsica mod) to not have a unit with too many promotions, and a lot of dead ones.

For Enlightenment Era, it is a bit tricky, since EE creates a lot of issues, and I don't know yet how to make mods whose effects depend on the other mods installed (so with compatibility effects).
For reference here is the custom Musketeer I've played with for a few years: "Musketman replacement, 3 moves, +3CS, move after attacking, infiltrators". That one is highly mobile, quite resistant and make good use of concentrating fire.
About using Infiltrator for the Musketeer :
- the unit already has a bonus when attacking, so I thought stacking another potential +50% CS on it would be too much
- it forces you to place outside of your territory, which is something I don't want
- because of the historical role of the Musketeers as royal enforcers and officers, they are a unit that to me should be able to fight effectively with other troops and support them while still being able to act as shock troops (hence the Benevolence promotion)
About the ancients ruins, you really want to lower the base faith reward from 50 to 15 to be more in line with the culture rewards. Is it possible now to have a Food reward from the ruins to replace the one with free population ?
@balparmak has made possible to make ancient ruins give food or border growth points, but it is less easy than what I did for the tweaks until now, and I don't have time this week for that unfortunately.
Although I have to say that 33% Golden Age faith boost from Songhai's UA sounds a bit OP when Ethiopia only got a 25% boost from their UB (which needed to be built first to take effect).
Ethiopia's bonus was on the monument, the first building you built in any of your cities, so in effect it was part of its UA. For Songhai, I'm still testing the idea, so it's normal the values are a bit high : I need reviews before making a decision.
Note that the French bonus won't apply to National Wonders added by Pineappledan's New Beliefs or Bare Necessities, since I've still not found a way to automate the process.

As long as your mod is loaded in last, you could put in something like this:
INSERT INTO Trait_BuildingClassYieldChanges (TraitType, BuildingClassType, YieldType, YieldChange)
FROM BuildingClasses WHERE MaxPlayerInstances > 0;

EDIT: Huh, looks like you already had something like that in your file. Although I'm assuming you had issues with the "WHERE Type IN (MaxPlayerInstances = 1)", which looks to be a typo.
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The explorations bonuses are almost irrelevant at this point of the game (a majority of the tiles have been discovered, there is almost no more barbarians or ancient ruins) so I simply removed them from the Musketeer (as we did the Macchieri in the Corsica mod) to not have a unit with too many promotions, and a lot of dead ones.

Fair enough, but like I said, if you’re going to do this, you should go all the way and remove those promotions from the default commando as well.

It doesn’t happen often, but there have been situations where I found ancient ruins during the industrial era (usually on islands in the middle of the ocean), and larger maps definitely take more eras to fully explore without changing game pace in tandem, so you’re risking this weird scenario where a player could possibly get a bit more xp from tile reveals or more ruin yields from their recon units if they were playing anyone BUT France. While it might not have much impact in the industrial era, having it only affect France makes it seem more like an oversight or a bug rather than a carefully considered balance change.

Even if you remove these promotions from all commandos, doing it because "players ought to have revealed most of the map by then" is based on too many generalizations about play style, starting position, map size, geography, how busy a player is dealing with warmongering neighbors, etc. If you’re worried that having too many promotions clutters up the user interface (which it totally does), that would warrant changing the UI, not the units themselves.

On the other hand, I can understand removing xp for tile reveal on mid-late game recon units. On larger maps, after revealing most of the land, I’ve found myself sending recon units to grind xp from unrevealed ocean tiles, and that could make it too easy to level up units that will eventually take on combat-focused roles like para-dropping and pillaging.
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Just downloaded your mod. I can confirm that the changes to Songhai's UA are active in the Civilopedia, but it says that the Sofa is unlocked at Chivalry rather than Guilds. Is there a conflict with 3rd/4th UCs that I need to resolve, or is the change in effect and the reference pages just haven't been updated?

Edit: Just checked France, and the SPAD has not been replaced by the new cannon, so I think the problem's on my end. Is there a way to guarantee that your mod loads after 3/4 UC?
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Just downloaded your mod. I can confirm that the changes to Songhai's UA are active in the Civilopedia, but it says that the Sofa is unlocked at Chivalry rather than Guilds. Is there a conflict with 3rd/4th UCs that I need to resolve, or is the change in effect and the reference pages just haven't been updated?

Edit: Just checked France, and the SPAD has not been replaced by the new cannon, so I think the problem's on my end. Is there a way to guarantee that your mod loads after 3/4 UC?

No problem on my side, the SPAD still exist but is not buildable by anyone other changes are correctly applied.

To force loading after 3/4UC open the modinfo file and add the following just below </Dependencies>

<Mod id="259c3593-34dd-4fdd-bd7d-8ed67cc0797c" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="(over) More Unique Components for VP" />
V.4 online :
- France : removed the Chateau, replaced by the Sainte-Chapelle
- Ancient Ruins : thanks to @balparmak, new Ancient Ruins types for Food and Border Growth points ; added back the XP ruins, now buffed to 20 XP (can be removed easily if asked)
- Rome : removed the bonus territory when conquering cities ; added the ability for all Roman infantry (Unmounted Melee, Gun, Archer and Recon) to build Roads and Forts, and gave +1 Food and Production to Roman Forts.

Thanks to @balparmak (dll code) and @gwennog (Sainte-Chapelle Icon) for making this update possible. :hatsoff:

As always, all the changes are modular, and you can easily remove those you dislike.
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Since updating to v.4 I've been crashing every game on the 1st or 2nd turn. No crash when the mod is disabled. Might be triggered by player or AI claiming ancient ruins.

EDIT: I now suspect it might be due to the way I turned off some parts of the mod. Will check with a fresh install.

EDIT: Fresh install, started a new game and it crashed after Turn 1, just like my other games.

EDIT: Tried removing the "General Changes" from the <Files> and <Actions> lists in the MODINFO file, still crashed after Turn 1.
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V.5 online :
- Fixes to the Ancient Ruins (new AR types doing nothing) and crash problems (thanks balparmak) ;
- Added my own take on a Roman rework, focused on consistency and scaling (Rome wasn't built in one day) while keeping the Classical Era power-spike core of the civ (thanks to Rek and pineappledan for the inspiration)

Rome rework.png

As always, all the parts are removeable, although for Rome removing the Campus Martius while keeping the Villa isn't advised (for it would give you 2 unique improvements).

Also, be advised that there is a possibility that the Villa could be removed and placed repeatedly if the player wants to
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