HMM2 - Zulu War Mongering Diplomats


The 4000BC Save
Start doesn't look too good. We might want to move the worker and scout to see the surrounding, before settling.
Turn 1: 4000BC
The soon to be great civilisation of the zulu's is born and the first great descision of their existence is raised... to move the settler or not to move the settler.. is that coast??

Move the scout to have a closer look!!

It has one food and is massive, I guess thats the sea... That position next to the sea and a river and wine with possibly a forest on the borders is too good.. I move the settler :o

Worker actions?? This is not going to be a 4TSF, we are surrounded by hills.. will go and mine the wines first for 2 sheilds and 2 food.

Turns out that there is no forest on our borders, just hills as far as the eyes can see..

Turn 2: 3950BC
The great capital of Zululand is built Zimbabwe...
production is set to a scout in 5 turns, growth in 10 turns.

A look at the map shows that we are in the centre(ish) of the map, so I will send our scout south to find better lands for our future cities and hopefully a 4TSF.

Set research to 0%

Turn 3: 3900BC
Set research to The Wheel as we can not pop what we are researching..

Turn 4: 3850BC

Turn 5: 3800BC
Sure enough our scout discovers more fertile ground just south of Zimbabwe with a great river running through it

Turn 6: 3750BC

Turn 7: 3700BC
Zimbabwe Scout -> Scout

This scout will go west to look for more fertile land

Turn 8: 3650BC

Turn 9: 3600BC
Discover spices and a flood plain south near the great river

Turn 10: 3550BC

Turn 11: 3500BC

Turn 12: 3450BC
Zimbabwe's culture grows and size grows :)
It will grow again in 20, we can build a settler in 10.. so in 10 turns it will be time to start a settler for a 4TSF near the great river south of Zimbabwe.
Our third scout is built so I go for a warrior in 4 now for MP and then another warrior in 5 for a guard for the settler due in 20.
Although this is all wrong because the mine on the grapes will be done in 2.. i will review it all then.

Scout 3 will head north into the mountians.

Scout 2 finds silks in the jungle to the west.

Scout 1 pops a goodie hut and gets Ceremonial Burial

No MP so lux to 30%

Turn 13: 3400BC

Turn 14: 3350BC
Scout 1 meets the romans, they know Alphabet but not pottery, however they do not wish to swap knowledge with us at this stage.

Worker completes mine and starts road, their is not a lot of point in mining another square yet as I plan to have a settler out next time zimbabwe grows.

Warrior now complete in 1 and a settler can be complete in 8

Turn 15: 3300BC
Warrior is built..
17 turns until Zimbabwe grows..
Scout in 3
Warrior in 3
Settler in 8
so want to start a settler in 9 turns.. build another 2 scouts and then a warrior

Now have MP in Zimbabwe and so drop Lux to 0%

Scout 1 finds Romes border near several Gems in the mountains
Scout 3 finds the northern coast
Scout 2 finds more Jungle

First settler warrior pair released from Rome :( Bet their going towards those spices...

Turn 16: 3250BC

Turn 17: 3200BC

Turn 18: 3150BC
Scout -> Scout

This scout will explore the region near us a bit better

Turn 19: 3100BC
Scout 1 meets the Aztecs and trades Pottery + 60gld for Bronze working

Turn 20: 3050BC
Scout 3 sees a goodie hut to the north

Wow thats what I call a tough start.. I hope those decisions were okay with everyone..

Plans for Zimbabwe is to get a settler out of there ASAP to get a decent location for a 4TSF near the great river just south of Zimbabwe.

My defense for moving the settler is for food, we would not of been able to have a harbour were it was.. now however it can grow big and have amazing production from those hills.

Heres the great river and were I think our 4 turn settler factory should go, or at least near here.


Heres were the spices are, however we may lose those to the romans


Towards the north west there is a lot of jungle and some silks


And heres the save
1) Hmmm
2) Kaiser (up next)
3) zurichuk (on deck)
4) flamingmoose
5) Bede
6) Gormdragon

Please keep it to a got in 24 and played in 48, otherwise you will be skipped.

Thanks :)
I think this is an almost deadend start. We can produce only 6 food at pop 3 and this means that we cannot grow beyond size 3. We need to make a settler soon, but this is a very bad start.

Zimbabwe is on a really crappy location. With either hills (+1food) or sea/coast(+1food until MM), we have way too much hills with no grassland/plains to grow. Looks like we are stuck with a size 3 capital until MM.

To make a 4TSF, you need +5food per turn. It does not look possible with orange spot.

BTW, i managed to pop the tech I was researching.

My 2 cents.
I agree its a very bad start, but its an SG so it makes it more fun :) can't thrash the AI everytime :P

I didn't realise you could pop what you were researching.... that saves that problem.. research is on 0% anyway. There must be a settler factory near that river somewhere even if we get 5 turns its better than Zimbabwe.

You wouldn't want me to of tried again for another start would you :o ...
I agree we should keep going, that what makes it fun :D
My oh about a challenging start! Well, I'll see what I can do :) Hopefully there is some kind of food bonus nearby on one of the rivers.

