history mod


Mar 18, 2015
This is a light-weight mod that modifies the behavior of the AI in terms of colonization and conquest. It could include far more, but I've tried to only include critical content without bloating the game too much.
For every event that fires, you'll see a purple message. E.g: "Portugal is exploring the Atlantic Ocean and African Coast.".
This mod is railroaded (triggered by technology research) and makes the colonizers and conquerors far more dangerous than in the base game.

To install just override the Minors.py file in CIV4\Mods\RFC Dawn of Civilization\Assets\Python\
The mod has 2 main components and a minor component:

1) Colonization.
Colonizers colonize parts of the world, when they research a certain tech. They colonize in waves (e.g. Spain colonizes on Exploration, Geography, Optics and Physics). This way the dates are not hardcoded and the colonization process is pushed by the same technologies that enabled colonization irl.
Colonization events are included for: Portugal, Spain, England, France, Netherlands, Russia, America, Japan, Germany.
All the colonization events start on line 854

2) Conquerors
Conquerors declare war trying to conquer parts of the world, when they research a certain tech. e.g. England gets conquerors on Ireland/Scotland with Companies, South Africa with Measurement, India with ReplaceableParts and then tries to reconquer India/Australia/SouthAfrica on Nationalism/MachineTools/Ballistics/Pneumatics/Infrastructure.
Various important conflicts are modelled this way: castille-aragon unification, the reconquista, spanish colonial rule, portuguese colonial rule, the commonwealth's invasion of russia, nationalism in the balkans (independents rise up), english conquests in ireland/scotland/south africa/india, french nationalism and colonial rule, dutch colonial rule, russia subjugation of novogorod/steppes/central asia/crimean war, the american conquest of the west, us colonial wars in panama and phillippines, german nationalism and colonialism, WW in europe, WW in asia, US interventions in the middle east/korea/vietnam. I have only tried to model conflicts which are both important and which rarely emerge within the current simulation.
All the conquerror events start on line 1106.

3) More minor cities.
The mod also adds ~15 more minor cities like amsterdam, riga, etc, to account for minor civilizations. Nothing fancy here, but it makes Europe a bit more crowded, as per history.

Bonus: the colonization and conquest behavior is not included for the human player, but it can easily be re-enabled by toggling the following True/False.
constColonizeForAI = True
constColonizeForHuman = False
constConquestsForAI = True
constConquestsForHuman = False

I unfortunately don't have time for a more detailed model, like in the 1.17 mod https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/historical-mod.681361/. Because of this, this modmod tries to be very light-weight and closer to the base game feeling, that's why i created a new thread.



Oh, you've updated it! Very exicted to try it as it sounds to me interesting. I'm a fan of more historic approach of civs behavior as they always developed due to some circumstances starting from their emergences. So it always acward to me when the civs behave semi-randomly.
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