Got it, will play and post by sometime this evening.
Alrighty, I had a quick urge to play so I took it.

Preturn- Change research to Mysticism and give 10% research. Min science run started.

IT- Zimbawe-scout-> scout

Turn 1 (3000 BC)

Worker starts road
Scout pops hut. Harrappans give us regional maps
Move scouts. Hut spotted NW.

IT- zzz

Turn 2 (2950)

Hut popped. Kassites give us maps, showing Greek city of Sparta to N
Move scouts.

IT- zzz

Turn 3 (2900)

Hut spotted W
Scouts move

IT- Zimb-scout->settler (8 turns)

Turn 4 (2850)

NW scout contacts German spearman. They are even in tech.
NW scout also contacts Greeks. The have Alphabet, we have ceremonial burial and pottery. He’ll trade alpha for our tech, 44 g and 1gpt. No way in hell.
Move scouts

IT- zzz

Turn 5 (2800)

Scout pops Alphabet from hut
Move scouts

IT- zzz

Turn 6 (2750)

Move scouts
Germany has Masonry. They’ll take Alphabet for it. I agree.
IT- Contact Iroquois warrior

Turn 7 (2710)

Worker completes road, starts mine
Move scouts

IT- zzz

Turn 8 (2670)

Scouts move. Fertile land spotted SW of Zimb

IT- zzz

Turn 9 (2630)

Scouts move. Hut spotted near Rome.

IT- zzz

Turn 10 (2590)

Momentarily change production in Zimb to granary to give chance for settler from hut. No settler, but the Sarbardar teach us of the Wheel. Change production back to settler.


Well, I think we’ll be able to do OK once we have a few cities out in the good terrain that we have around our capital. After the settler is done in Zimb, I suggest making a granary so we don’t have to wait so insanely long for growth.


The save
Good going, the land around us looks good if only we could get some settlers :P

This should be an interesting SG :) The other two I am playing in are a bit of a white wash, its about time for a challenge :)

There are at least two other luxeries up for grabs to go with our wine. Plus there must be iron in all of those hills and mountains and pleny of desert for oil.

Anyway zurichuk its your turn to lead the zulus into a great future...

1) Hmmm
2) Kaiser
3) zurichuk (up next)
4) flamingmoose (on deck)
5) Bede
6) Gormdragon

BTW has anyone found a good site for a 4TSF? We are going to need one now, we are likely to be at least four cities behind by the time we have it up and running.
The area around the wheat and the floodplain might be able to become, although the corruption might keep it from bringing in the necessary shields.

With the decent land we have around, we don't necessarily need one great 4-turn factory. If we manage to get 3-4 cities that can produce settlers and a decent pace, we'll be good.

Also, in the future I think we should certainly try to relocate our palace into the middle of the continent, right in the midst of that beautiful grassland and rivers.
I'd say SW of Zimbabwe on the river or something...not too far yet...we just need a second city that has some food. The grassland will help that for now.
My attempt at a dotmap.


Blue looks like a food power house but there isn't enough shield production to make a 4 turn settler.

Orange, Grey, Yellow, Red and Blue are good locations, I would try to jump the palace to yellow if we have the chance.

Green captures horses and Cyan captures silk.

My priority are

(1) avoid settling on BGs.
(2) try to get immediate access to BGs.
(3) try to get river access.
Dot map looks good.

Please read rules at begining of thread, which includes rules about palace jumps :) If the palace needs to move it must be built brick by brick or with a leader
I like the dots as well. I'd say we make red our first priority, then green or blue.

Edit: changed the colors I stated. Think I've been up a little too long :crazyeye:
thanks for the dotmap, gormdragan, much appreciated

i have a question now, want to consult as this is not a good start, I've got to the stage where I have the settler, I'm about halfway into my turns, the red dot is obviously the closest, but still looks like 20 turns until growth to size 3, however could it be worth building on the blue spot first? It would take 5 more turns to get there but ultimately it may be more profitable.

edit many cross posts :-), red was my first instinct, just thought I'd ask :-), any other opinions?, I'll wait a while and then finish
I gues the issue is with corruption, the blue dot will not make as many sheilds because a) there are not many there and b) it is far away from the capital for despotism and thus we will get corruption.

The dot map is good however we need to start generating settlers quickly, I think may be on the hill near the wheat would be a good place to start churning out settlers.. get the worker over there as well to start improving the land as well.

That hill would be good because it will be able to farm the plains and get lots of food plus it will have hills near it for lots of sheilds.

There is not a lot of point thinking about the best place for cities when we have no settlers to build them. Top priority is a site with good food and sheild generating possabilities.

Yeah the more I think about it the more I like that hill, we may have to MM that city to get settlers out quickly but its the best site I can see at the moment.
I think we have to go for getting another city down ASAP. That why red seems good...not as much food as we would like, but it'll suffice. At least then we'll have two slow growing cities to squeeze settlers out of instead of one :lol:

Edit: Thinking a little more now, maybe the food will be more helpful, even if it is at a farther distance. Also, since it is only our second city, it won't be too corrupt even if it is a ways out. That is, until we plop down a city thats closer to the capital. It would be fairly productive for a while though.
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